Probably, there is no more controversial food in the world than semolina. The inhabitants of kindergartens are usually divided into two categorical parties - passionate fans, for whom the benefits of semolina are obvious, and fierce man-haters, and preferences are more often preserved for the rest of their adult lives. Krupa went through a period when it was impossible for ordinary people and, in terms of accessibility, it was equated with such cuisine aristocrats as truffles and artichokes, but after the revolution, semolina became simple and not scarce, respectively, and interest in it was lost, and people never learned how to cook it properly.

by the most the best recipe It is customary to consider this ratio: 1 liter of milk per 300 g of cereals. In this way, you can get the most delicious and acceptable substance in consistency. And, of course, the serf cook of Count Guryev didn’t waste his time for nothing, and it’s not a shame to offer his recipe in a restaurant: Guryev’s is cooked on cream foam with the addition of jam!

Chemical composition

Semolina porridge is useful for its high content of such a vital trace element as potassium, which ensures the smooth functioning of the heart. The cereal contains a large amount of iron, and it helps the red blood cells to function properly, carrying oxygen to every cell of our body. Semolina porridge contains a large amount of B vitamins, which are responsible for the state of our nervous system.

The benefits and harms of semolina

Beneficial features

The main benefit of semolina porridge is that it is ideal for the dietary treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which provides a low, only 0.2%, fiber content in cereals. Add to this the ability (characteristic only for this product) to be absorbed in the lower intestines, which is an undoubted benefit of semolina for the elderly.

The fact is that cereals contain a large amount of starch and vegetable protein, that is, without giving too much load on the stomach and intestines, it allows you to easily and quickly fully feed the body. This property is indispensable in the postoperative period.

Useful semolina porridge for the elderly. For them, the ability of semolina to flush out minerals from the body will do a good service: it will not allow hypermineralization of blood cells and body tissues.

Harm of semolina

As for contraindications, then, like any other product, semolina should be consumed in moderation. Despite the benefits of semolina, in some people, excessive consumption of it can provoke the development of such a hereditary disease as celiac disease - a kind of lifelong allergy to vegetable proteins. Therefore, it is better not to give semolina to very young children.

Video - what is harmful and useful semolina

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Semolina, perhaps, has become the most common porridge in the post-Soviet space. The first porridge for babies was semolina. It was given to children at home, in kindergarten and in the school cafeteria. And now the generations that grew up on semolina are faced with the fact that pediatricians categorically forbid introducing semolina into the diet of babies. It turned out that the favorite porridge from childhood is very harmful. And nutritionists do not stop saying that semolina is a wonderful and healthy dietary product.

Composition of semolina

Semolina is a product of processing wheat grains. It contains a large amount of starch (about 60%), gluten (gluten). It also contains vitamins B1 and B2, PP, E, protein, carbohydrates and minerals (iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium). Semolina is rich in phosphorus-rich phytin.

Useful properties of semolina

The benefits of semolina porridge are undeniable from the point of view of nutritionists. This is the only cereal that is digested, digested and absorbed in the lower intestine. On its way to this section, semolina collects all the mucus from the intestinal walls, excess fat. Such properties of it have an extremely beneficial effect on the well-being of people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, semolina porridge cooks very quickly, which means it retains all the vitamins and nutrients in its composition.

Thanks to the starch and low fiber content, semolina porridge is very satisfying. Therefore, it is indispensable for the body in the postoperative period or with severe exhaustion. Semolina, contrary to popular belief, is a low-calorie product. Its calorie content is achieved thanks to milk and sugar, which are most often used to make porridge. For dietary purposes semolina it is better to cook on water and without sugar.

Semolina porridge is an ideal food product during a protein-free diet, which is necessary, for example, in case of kidney failure. It also has a beneficial effect on the body of the elderly, as it prevents the active absorption of vitamins. This helps to avoid excessive mineralization of bones, ligaments and blood cells, and prevents the development of colon cancer.

Harm of semolina

Sadly, but semolina is harmful to young children. What is useful for an adult organism turned out to be completely unacceptable for a child. The content of a large amount of gluten in semolina contributes to the development of allergic reactions in children. In addition, it provokes the development of such a hereditary disease as celiac disease. Individual intolerance to gluten is possible in both children and adults. You can determine it by symptoms such as pain in the ligaments, diarrhea, anemia, the appearance of eczema and problems in the gastrointestinal tract. You can eliminate the unpleasant consequences of manifested gluten intolerance with the help of a special three-week diet. As a rule, such allergic reactions appear only in infancy and disappear with age. Gluten, passing through the intestines, collects mucus in it. For a child, this threatens with a significant thinning of the mucous membrane, which will cause disturbances in the absorption of nutrients and vitamins.

