Diabetes is a disease in which diet plays a major role in successful treatment and well-being. Many foods and dishes should not be categorically consumed in order to avoid complications of the disease. But there are also recommended foods and dishes that help normalize blood sugar levels. Among them is Jerusalem artichoke (“Jerusalem artichoke” or “ground pear”), which can be consumed raw and after cooking.

Fiber can be divided into soluble and insoluble types, and getting both in abundance is ideal. Soluble fiber helps the body extract and absorb more nutrients from the food it consumes, lowers blood sugar and raises insulin levels after a meal, and keeps you more satisfied for longer.

Insoluble fiber reduces ghreelin, the hunger hormone that prevents hunger and reduces the risk of overeating. It also increases the body's ability to burn fat by feeding the intestinal bacteria involved in metabolism. The third category of fiber, including soluble and insoluble fiber, is prebiotic fiber and resistant digestive starches.

Composition and useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke is a herbaceous plant of the sunflower genus with numerous tubers in the root system. Medicinal properties Jerusalem artichoke are due to the rich chemical composition. Ground pear tubers contain:

  • almost all essential amino acids;
  • a wide variety of trace elements (aluminum, boron, iodine, iron, potassium, cobalt, copper, manganese, molybdenum, fluorine, zinc);
  • vitamins - A, E, group B (B1, B2, B6, B9), C, PP;
  • monosaccharides and disaccharides;
  • organic acids;
  • the polysaccharide inulin (80% of the total composition) is the most important component of the plant for diabetics.

Inulin is an organic substance, a complex carbohydrate containing fructose. Fructose is released in the digestive tract and partly enters the blood, partly into the liver, where it participates in the synthesis of glycogen. From the blood, fructose enters through the cell membranes into the tissues of the body, delivering energy to the cells. In this case, unlike glucose, the process occurs without the participation of insulin. Therefore, in type 1 diabetes, after the use of Jerusalem artichoke, the level of glucose in the blood decreases.

They provide nutrition to beneficial gut bacteria that ferment and break down fiber into short-chain fatty acids that have strong anti-inflammatory properties and help maintain the structural integrity of the intestinal lining. raw garlic, leek, Jerusalem artichoke.

How to implement a ketogenic diet

To implement a ketogenic diet, the first step is to eliminate packaged and processed foods. food products. You should focus on natural foods, enough healthy fats, and the least amount of net carbs. This usually results in a drastic reduction or temporary elimination of all grains and any foods rich in sugar, in particular fructose, as well as galactose and other sugars - both added and natural.

However, it is necessary to calculate the dose of insulin, calculate the injection time and take into account that Jerusalem artichoke is a product with a low glycemic index containing 13% carbohydrates. Inulin and plant fiber work together to delay the absorption of glucose from ingested food. Therefore, a sharp jump in the change in blood sugar does not occur, which is important in type 2 diabetes.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus with ground pear

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Inulin is a type of water-soluble prebiotic fiber found in onions, pores, garlic, asparagus, Jerusalem artichoke, and many other foods. Prebiotics are indigestible, but they help feed on the good bacteria in your body.

The benefits of Jerusalem artichoke for everyone

When using artichoke, the “chains” of split inulin enter the large intestine, contributing to the normalization of the balance of bifidobacteria. As a result, immunity increases, stool normalizes, and inflammatory processes are removed. A large number of vitamins that make up the earthen pear contributes to the rapid recovery of the body during stress and hypovitaminosis.

These beneficial bacteria, in turn, aid in the digestion and absorption of food and play an important role in their immune function. Inulin is a fructose, which means that it is made up of chains of fructose molecules. In the gut, inulin is converted into short-chain fatty acids, which then become healthy ketones that nourish your tissues.

Inulin may reduce the risk of developing diabetes

Thus, inulin has several health benefits, although there are some risks that you should be careful about. In obese women, inulin intake has beneficially altered the composition of the gut microbiota in a way that promotes weight loss or reduces the risk of occurrence.

