Intoxicated drink in modern society has become an integral part of gatherings of men, meetings of girls and teenage parties. A drunk mug of beer does not knock you off your feet, like strong alcohol, so even nursing mothers sometimes allow themselves to relax, claiming that this is good for lactation. However, this is far from a non-alcoholic product. In some varieties, the alcohol content is up to 14%. The harm of beer to the health of men, women and children has already been proven by experts, and beer alcoholism is no less terrible than any other.

What is beer

This is a frothy refreshing drink with a pleasant bitter taste and hop aroma. The raw material for its production is hops, barley, yeast, water. The taste of beer directly depends on the quality of these products. This is a low-alcohol drink containing from 2 to 6% alcohol. Beer is produced in several types:

  • pasteurized;
  • unfiltered;
  • filtered;
  • with the addition of stabilizers, preservatives.


Modern beers do not always contain only classic natural products. The main components of the drink offered to the consumer in stores are water (91-93%), ethyl alcohol (3-7%), carbohydrates (1.5-4.5%), nitrogen-containing substances (0.2-0.65 %). Other substances (minor) have a much lower content. For glucose, fructose, sucrose ( simple sugars) of the total amount of carbohydrates accounts for 10-15%. The mechanisms of the toxic action of all components are interconnected, while ethanol enhances the toxic effect of minor compounds.

Cooking technology

Most modern factories in the production of beer follow certain steps, the observance of which becomes the key to the quality of the drink:

  1. Malt preparation. At this stage, the cereal grain is dried, germinated, cleaned.
  2. Mashing the wort. Malt is crushed, mixed with water.
  3. Congestion filtering. It is passed through a filtration system, as a result of which it is separated into grains and liquid wort.
  4. Adding hops. Cones are placed in the wort. Some manufacturers at this stage add natural or artificial ingredients that give the drink shades of aroma and taste.
  5. Boiling. The must is boiled for several hours.
  6. Lightening. The liquid is pumped into a special device, where it is cleaned of solid residues under the action of centrifugal force.
  7. Cooling. In the fermentation tank, the drink is enriched with oxygen, which is necessary for the vital activity of the yeast.
  8. Fermentation. At this stage, brewer's yeast is added. After a few weeks, a low-alcohol, cloudy drink is already obtained.
  9. Excerpt. Occurs in closed tanks under high pressure of carbon dioxide.
  10. Filtration. This step is not always used. The task of the process is to remove the remaining yeast.
  11. Pasteurization. To increase the shelf life of the drink, it warms up to a temperature of 65-80 ° C. Beer connoisseurs believe that this procedure negatively affects the taste.

Is beer harmful?

The composition of beer and its effect on the body are directly related. A drink made exclusively from natural products and made according to all the rules of manufacture does not cause much harm. However, excessive drinking of beer, like any other extreme, leads to negative results. The consequences of beer alcoholism are no less severe than from vodka and drugs. During fermentation, compounds such as aldehydes, fusel oils, and methanol are released and stored. These are poisons for the human body.


Is it harmful to drink beer that has not passed the filtration stage - this question interests some people. The so-called "live" drink without heat treatment must not contain preservatives, surrogates or stabilizers. The disadvantage of such a product is a limited shelf life (up to 7 days), so many enterprises either do not risk releasing this product at all, or add substances to it that extend the shelf life. The combination of malt and hops gives the liquid a cloudiness that reduces the presentation. Filtration makes the product transparent, but removes almost all the beneficial substances.


To make a soft drink, the same ingredients are taken, but the percentage of alcohol content is reduced by stopping fermentation and using low-temperature technologies. finished product subjected to an evaporation process that retains a bitter aftertaste. After the manufacture of such products, a small percentage of alcohol is still present in it. However, this is not at all the harm of non-alcoholic beer:

  1. Cobalt. The element is actively used to stabilize the foam. Destroys the cardiovascular system.
  2. Malt and hops. These substances destroy the endocrine system.

How beer affects the body

Not everyone wants to know about the dangers of beer, because it is considered almost a national drink. However, excessive consumption of beer liquid causes changes in the work of all important organs of the human body. The heart, blood vessels, and liver suffer the most. Beer affects the male body, because it contains phytoestrogens - female hormones, so beer lovers get fat on the sides and hips, their potency decreases, and breast enlargement occurs. For women, beer addiction also does not pass without a trace - their voice coarsens, antennae appear.