The content of phytin in cereals significantly reduces the ability of the child's body to absorb calcium, vitamin D and iron. And this is extremely detrimental to a growing organism. With a lack of calcium, the parathyroid glands literally take it away from the bones, which are just actively forming. Vitamin D deficiency leads to rickets and reduced immunity. The nervous system can also suffer from this, the result of malfunctions in which frequent convulsions can become. Insufficient intake of iron in the body leads to the appearance of frequent colds, chronic runny nose and a tendency to respiratory diseases during school years.

The carbohydrates included in semolina are too heavy an element for the developing intestinal tract of an infant.

It is better to introduce semolina porridge into the children's diet after a year. One serving of porridge per week will not harm an already strengthened body. And if you add honey, nuts and fresh fruits instead of sugar, then the porridge will also become a real pantry of vitamins. For an adult organism, porridge in reasonable quantities will only benefit.

Any doctor will confirm the information that semolina is one of the most affordable and popular dietary products. It is included in the daily diet of not only young children, but also adults who need a balanced and nutritious diet.

Useful properties of semolina

A lot has been written about the beneficial properties of semolina porridge, and this should not be surprising. After all, semolina is prepared from selected varieties of wheat, therefore it contains a huge amount of various vitamins and microelements. This cereal is rich in iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium, as well as vitamins A, B and E.. In addition, the composition of this dietary product includes gluten, which has a very positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Given the fact that semolina contains minimal amount fiber, which is very difficult for the human body to digest, this dish is ideal for people weakened as a result of a wide variety of diseases.

Most often, semolina is included in the diet of patients who have undergone abdominal operations, since this is the only cereals that do not create additional burden on the digestive organs. For the same reason, semolina porridge is indispensable for children during the period from breastfeeding to complete nutrition. However, thanks to their useful properties semolina is often included in the menu of children and older age categories, as it contributes to the development of their muscular system, gives the body strength, provides a surge of vigor and increased physical activity.

Many mistakenly believe that semolina, produced from selected varieties of wheat, has a very negative effect on the metabolic process in the body, which leads to overweight. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite, since it is semolina that contributes to the removal of fats that are not absorbed during digestion and are deposited in human tissues. Therefore, semolina is ideal for those who want to lose weight, but at the same time are afraid to resort to all kinds of diets that lead to an imbalance in the body and can cause an exacerbation of all kinds of chronic diseases.

It is also worth noting that semolina very effectively removes mucus from the human body, which accumulates not only in the nasopharynx and lungs, but also in the gastrointestinal tract. Meanwhile, mucus itself is an excellent breeding ground for all kinds of microorganisms that can cause the development of all kinds of ailments. Thus, semolina acts as a natural antiseptic, protecting us from serious health problems that are inevitable when the body is slagged. Plus, semolina is completely hypoallergenic, and for this reason it can be eaten by everyone without exception, including babies aged 5-6 months.

Special mention should be made of healing properties semolina porridge for people who suffer from various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Once in the esophagus, this product gently envelops its walls, preventing friction of damaged areas, relieving spasms and unpleasant pain. It is for this reason that people with an ulcer or gastritis are recommended semolina porridge as one of the most healthy meals. However, semolina has enough harmful qualities that doctors for a long time preferred to simply ignore.

Harm of semolina and contraindications

One of the most dangerous substances that is part of semolina is gliodin, which has a very negative effect on bowel function. Its excess leads to the death of the villi responsible for the process of absorption of crushed food. As a result, semolina porridge, with all its useful qualities, regular use can lead to dysfunction of the digestive system and thinning of the intestinal walls. Phytin, which is also present in semolina, is no less dangerous. This substance has the ability to bind iron, calcium and vitamin D that enter the body, preventing their absorption. As a result, people who consume semolina too often run the risk of future problems with bone fragility, a decrease in hemoglobin levels in the blood, and insufficient development of the muscular system. This is especially dangerous for children, whose body is constantly in need of such trace elements. It has been proven that if a child is fed semolina every day, then after six months he may develop rickets. In addition, babies who love semolina and demand that it be served on the table as often as possible are often diagnosed with such a dangerous disease as spasmophilia.

