Proper nutrition has a positive effect on human health.
Nutritionists claim that perfect breakfast respecting the principles proper nutrition- oatmeal porridge, or oatmeal. It will give a charge of vivacity for a long time and will not affect the figure.
This porridge is familiar to many people since childhood, but why is it so famous all over the world? Will eating oatmeal do more good than harm?
French women, who are known as the most slender nation, are confident that oatmeal contributes to weight loss.
A traditional English breakfast includes this porridge without fail. Statistics prove that the British have the lowest percentage of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This fact makes us think about the benefits of oatmeal for the human body.

What is included, what is the calorie content of oatmeal

Oat flakes are steamed and flattened grains of dried oats. That's why cereals preserved the beneficial properties of this cereal. They contain fiber and proteins that help increase muscle mass. As well as micro and macro elements, such as:
. phosphorus
. manganese
. iodine
. magnesium
. selenium
. silicon
. iron
. zinc
. calcium
. chromium
Oatmeal has a high content of B vitamins and vitamins A, K, PP and E.
Oat flakes have numerous health benefits, largely due to the presence of amino acids in their composition, such as lecithin, tryptophan, choline and methonine.
In addition to them, the composition of oatmeal also includes organic acids - raspberry, oxalic, pantothenic and nicotinic.
The calorie content of oatmeal is high - 352kcal per 100g of dry flakes.
Carbohydrates - a source of energy - are contained in oats in an amount equal to 61.8g per 100g of dry product. Therefore, it is recommended to eat oatmeal for breakfast to provide the body with energy for the whole day. Proteins and fats in 100g contain 12.3g and 6.2g, respectively.
Oats are not only used as food by humans, they are the best food for horses and other animals. In England, dark beer is brewed from oats - oatmeal stout. In Scotland, oats are used in the preparation of local cheese.

Oatmeal: preparation

Oatmeal is prepared differently in different parts of the world.
Flakes can be boiled or simply poured with water or milk.
In medicine, oats are used as a sedative (in the form of an alcohol tincture). An infusion of oats in purified water will help you recover from an illness, and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
And for cosmetic purposes, oats are used - oatmeal masks will help get rid of inflammation and redness on the skin.

What are the benefits of oatmeal for the human body?

The health benefits of oatmeal are numerous: regular use oatmeal will help overcome depression and fatigue, prevent nervous disorders, improve the general condition of the person.
What exactly is the benefit of oatmeal for human health, it is worth considering in more detail.
. First of all, oatmeal has a great influence on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Helps with constipation. It is recommended for use by people suffering from gastritis, pancreatitis or stomach ulcers. Helps to restore the intestinal microflora, prevents the appearance of dysbacteriosis;
. From the side of the cardiovascular system, a positive effect is noted - there is a normalization of the heart rhythm. In the blood, the level of cholesterol and sugar is normalized;
. The nervous system is strengthened: sleep improves, a person becomes calmer, chronic fatigue syndrome disappears;
. Immunity is boosted by regular breakfasts, in the form of oatmeal. A decoction of oats is used to restore the body after an illness;
. Improves brain function;
. Oatmeal contributes to the treatment of pneumonia, helps to get rid of cough, if consumed in the form of a decoction with milk;
. They help the process of purification and restoration of the liver. Normalize the work of the kidneys;
. Promote the removal of toxins and toxins, prevent the formation of blood clots;
. Participate in the process of hematopoiesis, increasing the level of leukocytes;
. Oat flakes are an antioxidant, which is necessary for maintaining health, beauty and youth;
. Helps heal burns and heal wounds;
. Positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.
It is recommended to include in the diet of people with problems with the gastrointestinal tract, with disorders of cardiovascular activity and prone to excess weight. What is important, people suffering diabetes, consume oatmeal porridge not prohibited.
The benefits of oatmeal for the body are undeniable, especially given the unique composition and beneficial properties of this product. But does oatmeal have contraindications or side effects?

Can oatmeal harm the body?