On the heart

The abuse of hops leads to a violation of the autonomic system, accompanied by a high heart rate up to 100 beats / minute, a decrease in the rate of myocardial contraction. The result of this condition is an increased cardiac need for nutrients. The most common pathology among beer alcoholics is toxic myocardial dystrophy, characterized by murmurs and pains in the heart, shortness of breath, swelling of the extremities, and a violation of the contractile function of the organ.

On hormones

In the course of numerous studies, the negative impact of alcohol-containing drinks on the human hormonal background has been established. The intake of fermentation products in large quantities leads to the fact that the male hormone testosterone loses its strength, and this provokes the degradation of muscle mass. When alcohol enters the blood, an active production of cortisol (stress hormone) occurs, which causes anxiety, anxiety, fear, and leads to prolonged depression.

On the brain

When beer alcoholism develops, brain activity first decreases, which often leads to dementia over time. The brain system is quickly saturated with blood, so the ethyl alcohol in it reaches its maximum concentration. The short-term effects of ethanol on the brain result in memory lapses and hangovers. The systemic use of beer fluid changes the structure and tissues of the organ - a person degrades.

On the liver

It is difficult to call beer a useful product for the liver. Regular use intoxicating drink brings irreparable harm to the body. Drinking a foamy liquid is dangerous not only because of the content of ethyl alcohol - impurities in the form of preservatives and dyes also provoke the development various diseases liver. If alcohol consumption is accompanied by a sedentary lifestyle and eating heavy meals, then over time a person is guaranteed to receive some kind of consequence in the form of:

  • liver failure;
  • hepatic coma;
  • cirrhosis;
  • alcoholic hepatitis.

On the kidneys

The task of the paired organ is to cleanse the blood of toxic substances and metabolic products. The kidneys are a natural filter, and the more a person drinks beer liquid, the greater the load they take on. Together with toxins, vitamins and microelements necessary for normal functioning leave the body, which leads to a deficiency. useful substances. Regardless of the strength of beer, with frequent consumption of an intoxicating drink, a person runs the risk of earning such ailments as:

On the stomach

The digestive organs suffer from beer alcoholism no less. With the daily use of ethanol, the glands that produce gastric juice atrophy. Due to inadequate digestion, a person gets alcoholic gastritis. This is a chronic disease, which is accompanied by constant heaviness in the stomach, abdominal pain, bitterness in the mouth, general weakness, depressed mood.

What does daily drinking lead to?

The high carbon dioxide saturation of the intoxicated liquid negatively affects the blood vessels, so its regular use leads to varicose veins. The relationship between the amount of foamy drink drunk and the increase in blood pressure. The harm to the pancreas is also great, because due to the constant intake of alcohol, the organ becomes inflamed and increases in size. In the absence of treatment and further intake of ethanol, pancreatitis, pancreatic necrosis, and cancer develop.

Harm of beer for men

Especially great harm from beer for men. Since the drink contains a female sex hormone, this leads to hormonal failure. A man becomes passive and indifferent to the opposite sex. Prolonged use of foamy liquid leads to a blockage of the reproductive function, in which the male sex cells become incapable of fertilization. Due to addiction to alcohol, a man not only loses his sexual desire, but also becomes infertile.

Harm of beer for women

Infertility also threatens the female body. Scientists have proven that excessive consumption of beer reduces the production of sex hormones, so they are not enough for conception. Great harm intoxicating drink causes beauty and youth, because it is well known that it causes hunger and fluid retention, which leads to swelling, obesity, cellulite. Beer lovers lose their femininity over time, because hormonal disorders provoke the appearance of male characteristics: the stomach grows, hair appears on the chest and face.

Harm of beer for teenagers

It is useful for young people to know how harmful beer is, because in recent years advertising of an intoxicating drink is found everywhere. Beer alcoholism among teenagers flourishes at the age of 14-15. A young and immature organism has a special sensitivity to any addictions, so every year another batch of young alcoholics fills up neuropsychiatric hospitals. The danger of beer is not only ruined health. Alcohol leads to unplanned pregnancies and aggression, which contributes to the infestation of orphanages by abandoned children and juvenile prisons.

beer alcoholism

Unfortunately, the media do not spread much about the dangers of beer, because advertising alcoholic products brings in a huge income. In the social environment, the intoxicating drink has become so popular that today not a single event can do without its presence. Friends call not to talk, but to skip a glass of beer, and the refusal to drink is accompanied by misunderstanding and ridicule.

Active promotion of beer in feature films also leads to mass alcoholism. If a goodie relaxes with an intoxicating drink, then this is not considered a bad habit. This presentation of information has an impact on the formation of stereotypes of an entire generation. The problem of alcoholism, as a social phenomenon, affects almost aspects of a person's life: health, family, work.