Trace elements, amino acids and organic acids contribute to the normalization of sleep, hormonal balance, getting rid of headaches, chronic fatigue. Treatment diabetes Jerusalem artichoke is advised not only by folk healers, but also by endocrinologists. The regular inclusion of their earthen pear dishes in the diet will greatly facilitate the course of the disease of both the first and second types.

In addition, in women with type 2 diabetes, those who took inulin had improved glycemic control and increased antioxidant activity. It is believed that inulin may work to improve diabetes by positively modifying the gut microbiota or a direct antioxidant effect.

Long-term exposure to excess insulin causes oxidative stress, which is thought to play a key role in type 2 diabetes and its complications. Inulin can help counteract this with its antioxidant effects. In addition, a type of high-intensity inulin has been found to reduce liver fat in people with prediabetes.

How to use Jerusalem artichoke?

Artichoke tubers can be consumed raw, boiled, fried, stewed, baked in the oven, juice, infusion or decoction from the plant. Before use, it is advisable to clean the tubers not with a metal, but with a ceramic or wooden knife. It is possible to use the artichoke along with the peel after thorough rinsing with running water. You can make salads from raw tubers by mixing with other vegetables and seasoning with vegetable oil, preferably olive oil.

Inulin promotes weight loss

A number of studies have demonstrated the potential of inulin for weight loss. Among overweight and obese people, those who took 21 g of inulin per day had more low levels hunger hormone and higher satiety hormone levels. In addition, they lost over two pounds while the control group gained one pound. Meanwhile, among people with prediabetes, those who took inulin for 18 weeks lost 6% of their weight compared to 9% in the control group.

How can "fermentable fibers" be protected from your health?

A mouse study also showed that inulin helps with weight loss. The various effects of fermentable carbohydrates open up new possibilities for appetite regulation in terms of nutrition and body composition. The researchers explain that glucose has certain elements that are detected by nerves located in a vein that collect blood from the intestines - known as the portal system - a nerve signal that is then transmitted to the brain.

Boiled Jerusalem artichoke is prepared as follows: pure raw tubers are placed in boiling water with the addition of a small amount of table vinegar, which are boiled until cooked over medium or low heat. Ready artichokes are served with vegetable oil, kefir or sour cream.

For therapeutic purposes, it is recommended to take 1 glass of freshly squeezed juice or eat a small Jerusalem artichoke tuber 20-30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner. The course of treatment is 14 days, then a 2-week break and a repetition of the course. Instead of the usual drinks, it is recommended to make a decoction: grate 2 - 3 medium-sized tubers on a fine grater and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Insist for 3 hours, strain and drink as an alternative to tea or compote.

The brain then activates a series of defenses against diabetes and obesity in response to the signal. Protection includes increased satiety, increased energy expenditure during rest periods, and decreased hepatic glucose production. In an animal study, mice fed a fiber-rich diet gained less weight and were protected from diabetes, compared to mice fed a diet without added fiber.

When non-glucose producing mice were used in the study, they gained weight and developed diabetes even when fed a high fiber diet. "These results indicate that the action of glucose in the gut is the result of propionate and butyrate and gut bacteria, which induce enzymatic fibers to protect against obesity and diabetes."


• Jerusalem artichoke - 3 - 4 tubers;
• radish - 4 - 5 root crops;
• fresh cucumber - 1 - 2 pieces;
• dill, parsley.

Chop the vegetables into cubes or strips, chop the greens and mix everything. Refuel olive oil or fresh lemon juice.

• Jerusalem artichoke - 3 - 4 tubers;
• boiled egg - 1 piece;
• pickled cucumber (can be fresh) - 1 - 2 pieces;
• turnip onion - 1 small head;
• apple - 1 piece;
• greens - if possible.

What other benefits does Inulin offer?

Inulin offers a number of potential additional benefits, including. Those who are allergic to ragweed may also experience worsening symptoms after ingestion. Also - and very rarely - people with a food allergy to inulin can experience an anaphylactic reaction, which can be dangerous.