However, the presence of harmful substances in semolina does not mean at all that this porridge should be completely abandoned. It is enough just to observe the measure, bearing in mind that any excesses in nutrition can cause irreparable harm to the body.

After all childhood passed under the auspices of semolina, it's time to figure out the correctness of this propaganda. Each spoonful of porridge eaten was considered by your parents as a victory - “for mom, for dad”, and the child keeps turning away - maybe for a reason? There is no 100% useful and 100% harmful, life, after all, it is like a zebra ... So, let's figure out where the semolina porridge is useful and where it is harmful, that is, we will divide our zebra into stripes.

The benefits of semolina

Any food can be useful until you eat it in excess. Then the harm begins.

Also, the benefits of semolina are obvious, until you yourself organize a disservice for yourself.

The most important element of the diet, semolina becomes in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It has a viscous structure, devoid of that crazy percentage (unlike most cereals). Semolina envelops the alimentary tract, heals cracks in the intestines, it should be eaten with gastritis and ulcers, but on water and without flavorings - salt, oil, sugar, etc.

But this is not the only benefit of semolina porridge. It is not for nothing that children are fed with it - semolina is a high-calorie dish, and children know how to quickly expend the energy received. Also, semolina is good for the diet of people who have undergone serious illnesses and operations - due to the ground structure and high energy value, semolina is quickly absorbed and relieves stress and depression.

But once again we remind you that in all the above cases, the benefit is present only with semolina porridge on the water.

Harm of semolina

We dealt with the first part of our task, only harm remained.

Despite the fact that many manage to touch with an extensive list useful substances semolina, in fact, should not be confused with its nutritional value with wheat. Yes, semolina is wheat, but in the process of grinding, semolina not only became “easily digestible”, all useful substances left with crushed grains.

The diameter of semolina is up to 0.75 mm, which is a little more than grains of flour, but semolina is already more flour than wheat. Boil semolina without additives and cook flour in a separate pan - the taste will be very similar.

Semolina is a starchy product, so it is harmful to all those who live in regions with high humidity, as well as to anyone who has any problems with the respiratory system. Semolina increases mucus in the lungs, which can lead to asthma and chronic coughing.

Also, this product is not recommended for children under 2 years of age, since semolina does not fully absorb calcium, which, in turn, is necessary for the absorption of vitamin D, which threatens rickets and underdevelopment of the skeletal system.

Semolina porridge for weight loss

There are two arguments that negate all the brilliant reviews of the use of semolina porridge for weight loss.

Firstly, semolina is a carbohydrate product. Diabetics should not eat it, and for all those who are still far from it, semolina will simply aggravate animal hunger, which will not be useful during a diet. Manka is flour!

Secondly, semolina contains a lot of gluten - a substance that has recently been massively accused of provoking allergies. With the constant consumption of semolina, gluten allergy cannot be avoided.

But that's not all the delights of gluten. This substance makes the intestinal walls thinner, damaging the villi of the small intestine. As a result, diarrhea first appears, then anemia (the processes of absorption of nutrients in the intestines are disturbed), and then health simply falls - development slows down in children, and aging rapidly sets in in adults.

Losing weight on semolina is ridiculous, if only because semolina is a very high-calorie product. It doesn't occur to you to lose weight on flour. And it’s really not necessary to feed children with semolina three times a day - this cereal helps to leach calcium from the body, which means it leads to bone fragility, rickets and simply slow and defective development.

Entire generations have grown up on this porridge known to every person, so for most of us it is associated with the taste of childhood. Some people still love semolina porridge, remembering how delicious it was for our mothers and grandmothers: with butter, sugar, or flavored with your favorite homemade jam. Others, on the contrary, cannot stand it. Such a negative attitude towards this dish is also not surprising. Many have not forgotten feeding in kindergartens, where semolina was often served with nasty hard lumps and an unattractive film on the cooling surface. But if we leave aside the kindergarten clumsy cooks, then there is no doubt that the Russian people have always held semolina porridge in high esteem. Previously, it was introduced into the diet of babies, starting from the age of six months. However, recently this simple and accessible dish has lost its authority, so many people of the modern generation began to treat it ambiguously. Reports began to appear everywhere in the media that a number of pediatricians consider semolina (unlike buckwheat, rice, oats, barley) not only completely useless cereals, but even a harmful food product for some children. For this reason, the concern of many parents who are trying to find the answer to two significant questions is quite understandable. What is the benefit and harm of semolina porridge for human health? Can you feed it to your children?