Beer in modern Russia has become an integral part of men's gatherings, bachelorette parties and even youth and teen parties.

A drunk mug (or two) does not knock you down like vodka. Therefore, beer is considered a harmless drink, which some so-called experts recommend drinking even for nursing mothers. But we must not forget that although it is a weak, but alcoholic product.

If you drink beer in reasonable portions, it benefits the human body. Being a diuretic, beer helps to reduce swelling of the extremities. It can be used to prevent cardiac diseases.

Beer has a calming effect due to the content of hops and B-vitamins in it. The presence of many trace elements in it helps to strengthen the immune system.

Alcohol contains ethyl alcohol, toxins, salts of heavy metals and other substances that destroy the human body. When drinking beer often and in large quantities from a very young age already by the age of 30, a person begins to experience its destructive effect.

Interruptions begin in the work of all internal organs, the brain. changing appearance both men and women. An addiction develops from a foamy drink, which is called beer alcoholism.

beer alcoholism

Beer, like any other alcoholic drink, includes ethanol, which is addictive and, as a result, alcoholism. An alcoholic is a person who does not belong to himself. All his thoughts, feelings and desires are connected only with the desired drink.

Problems begin at work, in the family, with friends. The thirst for life disappears, apathy for everything that happens appears. The person becomes aggressive towards others.

Alcoholism no less scary than any other. It comes on gradually, but it is very difficult to cure. Over time, if you do not stop drinking beer in liters, it ceases to act as before.

The body needs more and more alcohol to get the right dose of alcohol.. As a result, a person switches to stronger drinks. Alcohol does its destructive work, and a person turns into a real alcoholic.

The effect of beer on the body

Beer is most often a carbonated drink.. As a result, it is more rapidly absorbed into the tissues of the body than other non-carbonated wines. His destructive effect affects human organs

  • liver,
  • kidneys
  • stomach
  • cardiovascular system,
  • nervous system
  • brain.


The liver is one of the most important internal organs. She, passing through herself all the foods and drinks that enter the body, removes toxic substances from them.

Alcohol is the main enemy of the liver. The constant influence of ethanol on it leads to the fact that the liver increases in volume, fatty degeneration is observed and different types hepatitis A.

All of these are the initial stages of death. diseases - cirrhosis of the liver, from which a person dies, experiencing terrible pain, for three years.


The kidneys are responsible for removing fluid and toxic substances from the body. While drinking beer.

They are forced to work several times more and more actively than usual, filtering toxins from the body.

Together with beer from the body all useful substances are washed away. As a result of constantly increased activity of the kidneys, they can lose their efficiency.


Beer, getting into the stomach, irritates his mucous. With the constant influence of alcohol develop different types of stomach ulcers.

In addition, the glands that are involved in digestion stop working, which leads to gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Heart and blood vessels

Drinking man very often concerned about pain in the heart.

During the hangover period, he:

  • difficulty breathing,
  • dizzy,
  • sweating starts
  • noticeable interruptions in the work of the heart.

This suggests that the person is experiencing heart failure. The heart of the drinker is flabby and increases in volume..

Vessels become thinner. The heart muscle weakens, blood circulation is disturbed, and pressure rises.

All this can lead to serious cardiovascular diseases which will sooner or later lead to:

  • stroke,
  • heart attack
  • paralysis of the limbs
  • of death.

Nervous system and brain

Beer after penetration into the body is very quickly spread through it with the help of blood vessels.

All nerve endings, the central nervous system and the brain are exposed to its action.

Under the influence of alcohol contained in beer, a large number of brain cells die.

As a result, the drinker has:

  • memory lapses occur
  • deteriorating brain activity
  • the level of intelligence decreases.

The effect of beer on a man

In addition to the fact that frequent drinking of beer disrupts the activity of the main human organs, it affects a man destructive to his reproductive system.

Frequent use of a foamy drink leads to the fact that in male body there is a hormonal imbalance, the production of the male hormone inherent in it slows down.

This generates:

  • decrease in sperm quality
  • decrease in sperm activity,
  • erection problems,
  • impotence.

All of the above symptoms inevitably lead to a violation reproductive function and infertility.

The conception of a child under the influence of alcohol leads to abnormal formation of the fetus, the presence of many deviations in physical, mental and mental development.

The female hormone contained in beer often leads to the fact that the appearance of a man begins to resemble a woman's.

He's starting to get delayed fat in the waist and hips, breasts increase in volume by female type.