Jerusalem artichoke salads

For example, oligofructose has been shown to cause flatulence and significant inflammation in people taking 10 grams per day. Chicory inulin roots can usually be taken in higher doses, but some people have reported mild stomach discomfort at 5 grams per day. You can minimize the risk of discomfort by gradually increasing your intake over time, which helps your body adapt.

Everything is chopped, mixed and dressed in the same way as a summer salad.


  • 100 grams of celery, broccoli and cauliflower;
  • 3 - 4 tubers of Jerusalem artichoke;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1 onion;
  • herbs and salt to taste.

Wash and clean the vegetables, cut into pieces of the usual shape. Jerusalem artichoke can be chopped or grated on coarse grater. Pour everything into boiling water and after 10 minutes the soup will be ready.

What are the best food sources of inulin?

Eating inulin-rich foods is a safe way for most people to reap the benefits of inulin without the side effects. Some of the best food sources include. If you choose to take inulin as a supplement, start with a small amount to make sure you tolerate it well, then gradually increase the dose. Power management continued.

“With regular use, sugar does not jump. Tested by mom's experience "- reviews of the earthen pear

If you decide to supplement, start with no more than 2 - 3 grams per day for at least 1 - 2 weeks and then gradually increase your intake by 1 - 2 grams per week until you are taking 5 to 10 grams per day. Side effects should also improve with continued use. However, not everyone can tolerate the quantities that appear here.

Cut a few tubers into thin circles or slices. Fry a little vegetable oil. Then place everything on a greased baking sheet. Beat 1 - 2 eggs, pour slices of Jerusalem artichoke. Sprinkle grated cheese on top, you can add greens and low-fat sour cream. Cooking in the oven will take no more than 15 minutes.

Take 500 grams of carrots and Jerusalem artichoke, grind on a grater or in a blender. Add 2 - 3 tablespoons of flour, beat in 2 eggs, you can add chopped greens. Mix everything and fry in a preheated pan on both sides until golden brown.

Inulin is only part of having a healthy gut

If you experience some inflammation or flatulence when you consume inulin, this could also be a sign that your gut bacteria percentage is not properly balanced. Inulin is by no means a "panacea" for intestinal problems. Instead, it is part of the puzzle. It is only by gathering all the parts that your gut health will flourish.

The best way to optimize your intestinal flora is through your diet. healthy eating for the intestines consists of whole, unprocessed and sugar-free products, as well as traditionally fermented products. But before these powerful foods can work the magic in your body, you must eliminate harmful products that hinder you. A good starting point is to drastically reduce grains and sugar and avoid transgenic ingredients, processed foods, and pasteurized foods.

Wash the tubers, peel and finely chop. Pour the Jerusalem artichoke with boiling water and drain the water after 3-4 minutes. Air dry, then toast in a dry non-stick pan. During frying, constantly stir pieces of Jerusalem artichoke. Grind ready-made dry pieces of artichoke in a coffee grinder, after which it can be used as ground coffee.

Sugar promotes the development of pathogenic yeast and other fungi. Gluten-containing grains are especially harmful to the microflora and overall health. This would be a good time to take a look at the following table, which lists foods, drugs, and other agents that harm beneficial microbes, so you can avoid as many as possible.

By avoiding harmful agents and introducing beneficial agents, i.e. inulin and beneficial bacteria, your gut health and overall health will flourish. Also known by other names such as Jerusalem artichoke, aguaturma, walnut, or sunflower, is a strawberry vegetable from the composite family, originally from Mexico. This is one, although it can also be cultivated as an annual, as the tubers are the perennial part and the aerial part is the annual.

Jerusalem artichoke is a perennial plant that is very similar to sunflower in its appearance. In the root system of the plant, 20-30 small tubers are formed. It is believed that Jerusalem artichoke has a special chemical composition tubers, which has on the human body therapeutic effect, and today it is used both in folk and in modern medicine.