Oatmeal is contraindicated for people suffering from intolerance to cereals (celiac disease or gluten enteropathy). This is a disease that leads to dire consequences if treatment is not started on time. The onset of the disease is provoked by eating cereals containing gluten.
The use of oatmeal in large quantities leads to leaching of calcium from the bones and their subsequent deformation. It can cause osteoporosis - an increase in bone fragility and a decrease in bone density. This is due to the accumulation of phytic acid in the body, which is found in oats.
Cereals fast food to some extent lose their useful properties during processing, compared with ordinary oatmeal. But they won't do any harm.
Oatmeal has no other contraindications, except for individual intolerance.

But what are the benefits of eating oatmeal for pregnant and lactating women?

During childbearing, a woman needs more folic acid, which reduces the risk of defects in the development of the nervous system and brain of the fetus. One serving of oatmeal contains 15% of the daily requirement of this vitamin for the body of a pregnant woman.
In addition to folic acid, which is vitamin B9, oatmeal contains other B vitamins.
The lack of thiamine (B1) affects the heart of the expectant mother, tachycardia may develop. Perhaps the appearance of shortness of breath, irritability, sleep disturbances. Thiamine helps eliminate pain in the nerve plexuses that occur at the end of pregnancy.
Riboflavin (B2) helps the absorption of other vitamins, is involved in the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. It is necessary for the formation of new blood cells, helps to avoid vision problems. Participates in the process of fetal formation, which means that a pregnant woman must definitely prevent a lack of this water-soluble vitamin.
Pyridoxine (B6) is found in oatmeal in large quantities. Helps pregnant women in the treatment of toxicosis, increases the absorption of other B vitamins.
While waiting for the baby in the body of a woman high risk development of iron deficiency anemia, so the use of iron-containing foods and drugs is necessary during this period of time. The benefits of oatmeal in this matter are obvious - they contain 20% of the daily intake of iron.
Constipation is common in pregnant women. As mentioned earlier, oatmeal is used to treat this ailment and normalize bowel function.
Calcium and phosphorus are necessary for the formation of the skeletal system of the fetus. Iodine is necessary to exclude the occurrence of pathologies in the development of the brain. All these nutrients are found in oatmeal, which is why they are so beneficial for the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus.
In the postpartum period, oatmeal helps a woman's body recover, especially with a lot of blood loss.
For lactating women, oatmeal will help increase the amount of breast milk.
The use of hercules is contraindicated only if there is gluten intolerance.

Oatmeal for children: good or bad?

A child's acquaintance with cereals occurs at an early age. For some mothers, doctors recommend introducing porridge into the baby’s diet from the age of 4 months if the baby is underweight. But due to the gluten content of oatmeal, introducing oatmeal as a complementary food is recommended not earlier than the child is 6-8 months old.
By useful properties oatmeal is only comparable to breast milk.
Vitamin A helps in the formation of bones and teeth, improves vision. B vitamins are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, liver and kidneys.
Oatmeal gives the child a lot of energy, helps to overcome lethargy and drowsiness. It is also important that oatmeal helps to strengthen immune system, are a prophylactic against obesity and diabetes.
The taste of porridge is pleasant, easily combined with fruits, berries, milk or honey. Therefore, feeding a child with such a breakfast is not difficult.
Oatmeal normalizes the work of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, it is recommended for use especially for those children who are prone to constipation. If there is frequent liquefaction of the stool, then it is better to refuse oatmeal.
Oat flakes are very healthy, because it is a natural source of energy, vitamins and minerals.

Is eating oatmeal good for weight loss?

The calorie content of oatmeal is quite high, but it is impossible to get fat from eating them, because they are easily absorbed by the body.
There are even diets based on this product. During such a diet, depression is not terrible, because oats help the body resist stress. A diet on oatmeal will not bring any harm to the body - they contain a large amount of essential vitamins and minerals. Oatmeal helps to remove excess fluid from the body, improves skin condition.
The energy from a portion of oatmeal will last for a long time, so you are unlikely to want to open the refrigerator once again to have a snack.
During the diet, the body will improve, the intestines will be cleansed, the condition of hair and nails will improve, and well-being will improve. Therefore, during weight loss, oatmeal can be consumed and even necessary.

Oat flakes are a godsend for mankind, because they contain a large amount of nutrients, and, most importantly, are of natural origin. Due to the few contraindications, use oatmeal almost everyone can, including young children and people who are usually forced to exclude most foods from the diet due to some serious illness.