His figure ceases to be male. Frequent drinking of beer leads to the fact that a person is gaining a lot of excess weight, followed by related problems:

  • diabetes,
  • hypertension,
  • heart failure.

The influence of beer on women

First of all, a woman who consumes alcohol excessively should remember that it is much more difficult than in men to be removed from her body.

A hangover lasts for quite a long time and can lead to irreversible changes in the functioning of internal organs.

beer alcoholism

most often develops into its most severe form. This usually applies to women. The cure for this disease lasts a long time, and not always successfully.

female hormones, which are part of beer, violate the endocrine system of a woman. An excess of it leads to the fact that a woman gradually turns into a man.

Hormonal imbalance leads to change in the menstrual cycle.

If you do not start the right treatment, but, on the contrary, spur changes with beer, then this is fraught with the threat of never becoming a mother. For women who drink early menopause and menopause.

Changes in the functioning of the endocrine system disrupt the functioning of the whole organism. The possibility of breast cancer in a drinking woman almost doubles.

Harm of unfiltered beer

Unfiltered beer is beer that has not gone through the stages of purification and conservation. This is a natural product from useful products: hops, malt, yeast.

If you drink unfiltered beer a little and infrequently, then it helps to improve the body: improves the functioning of the heart and vascular system, normalizes blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, is a diuretic.

Beer contains a lot of vitamins.

In its natural form, it has a cloudy consistency, sediment, and its shelf life is just a few days.

In most cases, manufacturers are trying to improve the external consumer qualities of the drink and increase the shelf life. Therefore, beer goes through some stages of purification, which is why all its useful properties are lost.

AT unfiltered beer, as in any other contains a certain percentage of alcohol. Therefore, it (with excessive use) affects the human body in the same way as any alcoholic product.

In unfiltered beer the fermentation process does not stop, so it can adversely affect the work of the intestines and stomach.

In addition, there is a great danger of being poisoned by stale unfiltered beer.

Harm of non-alcoholic beer

Non-alcoholic beer has the same useful properties like any other. But there is no less harm in it.

Foaming in non-alcoholic beer occurs due to the addition of cobalt to it, the use of which leads to cardiac dysfunction.

Non-alcoholic beer contains a very small percentage of alcohol, but if you drink it a lot and often, then it, like ordinary beer, can provoke alcohol addiction in a person.


To the question is it bad to drink beer, it is difficult to answer unambiguously.

It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body of each person - the presence of chronic diseases, a genetic predisposition to alcohol, his age and gender.

We can only say with certainty that in unreasonable quantities, beer turns from medicine into poison, which destroys his strong and courageous beginning in a man, and makes a sexless creature out of a smart and beautiful woman.

Taking beer as a medicine, it is enough to limit yourself to 300 ml several times a week.

If a person is not confident in his resistance to a disease such as alcoholism, then he Eliminate beer completely from your diet.

Many consider beer alcoholism a myth and not capable of causing addiction or the formation of alcohol dependence. However, scientists have long come to the conclusion that beer is not a completely harmless drink, because. sometimes it contains more alcohol than wine. Beer lovers do not consider beer addiction a disease, but in vain, its frequent use leads to negative consequences. In this article, we will talk about what frequent drinking of beer leads to, how the drink affects the functioning of the whole organism. And also we will analyze beer alcoholism.

Beer alcoholism and its symptoms

According to statistics, beer alcoholism develops slowly, unlike the use of other alcoholic beverages. The principle of the development of alcoholism develops, thus, every day a person consumes 1-2 bottles of beer, feels relaxed, rested and distracted from everything. Such a dosage of alcohol is not capable of causing serious or noticeable processes in the general condition. However, over time, daily consumption of beer leads to addiction and cravings for stronger drinks. It is known that 1 bottle equals 50 grams of beer. The main signs of beer alcoholism include:

  • taking a "bread drink" in the morning to get rid of or alleviate a hangover;
  • the appearance of insomnia and increased drowsiness during the day;
  • problems with potency;
  • daily consumption of at least 1 liter;
  • a constant desire to relax with alcohol;
  • manifestation of aggression at the time of a sober state;
  • headache;
  • weight gain.

With daily use of the drink, the body gets used to it, and later, it is already difficult for a person to refuse beer, and he begins to increase the dose from 1 to 10 liters. Symptoms of a beer hangover have almost the same symptoms as vodka, wine or cognac intoxication, only after drinking beer the condition is much more severe and the body recovers longer. Experts say that the symptoms of beer alcoholism in men and women are similar. The only thing women may still experience:

  • the appearance of capriciousness;
  • excessive tearfulness;
  • prolonged depression.