Semolina among grain crops

Most people, when buying semolina in the store, do not even think about its origin. Meanwhile, semolina is not an independent crop, but a by-product that is formed after grinding. grains of wheat to grains with a diameter of 0.25 - 0.75 mm. If hard wheat grains were used for grinding, then “T” is marked on the packages with semolina, if soft varieties - “M”, if their mixture is “MT”. For cooking semolina, cereals with the abbreviation "M" are best suited. Due to the absence of an outer shell on the grains, many even call this ground grain flour. Solid and mixed varieties of semolina are mainly used for making pies, pancakes, dumplings, puddings, casseroles. In Russia, semolina as a by-product of wheat processing began to be produced quite a long time ago, but in those days it was considered a delicacy. Such traditional Russian dishes, widely known today, as the Mannik pie or Guryev porridge, were served only to the rich and aristocrats. And only in Soviet times, semolina became widespread as a cheap and widely available product. For many decades, semolina porridge has been the epitome of hearty and nutritious breakfast, so parents often persuaded their children to eat more of it: "for mom, for dad, for grandmother ...". Soviet pediatricians did not lag behind in the popularization of this unpretentious dish. The fact is that in the USSR there were very strict norms for weight gain for children in preschool institutions and pioneer camps. If any group of kindergarteners or vacationing schoolchildren lost weight, this is a bad sign. To gain the missing kilograms, almost double portions of semolina porridge began to be intensively pushed into the thinner children. Perhaps it is precisely because of such force-feeding that many people still have a strong rejection of this dish. However, semolina coped with its task quite well, so it is not surprising that during the years of Soviet power it was a symbol of energy, strength and good health.

The composition and calorie content of semolina

When it comes to the benefits of one or the other vegetable product, then first of all pay attention to its vitamin and mineral composition. But in semolina, it is not as rich as in other cereals. Therefore, recently there has been an opinion that semolina porridge does not represent anything particularly valuable. According to modern food research, the concentration of useful components in milled wheat grains is significantly reduced. And when cooking porridge from semolina, when the cereal is subjected to heat treatment, a significant part of the biologically active substances is lost. However, semolina contains vitamins A, E, PP, B1, B2, B6, B9. From the mineral series, the presence of potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, and sulfur can be distinguished. Fats and proteins are presented in small quantities, but what is really a lot in this cereal is carbohydrates - almost 70 grams per 100 grams of product. It is their presence that makes semolina porridge so satisfying. However, not only that.

The calorie content of porridge from semolina boiled in water is small - about 80 kcal per 100 g. However, such a dish turns out to be tasteless, sticky, viscous consistency, unattractive gray color, therefore it is more suitable for patients with gastritis or peptic ulcer as a medicinal food. The rest of the people prefer to cook semolina porridge in milk with salt and sugar, followed by the addition of butter, honey or jam. It is quite natural that the calorie content of the dish then increases significantly and can reach 150 - 200 kcal. But, in general, nutritional value semolina porridge occupies one of the last places in comparison with porridges of their other popular cereals (buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, rice).

Beneficial features

Despite everything, semolina porridge still cannot be called a completely useless food, because it was not for nothing that it was always included in the daily diet of both children and adults. As already mentioned, 2/3 semolina consists of starch, and complex carbohydrates are well-known sources of energy for our body. A morning plate of semolina porridge will increase the energy activity of the child and increase the efficiency of an adult, at least for the first half of the day.

It should be noted one more important property of semolina: after heat treatment it contains practically no dietary fiber - fiber. Semolina passes through the digestive organs, as they say, in transit, enveloping the gastrointestinal tract along the way and cleansing it of excessive mucous accumulations. And digestion, absorption and assimilation of porridge from this cereal occurs only in the lower part of the human intestine. Due to the enveloping effect and high digestibility, semolina is very useful to use not only in childhood and old age, but also for people who have problems with the stomach, intestines, chewing food, as well as for those who are in rehabilitation after serious illnesses and complex operations. By the way, due to the low protein content, semolina is recommended to be included in the diet of patients suffering from chronic renal failure and requiring a special protein-free diet.

In favor of semolina porridge is also evidenced by the fact that it cooks very quickly, and after all, many people, in a hurry to work, lack time to prepare breakfast. In addition, semolina is inexpensive, so any family can afford to cook porridge from this cereal, even with low material income.