Cornflakes with milk - the perfect breakfast that someone "decided" to consider dietary For many, cereal with milk is associated with healthy breakfast, and most believe that this is a suitable dish for weight loss. Corn flakes are very convenient for those who have a constant acute shortage of time. At the same time, they are very popular with both children and adults. But let's see if they are so useful for losing weight.

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Composition and calorie content of corn flakes

These breakfast cereals are really healthy. They contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals(vitamins A, E, H, PP, group B, as well as magnesium, copper, potassium, iron, zinc, etc.).

Another strong argument for everyone who wants to find a slim and attractive figure is the presence of fiber in flakes, whose function is to stimulate the work of the intestine and its.

But in all this there is one significant minus - the calorie content of corn flakes reaches 300 kcal per 100 g of product. Crispy and delicious flakes are covered with a sweet glaze, which has a lot of sugar - that is why it is so important to observe the measure when eating such a dish.

And often it turns out the opposite - we get carried away and imperceptibly eat almost a whole pack of this favorite delicacy. In this case, what kind of weight loss can we then talk about - there would not be too much to gain!

But if you're strong-willed and can easily stop when you need to, then corn flakes are a perfectly acceptable item in your limited diet. In addition, it is a very useful dish for our body.

Useful properties of corn flakes

The composition of corn flakes includes the amino acid tryptophan, which is transformed in our body into serotonin, the hormone of joy. As a result, having eaten quite a bit of cereal, it will not be difficult to overcome bad mood, apathy and even depression, which often accompanies us when losing weight.

In addition, corn flakes help to cope with lethargy and constipation. Therefore, for those who suffer from colitis, such a product is not only possible, but also necessary to eat.

The glutamic acid present in these flakes stimulates metabolic processes in the brain. As a result, memory and mental activity improve. And the pectins contained in them are able to suppress the development of cancerous tumors.

The flakes also contain a lot cornstarch, useful for the formation of muscle fibers and the restoration of the nervous system. Therefore, it is very useful for children and adolescents to eat a bowl of these cereals with milk for breakfast.

It has long been noticed that those who regularly eat cornflakes in their food, poisonous and poisonous decay products are removed from the intestines much faster. Flakes are especially recommended for those who have liver disease, gout and even epilepsy.

How to lose weight with cereal

You can also lose weight using the "corn-flake" diet You can try the 2-week corn flakes diet, most of which promises fast and significant weight loss:

  • breakfast: 9 tablespoons of cereal with skim milk and 1-2 fruits;
  • second breakfast: yogurt or low-fat kefir, fruit;
  • dinner: vegetable salad, fish or meat, soup without pasta;
  • afternoon snack: cottage cheese, 2 fruits and low-fat yogurt;
  • dinner: the same as for breakfast, but without fruit;
  • before going to bed: a glass of fat-free yogurt.

    Of course, if you supplement such a diet with an active lifestyle, the result will be higher and better. And in order not to fall off the intended goal, prepare yourself mentally - for example, choose a significant motivation for yourself and remember it in difficult moments of gastronomic temptation.

Expert review

A few years ago, with the light hand of marketers, the prefix “fitness” was attached to the word “flakes”. The manufacturers of this product suddenly realized what a goldmine they could open if they started selling their product to people who passionately dream of losing weight.

A devastating blow to the idea of ​​losing weight with cereal was dealt by US Chief Medical Officer David Kessler. One of his "revelations" was a list of products whose guilt in obesity is beyond doubt. The first place was occupied by corn syrup, and starch and flour from this crop did not reach the pedestal a little.

After that, Dr. Kessler lost his job, and in the lobby there was talk that the food industry used their influence to “fall down” the renegade. But let's leave the problems of the United States on the conscience of their authorities and return to our conversation.

So, the doctor who ruined his career for the sake of truth reported that corn is not a dietary product. And indeed, in addition to a considerable caloric content, cereals have a very high (GI) - 85. At the grain itself, it is somewhat lower, but also “rolls over”.

What does this mean in the language of "mere mortals"? After using this product blood glucose rises rapidly causing a rapid rise in insulin secretion. It is he who scientists blame for the fact that glucose is on your sides or thighs in the form of fat.