Important! Regardless of the type of addiction (beer, vodka, wine, cognac), female alcoholism is treated much more difficult, and develops rapidly, unlike male.

Beer addiction in teenagers

The use of any alcoholic beverage by a teenager entails negative consequences for his health and development. A growing body quickly gets used to the drink, it is not able to assess the extent of the detrimental effect on its health. Symptoms of alcoholism in adolescents are manifested in:

  • deterioration in school performance;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • incomprehensible irritation;
  • isolation;
  • communication with a bad company;
  • violation of discipline;
  • home absence.

It is impossible to ignore such symptoms, otherwise the consequences of beer will develop into a more severe form of alcohol addiction, which will be quite difficult to cure quickly. According to statistics, early alcohol addiction in adolescents leads to drug addiction.

The effect of beer on the functioning of vital organs

  • Heart. Abuse of beer negatively affects the functioning of the cardiac system. Alcohol makes the heart work hard, because of the heavy load, pressure rises, from which the ventricle increases in size. Over time, the walls of the heart thicken and the cells begin to die.

Important! Frequent use of a soft drink leads to the formation of coronary disease, angina pectoris or heart attacks.

  • Kidneys. The renal system is under the most stress among other organs. After drinking the drink, there is a frequent need to urinate, which entails a narrowing of the vessels of the organ. An alcohol abuser brings himself to the formation of negative processes in the vessels, which leads to hemorrhage and the onset of death.
  • Nervous system. Absolutely any alcoholic drink destroys the activity of the nervous system. The consequences of drinking beer negatively affect the functioning of the brain, which leads to the death of a large number of brain cells. With periodic use of alcohol, the cells are able to recover, but if a person systematically consumes alcohol every day, the cells do not have time to recover. This situation entails the following:
  • complete sleep disturbance
  • nervous, aggressive and excited state;
  • memory problems;
  • mental disorders, possible hallucinations;

Digestive system

Diseases of the digestive system are directly dependent on food and alcohol consumption. If you do not follow the normal diet, you may experience:

  • ulcers;
  • gastritis;
  • cancerous diseases.

For information! Low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks can also cause irritation of the gastric mucosa. Scientists conducted research and found out that a large number of carcinogenic substances contained in a soft drink cause the formation of oncology.

Sexual system. Drinking a foamy drink on a regular basis leads to a decrease in the testosterone hormone. Over time, abusing alcohol acquires external changes similar to those of women, potency and attraction to the opposite sex decreases. It is also important that beer can cause problems with conception, because. this drink greatly affects the reproductive function.

Development of beer alcoholism

  • Light form, which can be easily noticed. Drinking alcohol does not occur systematically 2-3 times a week, such a dosage gradually increases and comes down to 1-2 bottles of beer daily.
  • The severe form is manifested in the appearance of aggression, the desire to drink and quench one's thirst. As a rule, in this state, the patient may not get drunk, but in practice there are cases when a person can consume up to 10-15 liters per day. In such a situation, it is necessary to seek help from narcologists.

Treatment for beer addiction

In the treatment of dependence on a foamy drink, the same methods are used as in the case of vodka, wine and cognac addiction. The only difficulty in therapy is that beer alcoholism is much more difficult to treat, because addiction to this drink much stronger. To obtain a high result, the patient must admit his illness and voluntarily want to undergo therapy. Narcologists use several effective methods to get rid of cravings for alcohol:

  • hypnosis;
  • laser therapy;
  • drug therapy;
  • ethnoscience.

Remember, even a small dose of your favorite drink can significantly aggravate your overall health. The most effective method in the fight against excessive alcohol consumption is its prevention. If the problem arose, you should try to cope with it yourself or with the help of specialists. Excessive alcohol consumption leads to the complete destruction of a person's personality and health.

To date, beer is the most common drink that has a weak concentration of alcohol. It is generally accepted that beer is revered only by men who, drinking this drink, thus have a rest after working days. But more and more often you can see women who abuse this intoxicating drink, not thinking about the irreversible consequences that can result from drinking large amounts of beer. Since ancient times, the beer drink has been used exclusively for medicinal purposes, but many years later, because of this drink, the number of people drinking beer is growing all over the world.

Its special feature is that everyone who drinks beer does not recognize it as an addiction, which is why beer alcoholism is so common.