Finally, perhaps one of the positive properties of semolina porridge is its low calorie, especially for those who want to get rid of extra pounds. However, for weight loss, this dish must be cooked in water without oil, salt and sugar, which makes it very tasteless. Therefore, a diet on semolina porridge is not as popular as compared to diets on buckwheat or oatmeal. Only very strong-willed people can withstand such a limited diet, and this diet is more suitable for those with a sweet tooth. Its essence is simple. It is necessary to consume exclusively semolina porridge daily, adding one fresh fruit (apple, orange or grapefruit) to the diet for breakfast, 4 dried fruits (dried apricots, figs or prunes) for lunch, and one tablespoon of condensed milk for dinner. It is not recommended to “sit” on a semolina diet for more than 7 days. Otherwise, the body will experience a severe deficiency of proteins and fats, which can adversely affect the health of a person who is losing weight.

Is there any harm from semolina

What are the shortcomings found by experts in this dish, popular with many people? For an adult, there are practically none, but as for children, some results of modern researchers food products alarming. First of all, most nutritionists and pediatricians categorically do not recommend that parents give their child semolina porridge every day. Even worse is to replace it with formulas for complementary foods for babies. There are quite serious grounds for such an assertion.

First, you should pay attention to the high content of starch in semolina. Yes, carbohydrates energize the body, but their excess leads to the fact that the child begins to get fat, by leaps and bounds. And if you consider that there are few vitamins and minerals in semolina porridge, then the child's body loses the ability to fully develop. As a result, the child may experience a decrease in immunity or beriberi, up to the development of rickets.

Secondly, semolina contains phytin, an organophosphorus substance that has the ability to bind calcium salts. Fitin is characterized by an insidious feature to negatively change the intestinal environment, therefore overuse semolina can lead to the fact that the cells of the child's body will no longer absorb pure calcium. And with a deficiency of this microelement, it begins to “wash out” from the bones and from there enter the bloodstream, and not from the intestines. The consequences of a lack of calcium in a child's body are very deplorable: muscle hypotension, convulsions, spasmophilia, poor blood clotting, abnormal development of the musculoskeletal system.

Thirdly, we must not forget that semolina is nothing more than ground wheat. And the grains of this cereal crop contain gluten, which is unsafe for the child's body, which is also called gluten. In addition to the fact that this protein can cause allergic reactions, if gluten regularly enters the digestive organs of a child, it can damage the villi located on the intestinal mucosa, which disrupts the absorption of most nutrients. As a result, the risk of developing such a serious disease as celiac disease (celiac disease) increases. If a child who is constantly stuffed with semolina has loose copious stools, no weight gain, abdominal pain, sweating, pallor, incomprehensible skin rashes, then this should seriously alert parents.

Modern young moms and dads reading about harmful properties semolina porridge, they may wonder: why did this controversial dish previously enter the menu of kindergartens and schools without fear? Probably because the world has changed a lot in recent decades. Poor environmental conditions, the emergence of previously unknown viruses and allergens, unpredictable genetic modifications have led to the fact that many children today are born weakened and very sensitive to food intake, which was considered safe in former times. Of course, today's young parents should not be very afraid of the negative qualities of semolina, but it still does not hurt to remember them.

How to cook semolina porridge?

Of course, our mothers and grandmothers can easily answer this simple question. But for many modern young housewives, who for the first time took up the preparation of semolina porridge, it often turns out with lumps, in the form of a liquid “smear”, or a very thick frozen consistency in which a teaspoon can calmly stand. As a rule, the main mistake is not observing the appropriate proportions of the amount of liquid used for cooking and semolina. To make the porridge of medium density, you need to take 3 tablespoons of cereal for 500 milliliters of water or milk. Whoever likes thinner porridge, the amount of semolina can be slightly reduced, whoever prefers thicker porridge - increase accordingly. The second important rule: semolina should be poured only into a boiling liquid. The third mandatory point: in order to avoid the appearance of lumps, porridge must be constantly stirred. Semolina cooks very quickly, so you should not leave the stove while cooking porridge. Thus, young housewives can make sure that there are no special wisdom or tricky secrets for cooking this porridge.

Classic semolina porridge

Semolina - 3 tablespoons;
Water - 200 milliliters;
Milk - 300 milliliters;
Salt - 1/3 teaspoon;
Sugar - a teaspoon;
Butter - 50 grams.