After all, the main thing for the body is the preservation of the internal environment. For this, all means are good and insulin gets down to business. Part of the glucose enters the cells of the whole body for current needs. The rest goes to the liver and muscles, where glucagon is synthesized from it.

And if after that the glucose level does not become normal, its excess is metabolized into fat and deposited wherever necessary.

Any, even not very high-calorie product with a high GI already falls out of the “diet” category. Corn products never got into it.

So, everything is bad and all the beautiful boxes with this food should be thrown into the trash can? Yes, if you managed to purchase the product from sugar icing- give it to a cat, give it to the poor, take it to an orphanage (children from this institution are not at risk of obesity, believe me).

And for yourself, buy sugar-free cereal, fill them not with milk, but with yogurt or low-fat kefir. And eat them only if you are going to have physical activity in the near future.

So glucose will be utilized and not deposited in problem areas of your body. Any other way to use corn flakes for weight loss leads to the exact opposite result.

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Corn flakes for weight loss

In the first issue of the "Breakfast with Komsomolskaya Pravda" project, we compared yogurts from leading manufacturers. Today is the turn of dry breakfasts.

Of course, cereals filled with milk, kefir or yogurt are convenient, fast and tasty, but how useful is it? Are breakfast cereals intended for daily use in baby food? What is the difference between cereal for children and cereal for those who want to lose weight? Komsomolskaya Pravda found out the answers to these and other questions together with experts.

How it's done

Dry breakfasts are called products made from corn, wheat, rice and other crops in the form of sticks, flakes, puffed grains, rings, stars, pillows, etc., which can be consumed without any additional cooking. To improve the taste properties, sugar syrup, caramel, nuts, dried fruits, chocolate pieces are added to the mixture, often the mixtures are enriched with vitamins and mineral salts - calcium, phosphorus, iron. All this is designed to help the lazy, sleepy and always in a hurry in the morning consumer.

The technology for making flakes includes: removing shells from grains, separating germs, obtaining cereals, then boiling it in sugar-salt syrup, flattening into thin petals and roasting them in an oven until crispy, the head of the research center for product testing told Komsomolskaya Pravda "Ukrmetrteststandart" Volodymyr SEMENOVYCH. - Usually cereals are eaten, first filling them with milk or yogurt ...

What the manufacturer does not say

Flakes - fast and nutritious breakfast, and this, of course, is its pluses. But there are also disadvantages.

The main disadvantage is that, as a rule, flakes contain a lot of carbohydrates, including sugar. That is, these are quite high-calorie foods and they cannot be abused, our expert says. - Today, when the consumer has a wide choice, I would recommend using unglazed flakes: they may not be so tasty, but they the nutritional value will be higher due to less sugar, which, as you know, contributes to the appearance of excess weight. In addition, domestic and foreign nutritionists have repeatedly said that this product contains a lot of salt, because, as mentioned above, according to technology, it is boiled in sugar-salt syrup.

The expert told Komsomolskaya Pravda about another point that worries him:

Let's consider two types of flakes produced under the brand name Nestle. Some with their whole appearance indicate that they are intended for children: a bright colorfully painted box, tasks for children, interesting information written in a language accessible to children. Other flakes are specialized: for those who want to lose weight. In "baby cereal" we see a carbohydrate content of 79.7 g per 100 g, of which 34.6 g is sugar (this is indicated on the label). In those that are for weight loss - 76.4 g per 100 g, but at the same time there is half as much sugar as in children's - 17.1 g. In my opinion, what is recommended for children should contain minimal amount Sahara…

We are already accustomed to the fact that the "simpler" the composition, the less dyes, emulsifiers and various food additives, all the better. And, judging by our comparative analysis (see table. - Ed.), among the studied flakes, the product from Belarus compares favorably, on the packaging of which the minimum set of ingredients is indicated. However, Vladimir Semenovich has a slightly different opinion on this matter:

There is not enough information about the composition on cereals produced in Belarus - in my opinion, the manufacturer indicated far from everything that is really in this product. According to the technology, the flakes are fried, which means that the composition should contain fats. And in order for the fats not to go rancid, the manufacturer adds antioxidants (and this, by the way, is indicated on all other packages), but they are not indicated on the package from Belarus.