Pataca is a plant of great height that can reach 3 meters stop. It has serrated leaves and some very pretty little flowers that look like sunflowers. In terms of climate, Jerusalem artichoke is a plant that likes sunny places and little wind because it can twist or even break the stems. However, it is very resistant to cold and can even withstand frost.

Before sowing, a layer of about 2 cm of humus or compost is applied, although the soil chestnut is not a demanding plant in soils rich in organic matter. All tubers are directly sown to a depth of about 10 cm and leave a distance of at least 50 cm between plant and plant. The planting period ranges from October to March, as well as early spring.

How the beneficial properties of Jerusalem artichoke work

The tubers of the plant contain a special polysaccharide called inulin. After entering the gastrointestinal tract, it begins to break down and forms a carbohydrate (fructose), which is then absorbed into the blood. After entering the blood, the component easily enters the region of cell membranes, without the use of insulin, and the cells begin to be saturated with natural energy. The advantage of fructose is that it can completely replace glucose in the metabolic and energy processes of the body, and is also important for people with type 1 diabetes. In the case of type 2 diabetes, it can help with insulin deficiency.

The stems will be used to toss into the compost heap. Pataca is a plant that adapts well to all soils and resists well in small patches, but without constant standing water and without stones or large clods of soil that can interfere with tuber development. It is known that the optimal land for pataka is those that have a certain degree of freshness, are fertile, loose, aerated and deep.

After the plant takes about 20 cm, you can apply. It responds very well to droughts and is able to recover well from them, although their optimal development is achieved when it receives water periodically. Pataca is a culture that does not need much care during its development.

If the patient suffers from type 2 diabetes mellitus, then, having started taking Jerusalem artichoke, namely its tubers, the level of absorption of glucose into the intestine decreases, while the level of glucose in the blood also decreases due to the activity of fiber and inulin. If the patient's blood sugar level is constantly lowered, then the sensitivity of tissues to the effects of insulin after eating Jerusalem artichoke tubers will gradually return, while the level of insulin resistance will decrease. In this process, the ability of pancreatic cells to produce this hormone on their own improves.

What are the components of the plant

Jerusalem artichoke tubers include a huge amount of various substances that are required to ensure the normal functioning of every living organism. Among the main components, proteins can be distinguished, the composition of which boasts a large number of essential amino acids.

Fiber and pectin - another component of Jerusalem artichoke, allow the gastrointestinal tract to work correctly, and toxic substances begin to be absorbed into the intestines in smaller quantities, while they begin to be excreted from the body sooner. The tubers contain fatty polyunsaturated acids, which do not allow free radicals to have a detrimental effect on cell membranes, body tissues are destroyed at a slow pace, and aging also slows down.

The advantage of Jerusalem artichoke tubers is in a large number of trace elements and vitamins, they contain a significant amount of carotene (vitamin A), which increases the ability of the retina to light sensitivity, and also ensures the growth of all body cells. The plant contains vitamin B1, B2 and C, they are contained in the most important enzymes that are responsible for metabolism in the body. Potassium ions are involved in the processes of excitability, they also contribute to the contractility of the components of the myocardium. Silicon is very important for connective, cartilage and bone tissue, and iron, an integral component of hemoglobin, allows oxygen to be transported from the lungs to the tissues.

All of the above trace elements and vitamins in the basis of tubers allow the body of a person suffering from diabetes to feel better. Patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes can eat Jerusalem artichoke tubers two to three times a day, preferably a quarter of an hour before meals.

Jerusalem artichoke for diabetes: recipes and dishes

During diabetes, you can eat Jerusalem artichoke raw or after heat treatment. It is best to clean the plant with a bone or wooden knife, rinse well under running water so that the tubers do not lose all their useful components, the highest content of which is in the peel. Taste raw product resembles a radish, you can cook a salad from it, while adding various vegetables to taste, greens or apples. Used as a filling sunflower oil and salt. In the spring, when there is still not enough on the shelves fresh vegetables, just right to cut a salad of boiled eggs and Jerusalem artichoke, dressing it all with sour cream.