Why beer is bad for men

Today, almost every man cannot imagine relaxing with friends or watching a football match without this intoxicating drink. Yes, and just a can of beer in front of the TV every day is considered acceptable, but under this lies a lot of negative consequences, they can be:

  • One of the most important factors is the dependence on beer, which can lead to the negative effects of alcohol on the human body. In connection with the abuse of beer in large quantities, the consequence may be hormonal changes in the body. This is due to the fact that the beer drink contains a large amount of female hormones phytoestrogens, produced by a combination of malt and hop "knobs", which can suppress male testosterone;
  • The consequence of such suppression can be such consequences as obesity according to the type of a female figure, hence the “beer belly” arises, and most importantly, with the use of a large and constant amount of beer, the male function gradually weakens. The result can be impotence, and the risk of having healthy children also increases significantly;
  • An excess of the female hormone also leads to the fact that hormonal changes occur in the male body. This is manifested in the fact that men begin to be more prone to the bitchiness characteristic of women, they can significantly increase their breasts and even have cellulite. The consequence of the predominance of these hormones can also affect the behavior of men in the body, feminine qualities begin to predominate and quite often their voice timbre changes, it becomes higher.

In addition, the predominance of the female hormone in the body of a man not only affects sexual function, but it also has a very large effect on the cardiovascular system, which can lead to a heart attack.

What harm does the abuse of beer bring to women

Every year the number of women drinking beer is increasing, but for the most part, none of them fully understand what the consequences may be in the future. The body of a woman is very fragile with a very complex structure, which is aimed at giving birth to healthy children.
The negative consequences that can occur if you abuse beer:

  • The use of a beer drink negatively affects the reproductive function. The phytoestrogens found in beer significantly increase the amount of female hormones in the body. The consequence of this may be that women become aggressive as a result of overexcitability in this state are very often subject to the occurrence of promiscuity;
  • But still, the main negative consequence is that women who consume a large amount of beer drink expose their future children to the risk of being born with all sorts of pathologies and abnormalities. And also this low-alcohol drink can lead to the emergence of various diseases directly related to reproductive function and the result in such cases may be infertility or pathological miscarriage of the fetus;
  • Even if a woman who has been drinking a foamy drink for such a long time manages to get pregnant, then there is a very high risk of giving birth to a child with a pathology. Very often, children born to mothers and fathers who drank beer from a very young age are already addicted to this drink.

Such internal changes go unnoticed and become clear as a result, but outwardly this is very significant. This often affects the condition of the skin of the face, it becomes more wrinkled and the aging process occurs much earlier. As well as complete apathy and irritability, aggressiveness - that's all external signs alcohol addiction.

How does beer alcoholism affect the body as a whole?

The detrimental effect of beer on the body, whether a man or a woman, can also lead to general negative consequences. First of all, beer negatively affects the functioning of the brain. This is due to the fact that the presence of alcohol in beer promotes agglutination of red blood cells, which can lead to the formation of blood clots. A similar process contributes to the death of nerve cells, because due to clogging of neurons they cannot receive required amount oxygen.

But characteristically this process of neuronal death exposes a person to euphoria while drinking. alcoholic beverages, but the consequence of short-term bliss comes "retribution" therefore very often in the morning a headache.

The body, having come in the morning, begins to actively recover a little, and for this it is necessary to use all the organs in order to remove the consequences of drinking from the body. Therefore, the kidneys and liver begin to work in an enhanced mode at this very time they are placed on a huge burden, which requires huge costs.

The very frequent use of an intoxicating drink exposes these vital organs to exhaustion and wear, which can lead to serious diseases. During the period of purification of the body from alcohol intoxication, the kidneys, liver and brain require a large amount of water. And as a result of the fact that while drinking beer, the excretion of water increases, the next morning there is mainly a general malaise and a very headache. Due to the lack of moisture, the “cleansing” organs have to look for water throughout the body, so with a hangover you always want water.

Due to the fact that certain organs are subjected to a huge load, this is all displayed on the heart. Due to constant stress during the recovery process, the heart begins to increase, it depends on the amount drunk, because the more alcohol, the longer it will take to remove it. In this case, the heart needs more volume to support vital organs. But as a result of constant overload, the enlarged heart can stop due to the fact that it will not be able to pump such an amount of blood throughout the body. Such a toxic component as cobalt, a stabilizer used to fix beer foam, also has a very negative effect on the heart.

Each time you drink a beer drink, the amount of this substance increases, because it tends to accumulate in the body and this can lead to cardiac arrest.

Numerous army of fans of fragrant foam assures that beer is a non-hazardous and even healthy product. Intoxicating refreshes, invigorates and awakens a cheerful mood. Sadly, beer lovers believe that beer does not provoke addiction in comparison with vodka, since it is low-alcohol alcohol. They explain this by the fact that there are many natural ingredients which are beneficial to health.