Price spread

The cost of dry breakfasts differs more than twice: 100 g of dry mixes can cost the consumer from 3.20 to 7.48 UAH. Those that are more expensive, as indicated on the package, are intended for weight loss, however, from the calorie content declared on the same package, it is difficult to conclude how easy it is to lose those extra pounds. Judge for yourself: the calorie content of fitness slimming cereal made from whole wheat is much higher than the calorie content of regular glazed cereal.

Only on the basis of the energy value it is difficult to conclude how much this or that product is intended for weight loss, explained Komsomolskaya Pravda specialist in healthy eating, fitness nutritionist Vladislav SLASTIN.- Agree: if there are more calories in a serving of salad than in a small bun, we will not conclude that the bun contributes to weight loss! Therefore, everything must be taken into account: the enrichment of the product with minerals and vitamins, recommendations for proper use, other factors ...

In addition, the expert debunked the myth that people who want to lose weight should limit their carbohydrate intake. According to him, fats burn in the flame of carbohydrates, so for people involved in fitness, for example, the use of carbohydrates is necessary. Only it should be the so-called slow carbohydrates (see GOOD TO KNOW) , that is, those that are absorbed by the body gradually, sugar is released slowly, which means that the brain will not signal hunger for longer.


  • wholemeal bread,
  • whole wheat pasta,
  • all beans,
  • porridge (except semolina),
  • vegetables (especially zucchini, spinach, cabbage),
  • non-sugar fruits (apples, kiwi, grapefruit, cherries),
  • mushrooms,
  • onion.

Fast carbs:

  • sugar,
  • confectionery and flour products,
  • pineapples, raisins, watermelons, ripe bananas, melon,
  • potato dishes,
  • carrots, pumpkin, turnip,
  • brown and white rice,
  • White bread, bread sticks,
  • corn flakes and sticks,
  • oatmeal fast food.


The main advice - read the packaging carefully - remains valid! Many manufacturers honestly warn that their products are not intended for everyone. For example, whole wheat cereal maker Fitness advises consulting a physician before using the product if:

you are pregnant or breastfeeding,

You are not yet 18 years old,

You are taking medication

You want to lose more than 20 percent of your weight.


Cereals in breakfast cereals are changed beyond recognition: they are often ground into flour and turned into flakes or various crunchy figures, says nutritionist Larisa BUTKOVA.- And, as you know, the more grain is crushed, the less useful it is. Whole grains retain more vitamins, minerals, oils and, of course, fiber. I must say that modern man is sorely lacking in fiber: we eat a lot of refined and processed food, in which there is almost no fiber. Many consumers mistakenly believe that fiber is in breakfast cereals, but this statement is only true if the cereal is made from whole grains.

We have known about the benefits of breakfast cereals for many years: advertising is created by very talented people, and usually when it comes to food, they use the theme of family and small children - this works flawlessly. Breakfasts from cereals are actively advertised: wheat, rice, oats, corn, with various additives - they do not require cooking, and in recent years they have become simply universal all over the world - they are eaten with milk, juice, etc. More popular than others - perhaps because they are talked about in advertising more often than others.

History of corn flakes

This product has its own history dating back to the 19th century in the USA.

Brothers D.H. and V.K. The Kelloggs, who owned a sanatorium in Michigan, decided to introduce dishes from cornmeal. One of these dishes was prepared in the kitchen on the day when they had to urgently leave for a couple of hours on business, and they did not control the cooking process. Returning, they found that the dish was spoiled: the dough did not come out of flour, everything was curled up in lumps and flakes. There was not enough cornmeal, and it was a pity to throw it away, so the brothers used simple tools for rolling, and then crushed the resulting thin layers, and fried them in oil. Unexpectedly, everyone liked the dish very much: the flakes were crunchy, and with milk, marshmallows and sugar they seemed very tasty to the patients. One of the brothers was a doctor and patented this recipe - the original corn flakes; then the brothers founded a new company and began to mass-produce them.

Today, Kellogg's is over 100 years old, and it is she who is the world's largest manufacturer of cereals, including corn flakes.