Cooking method. Mix milk with water, put the container on the stove, bring almost to a boil, add salt and sugar. Just before the liquid boils, pour in the semolina in a thin stream, stirring constantly to prevent the formation of lumps. Perfect option- dispel the semolina over the boiling liquid through a sieve. Cook porridge for no longer than 3 - 4 minutes, continuing to stir actively. Then turn off the stove, close the container with a lid and wrap it with a towel for 10 minutes, where, under the action of steam, the semolina grains will swell very quickly and the porridge will come to readiness. When serving, put a piece of butter in the dish, and if desired, you can add additional ingredients: jam, honey or dried fruits.

Semolina balls

Semolina - 150 grams;
Milk - 500 milliliters;
Wheat flour - 2 tablespoons;
Egg- 1 PC.;
Butter - 1 tablespoon;
Optional: breadcrumbs, vegetable oil for frying.

If, nevertheless, an error occurred in the proportions and the semolina porridge turned out to be excessively thick, do not be upset. It can be used to make meatballs - small round cutlets, which are also called "medallions". Such meatballs are a wonderful breakfast for the whole family, and especially for children, many of whom do not like semolina. By appearance they are similar to cheesecakes, only their structure is more delicate and airy. And if you serve them with berries or fruit jelly, then for any child it will be a delicious treat.

The traditional recipe for making semolina meatballs, first of all, involves cooking ordinary semolina porridge, only of a thicker consistency. After the porridge is cooked, it should be cooled slightly, add butter, egg, flour and knead well. Form meatballs from the semolina mixture - roll into balls and flatten slightly. Ready-made semi-finished products roll in breadcrumbs(for this purpose, you can use the semolina itself) and fry on vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown. Semolina balls served with sour cream, fried onions, or sprinkled with sweet sauce.

Guryev porridge

Semolina - 200 grams;
Milk - 1 liter;
Cream (fat content 35%) - 500 grams;
Granulated sugar- 100 grams;
Nuts (walnuts, peanuts, almonds, etc.) - 200 grams;
Dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, figs, candied fruits, etc.) - 200 grams;
Butter - 2 tablespoons;
Salt - to taste.

But this dish belongs to the masterpieces of traditional Russian cuisine. It was invented at the beginning of the 19th century by Zakhar Kuzmin, the serf cook of the finance minister Russian Empire Dmitry Guriev. There is historical evidence that Tsar Alexander III adored this dish, so Guryev porridge was often called imperial dish. Also, this porridge is often mentioned in the works of the famous Russian writer of everyday life in Moscow V. Gilyarovsky. He noted that the rich nobility of the Mother See specially visited Moscow taverns, so that along with the famous pies, crayfish soup and roasted pig, be sure to taste Guryev porridge. Unlike ordinary semolina porridge, when preparing this multi-layered dish, you will need to show patience and diligence, but if you follow all the necessary conditions, then you get an exquisite delicacy dish.

Cooking method

First you need to prepare the components for the layer of the famous dessert. Dried fruits will need to be poured with boiling water for 10 minutes, and chopped nuts should be fried in a pan with the addition of a tablespoon of water and sugar so that they caramelize.

Then you will need to cook classic semolina porridge in milk with the addition of salt and sugar. The porridge should be thick enough. Grease the pan butter, put half of the semolina on it, place all the roasted nuts and the main part of dried fruits on top (about 150 gr).

Now comes the turn of the most time-consuming process - the preparation and removal of creamy foams (kaimak). Pour the cream into another pan, put it in an oven heated to 160 ° and periodically carefully remove the lush foam formed on the cream with a slotted spoon. Kaymak is laid out on a layer of semolina porridge with nuts and dried fruits already placed on it. The more foams are removed, the more refined the dish will turn out.

After all the layers (porridge, nuts, dried fruits, foam) are collected, the second half of the porridge is laid on them. The dish is sprinkled on top with the remaining dried fruits, sugar and sent to the oven, where it languishes for 20 minutes until a beautiful caramel crust forms. Before serving, you can decorate the dessert fresh fruit or berries.

Well, despite the ambiguous opinion about the benefits and harms of semolina porridge for human health, most housewives still continue to cook this popular dish. For many people, this dish is still identified with a hearty breakfast and good health, which is what we all want!

The information on our website is informative and educational in nature. However, this information is by no means a self-medication guide. Be sure to consult your doctor.