But scientists categorically disagree with such a naive opinion. Studying the problems of alcoholization of society, experts are sure that alcoholic beverages should not be attempted to be divided according to the degree of harm. Among the entire vast range of alcohol, there is no harmless drink. Let's talk about what consequences of drinking beer threaten those individuals who cannot live a day without it.

Excessive passion for beer destroys all the internal systems of the body

For years, advertising has been imposed on society that beer is good with no harm. Such slogans were introduced to the masses only in order to increase sales. But in reality things are quite different. Let's start with the fact that foam is not such a low-alcohol product. In some varieties of hoppy, the degree can reach 14-15%, as in strong wines..

In the days of the Soviet Union, there was a strict regulation that determined the maximum allowable strength of beer. It was 1.5-2.8%.

Apparently, since those times, the opinion has gone about the low degree of foamy, which firmly holds its position, despite global changes in the beer industry. Moreover, convinced beer lovers do not believe that beer addiction is dangerous. This is another big mistake, because the consequences of excessive drinking of beer are extremely detrimental to human health.

beer craze

The formation of beer alcoholism, unlike other types of pathology, is much slower. But this kind of addiction has its own characteristics, which gives doctors the right to treat this addiction as a separate type.

Beer alcoholism develops several times faster than usual

Beer alcoholism is called "gambrinism", this term can often be seen in the media, although narcologists themselves rarely use it.

Beer alcoholism is very insidious, it forms quietly, imperceptibly and over a long period of time.. After all, when a person consumes 1-2 bottles of aromatic hops per day, he does not feel unwell and any changes. But during these hours, a real alcoholism develops in the body of a beer lover, which firmly strengthens in the subconscious the desire to enjoy beer again and experience pleasant relaxation.

Dangerous symptoms

The first signs of a developing addiction to foam are symptoms such as:

  1. Potency drop.
  2. Daytime sleepiness and nocturnal insomnia.
  3. Migraines that become frequent and severe.
  4. Daily consumption of hops in the amount of 1-1.5 liters.
  5. Drinking in the morning in order to stop a hangover.
  6. An increase in the circumference of the peritoneum (the formation of a "beer belly").
  7. The inability to get relaxation in other ways than drinking.
  8. If there is no intoxicating drink at hand, a person becomes irritated.

If initially a person does not drink beer every day, then later he wakes up with a desire to relax daily with the help of foam. And there comes a moment when a person is no longer able to give up alcohol altogether, drinking it daily in large quantities.

Narcologists recorded a case when a beer alcoholic had a daily dose of intoxicating alcohol of about 15 liters.

The hangover syndrome that develops with beer addiction is similar in its manifestation to a hangover with other types of drunkenness. But its symptoms are removed much harder and longer. The patient develops very painful migraines and prolonged diarrhea..

Addiction to beer in women

Numerous manifestations of beer addiction in the fairer sex are identical with men. But there are also some features. In particular, female beer alcoholism is manifested by such signs as:

  • depression;
  • tendency to self-digging;
  • refusal to take care of children, family;
  • imbalance, tearfulness.

In ladies, addiction to hops develops simply rapidly, and getting rid of a bad habit is much worse and harder than for men. Therefore, at the first alarming signals, you should immediately visit a narcologist and take care of your own health.

With a passion for beer, a rapid aging of the female body occurs

Beer alcoholism and teenagers

Unfortunately, beer addiction has become widespread among the younger generation. This pathology is exacerbated by the individual characteristics of the young organism. The child is not able to understand and realize the consequences of beer addiction. The habit, and then the addiction in children develops very quickly, so parents need to strictly control the life of their own child. The following signs should be alert:

  • late walks;
  • the appearance of isolation;
  • constant irritability;
  • propensity to cheat and petty theft;
  • unwillingness to take part in family affairs.

Beer is especially dangerous for a teenager's body

Narcologists have established that almost all drug addicts began their "career" with beer in adolescence and early smoking.

Beer and the health of individual organs

Beer slowly destroys almost all internal systems of the human body. This fragrant and such an insidious drink does not leave any organ without its destructive attention.

Cardiac system

Doctors know such a syndrome as "bull (or beer) heart." Everyday intoxication leads to a significant increase in the size of the heart organ, which significantly impairs normal blood circulation. The sad result is the development of ischemia and heart failure.

In beer production, cobalt is used (as a foam stabilizer). In avid beer lovers, the concentration of this compound can exceed the healthy norm by 10-12 times.