The benefits and harms of corn flakes

Of course, we want to know what is more in this product that our children love so much - good or bad? The quality of most products, as you know, does not depend on their usefulness or harmfulness, as such, but on the technology of their preparation. We will talk about the right technology - this is how manufacturers talk about it.

First, shells and germs are removed from corn grains, and then the resulting raw material is ground into grits. A safe product should contain only corn itself, salt, sugar and malt syrup and water.

First, all the ingredients are mixed with a mixer, and then the mixture is loaded into the cooking machine, where the grains are steamed - all the grains should turn golden brown.

After heat treatment, the mass is unloaded onto a conveyor and passed through a device that destroys lumps: it separates the adhered grain particles so that the drying is uniform. Then, in small portions, the product is sent to the dryer; then it is cooled to ambient temperature and subjected to a conditioning process to evenly distribute any remaining moisture. As you can see, the process is not so complicated, and quite consistent: on a special machine, the raw materials are flattened, getting thin flakes, and then they are fried for one and a half minutes in a special oven under the action of steam, at a temperature of 275 to 330 ° C.

There is another way - the extrusion method, in which steps 2 to 6 are not required: the mixture is immediately forced through the holes of a special apparatus - an extruder; at the same time, it is cooled, and flakes are cut from the resulting dough, which are then dried, flattened and fried.

Previously, corn flakes were produced without additives., but now they are being enriched; cover with icing, caramel, chocolate, sugar syrup; add dried fruits, fat, milk and other ingredients to them. At the same time, of course, E is also added: flavor enhancers, flavors, stabilizers, etc.

British nutrition experts, examining some manufacturers, found that they are not as useful as they are trying to make us believe.

Of course, manufacturers like to talk about the benefits of their products - they always need large sales volumes, but you should not take their assurances literally. A study has shown that there can be as much sugar in a serving of cereal as in chocolate cake- that is, ¼ of all sugar that an adult can eat per day. But children eat corn flakes, and parents think that they are feeding them a healthy product, not suspecting that some manufacturers even use trans fats - enough is already known about their harm.

Italian nutritionists have also turned their attention to breakfast cereals, and today they say that corn flakes, especially if eaten frequently, can contribute to weight gain.

Scientists at the University of Florence observed a group of children from 5 to 10 years old, and found that those children who eat almost daily suffer from obesity. Moreover, obesity in children begins after a year of such nutrition, although corn itself has never contributed to the accumulation of fat in the body. Flakes, on the other hand, provoke the deposition of fats, the accumulation of sugar, worsen the functioning of the stomach and intestines, cause nausea, abdominal pain, development and other problems.

Our nutritionists have also studied the health effects of corn flakes, and came to the conclusion that it is often impossible to feed them to children - this is very harmful. Dry breakfasts are usually included in the diet of younger schoolchildren, and many women also consider them useful, and they eat almost every day, wanting to put their figure in order - after all, this is what the advertisement says. But it is enough to carefully consider the composition to understand that the flakes are very high in calories - these are flour, refined sugar, butter and nutritional supplements.

Breakfast is the earliest and most important meal of the day. That is why it is so important to think about it. For most people, it can be balanced, but in the morning you don’t want to spend time preparing food, and many people prefer to eat seasoning them with milk or kefir.

For those who follow the figure, sugar-free is a priority. But the reviews of nutritionists do not inspire optimism, since such products are considered fatty and absolutely useless for humans.

What are you talking about?

Corn flakes without sugar often appear on the table of a modern person. This is a versatile snack, nutritious and tasty, with a large amount of macro- and microelements. But usually we choose it not at all for reasons of benefit, but guided by advertising. Usually in the video there are slender smiling girls, for whom cereals become almost the best friend and the main "accomplice" in losing weight.

And manufacturers also claim that eating cereal helps maintain the balance of vitamins in the body and reduce weight. Unfortunately, things are not as clear cut as they seem. So before buying, you should seriously consider the rationality of such an acquisition.


What are corn flakes? These are thin rounds made from cornmeal. The technology for the production of flakes belongs to the Americans - the Kellogg brothers, who accidentally fried the dough in oil and became interested in the result of the guests of the nearby boarding house. The resulting hype was excellent advertising, and sales immediately began to grow. But the dish seemed insipid, and enterprising creators flavored the cereal with sugar.