It is cobalt that is implicated in various heart problems. By the way, when combined with carbon dioxide, this tandem also adversely affects the health of the stomach, esophagus.

Gastrointestinal tract

The destructive effect of foam on the gastrointestinal tract is determined by the fermentation processes inherent in beer. Being a constant irritant of the gastric mucosa, intoxicating drink provokes abundant production of caustic gastric juice. As a result, this function is inhibited and serious disturbances in the functioning of the entire digestive system occur. Therefore, ulcers and gastritis become constant companions of a beer lover.

What are the consequences of a passion for beer for a man


Excessive love for drunkenness has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of the liver. Moreover, the harm from a foamy drink is in no way inferior to the destruction that strong alcohol brings with it. Doctors constantly diagnose various pathologies in the work and condition of this organ due to excessive love for foam.

Almost 85% of brewers with a weekly consumption of 10-12 liters of foam develop severe liver pathology - cirrhosis.

urinary system

Doctors keep repeating that drinking too much beer is bad for your health. And this was noticed by almost everyone who is distinguished by an increased love for intoxicating. Its negative effect on the kidneys is hard not to notice, because when using foam, the work of the urinary system is greatly enhanced, and the number of runs to the toilet also increases.

This is understandable - under the influence of intoxication in the body, the acid-base balance is destroyed. To bring it to normal levels, the kidneys begin to function with a triple load. Which causes a state of polyuria (increased urination). Such loads are extremely harmful to the condition of the kidneys and can even provoke hemorrhage in these organs.

What to Expect from Beer Alcoholism

With increased love for foam, the body, sooner or later, will give a crushing failure. After all, aromatic alcohol is dangerous not only for the content of ethanol, but also for the mass of harmful inclusions. A dangerous tandem destabilizes metabolic processes and destroys the functioning of almost all internal systems. An experienced foam lover is diagnosed with such dangerous pathologies as:

  • hepatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hypertension;
  • neuropathy;
  • hyponatremia;
  • lactic acidosis.

Hops and men's health

Toxins, contained in high concentrations in foam, have a detrimental effect on the state of the endocrine system. Phytoestrogen (a plant analogue of the female hormone) also brings a colossal problem. This compound is found in excess in hop cones. With an increased love for foam, testosterone is suppressed in the body (the main male hormone).

People have been dealing with beer alcoholism for a long time.

The result is a significant violation of the hormonal balance and problems in the work of the reproductive organs. This reflects on the male appearance. The effect of phytoestrogen is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • drop in libido;
  • increase in the timbre of the voice;
  • decrease in muscle mass;
  • absent-mindedness and memory impairment;
  • thinning of hair on the body;
  • the growth of body fat in the female warehouse.

Beer alcoholism in men also responds to brain activity. It leads to a significant deterioration in intellectual abilities and degradation. Problems with the production of testosterone in the future also affect the ability to conceive a healthy and full-fledged child.

Beer and women's health

Despite the fact that foamy is rich in phytoestrogens, which are related to female hormones, intoxicating is no less harmful to the female body. By the way, the detrimental effect of hops on a woman's well-being was established a very long time ago. It was noted that during the harvesting of hops, the workers had menstrual flow (out of cycle).

And the excess content of female hormones provokes the occurrence of the opposite effect - the desire to dominate, bring disharmony into family relationships. An excess of phytoestrogen negatively affects the functioning and condition of the reproductive organs, which leads women to complete infertility and disruption of monthly cycles.

It has been noticed that with a long beer experience among the fair sex:

  • facial hair began to grow;
  • the timbre of the voice changes and coarsens;
  • the risk of oncology increases 5-6 times;
  • in nursing mothers who were fond of beer, the risk of developing epilepsy in a child increased by 2-3 times.

Modern beer and myths

Admirers of foam argue that foam is the oldest traditional drink that cannot be harmful. In fact, our distant Slavic ancestors used intoxicating alcohol, but the technology of its modern production is completely different from the original, Old Slavonic. The current foam has a completely different composition and even color. And its effect on the human body is not the same as before.

If in the old days foam was actively and successfully used to treat many diseases, but modern technologies“killed” all inherent healing abilities of beer. Of course, in modern hop (especially "live") there are some substances and compounds that are beneficial to health. But with regular and excessive consumption of this fragrant drink, there can be no talk of any benefit t.

Any, even a small dose of ethanol with a regular and systematic impact on the body negatively affects health. Therefore, even when consuming exclusively fresh and natural foam, you should use your own sanity and not get carried away with this drink in order to avoid subsequent health troubles. Everything is good in moderation.