The technology is such that before turning into flakes, the corn goes through several stages of cleaning, after which it is boiled in a sweet-salty syrup and fried in an oven. Already in the final, it is mixed with fillers or glaze.

For those on a diet

The most important question for those who love sugar-free corn flakes is the calorie content. Is it high for a similar product? Immediately you need to scare cereal lovers - it comes out about 360 calories per 100 grams. And 80 grams of this amount are carbohydrates. Of course for diet food such a delicacy with such indicators is not at all suitable, and it must be significantly limited. Moreover, there are almost no proteins in cereals, as well as fats.

Therefore, you can safely refute the statement of advertisers that you can even follow a cereal diet. There are a million caveats to this theory. First, one daily meal is replaced with sugar-free corn flakes. The calorie content per 100 grams does not allow you to eat a large portion, so you have to be content with a dinner consisting of 50-60 grams of cereal with skim milk. You won't get fat with this diet!

Secondly, the cereal is not satiating, and the person soon feels as if he had not eaten anything at all. Feelings are deceptive, and thus we provoke ourselves to gain weight. Is this diet worth the trouble? Hardly!

About the composition

The nutritional content of the composition can not be argued at all. Indeed, in the process of cooking, almost all vitamins are eliminated, and at the output the consumer receives an "empty" product, flavored with preservatives, flavor enhancers, flavorings and stabilizers. This is something fans often disagree with. quick breakfasts. For them, sugar-free corn flakes, whose photo on the package attracts with associations with health and nature, seem to be the embodiment of purity, naturalness and joy.

Benefit and harm

So what are the good and bad things about corn flakes for our health? The list of positive points can be written down the speed of preparation, appetizing aroma, the ability to combine the product with milk, cocoa and jam. If your child eats cereal with natural juice, mineral water or pieces of fruit, then such a cocktail is certainly useful. The product has no more advantages!

Corn flakes without sugar do not contribute to weight loss, but, on the contrary, lead to obesity. So the frivolous use of the product provokes an increase in appetite, as well as the appearance of allergic reactions. By the way, absolutely everyone can be allergic if it contains palm oil. People with poor health are at risk of developing chronic diseases of the cleansing, respiratory and cardiovascular systems of the body. The work of the stomach is disrupted, and a whole galaxy of physicians agree that cereals affect the work of the endocrine system, the thyroid gland.

Alas, flakes can provoke oncology! This is due to the fact that acrylamide is formed during frying. It is a strong carcinogen that accumulates in tissues, forming a cancerous tumor. You should not be very scared, since a similar result can be achieved with overuse flakes.

To health!

Given all of the above, it is worth citing at least one cereal brand as an example. What do consumers offer sugar-free corn flakes "Na zdorovye"? Manufacturers position the product as a symbiosis of natural corn grits, sugar, honey. All this is based on vitamins and minerals. The brand has four varieties: glazed with sugar, unglazed, honey and with a sugar substitute. It is recommended to use the product for breakfast with yogurt, milk and kefir.

Many parents plan to buy sugar-free corn flakes "Na zdorove" for their child. Feedback from other consumers is perceived as a good motivation or anti-motivation to buy. There are practically no complaints about the taste of cereals. Children note that the product is tasty, sweet and at the same time light. With such cereals, they are happy to drink milk and kefir, as well as cocoa, even when they do not like the drink. But excessive sweetness does not always seem relevant, and therefore children do not put the product in a cult. Adult consumers respond rather neutrally. Confused by excessive sweetness and the fact that soon after breakfast you want to eat again.

So, if your child (or yourself) really wants to treat yourself and buy sugar-free corn flakes, then follow some simple advice nutritionists to purchase the product as harmless as possible.

First, read the composition and choose the product where there are no artificial additives, and there are vitamins.

Second, don't position the flakes as healthy food and talk to your child about the dangers of overuse.

Thirdly, do not feed your child cereal on an empty stomach, but stock them up for dessert, accompanied by curds, yogurt, juice. Wherein useful product should be more than cereal. If you give your child corn chips, then other sweets can be excluded, otherwise there will be too much sugar. So the main thing is moderation, and any product will not be harmful!

Enjoy your meal!