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Sleep helps to fully live and feel good, it is a free vitamin and antibiotic, anti-stress and helper. But how to sleep properly in order to feel cheerful, how to get enough sleep? Does rest depend on the cardinal points and on which side to sleep? We will talk about this and much more further.

Sleep and lack of sleep

Do not sleep too long, it does not benefit the body.

Chocolate bar or chocolate chip cookie or a chocolate croissant - no point in denying, we know that whatever you choose will have chocolate - it will successfully prepare your way for a sleepy afternoon. But how do you know when your sweets give you energy? Yes, it is, but for a short period of time. After this small energy boom, there will be a deep and safe fall in your sleep, and if you cannot meet this need in the body, there is a slim chance of extending your productivity into the evening.

Sugar sugar helps release insulin, which in turn helps release tryptophan, an inhaled amino acid. So if you don't feel like sleeping in the office at the office, leave the chocolate out for the moments when you allow yourself to do so. Although it may seem strange to you, coffee has basically the same effect as sweets. This gives you energy for an hour to an hour and a half, but after the effect of caffeine wears off, you will want to take a nap. One way to enjoy a cup of coffee for a long time is not to drink it all after a quarter of an hour.

Scientists have found that the younger a person is, the more he should sleep.

Most likely, this is because he spends a lot of energy on life, and small children grow intensively. But the older people get, the less sleep they need.

  • Babies under 3 months sleep more than 17 hours a day.
  • Older children - 14 hours.
  • Those who have already "passed" for 3 years can sleep only 13-15 hours,
  • Children from 6 years old and up to adolescence should rest until 11 o'clock.
  • From about 15-16 years old, the body requires a standard 8 hours of sleep.
  • It is 7-8 hours of rest that people from 18 to 65 years old need. In this active period of life, people usually sleep 7-9 hours, and this is enough for them. The average standard figure is 8 hours.
  • After 65 years, in order to fully relax, 7-6 hours may be enough.

An adult should not sleep for more than 9 hours, the effect of such a process will be harmful. Fatigue, apathy, strange drowsiness, headache, a feeling of non-perception of the world may appear and you will want to sleep more.

Take your caffeine in small sips and enjoy your favorite elixir for two to three hours, but don't exceed lunch time. In most cases, you can have energy throughout the day by eating a breakfast rich in fiber and protein. You would be surprised to see what a bowl of grains combined with fruit can do wonders. But do not forget, without cherries and bananas!

If you feel bloated after every meal or have any digestive issues, you should avoid certain post-meal habits. A study by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics shows that some of the habits we make after eating are eating the stomach.

Constant sleep can lead to depression and poor health.

But you need to sleep, you should do it on time. There are people who, for anomalous reasons, do not sleep for years. But these are unique cases, while such patients feel good. A normal healthy person should sleep, preferably at night. If your work schedule does not allow you to rest at night, but only during the day, the body also gets harm. It is a good night's rest that helps to be healthy. If there is a constant lack of sleep, the body can have negative consequences:

What You Shouldn't Do After Eating

Cold water hinders digestion and causes food to agglutinate. Choose water from room temperature or hot water. Hot water will help your body absorb more nutrients. She does not drink tea after meals, but before, says the American researcher, writes in saludkom. Many of the commercial teas contain important elements for the body, such as polyphenols and tannins, but when ingested immediately after eating, they do more harm than good. Polyphenols make it difficult to absorb iron in food.

  • General health worsens.
  • Constant increasing fatigue.
  • Depressive state, apathy for life.
  • Bad memory.
  • The work of the brain is disrupted, logic and mental processes are deteriorating.
  • Poor eyesight.
  • Mood swings.
  • The pressure becomes higher, there are "swings" of pressure.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Early aging.
  • Life expectancy is getting shorter.
  • Excess weight.

Such serious consequences are very dangerous, but most often lack of sleep appears due to various reasons. They can be conditionally divided into several groups:

Ideal - to drink tea an hour after eating. Don't put the strap on your arm or accessory to get your belly. It's obvious why you should avoid it. Sports are held before and after 3 hours. If you feel the need to move, it's best to walk for 10 minutes instead of putting your stomach in.

Have you wondered that people pull out a cigarette right after eating? Do not eat fruit fruit. Fruit sugar will make your digestion more difficult, especially if you've just eaten nutrient-dense foods. Big mistake if you put yourself in bed. The food will not be digested properly and you will have constant stomach problems.

  1. Mechanical(busy work schedule, wrong daily routine, lack of time for sleep).
  2. emotional(nightmares, fears, emotional instability, mental pain, trauma).
  3. Physical(diseases, pain in the back, head, legs, health problems, blood circulation, pressure).

All this requires the right solution. If sleep does not come due to mechanical reasons, you should adjust your lifestyle. For other reasons, you need to go to a psychologist, therapist or somnologist (a specialist who studies sleep problems).

Hot water destroys blood flow in the arms and legs, and the amount of blood in the stomach area can be significantly reduced. Liposuction is a procedure that helps sculpt the body by removing unwanted fat from specific regions including the abdomen, hips, buttocks, hips, knees, arms, chin, cheeks, and throat. In the last decade, liposuction, known as lipoplasty, has seen some improvements.

Today, many new techniques have emerged, such as ultrasonic-assisted lipoplasty, the tumescent technique, and the heavy-duty technique, which helps many plastics provide more accurate results to patients and assist in the recovery process. However, no type of liposuction can replace diet and exercise, they can only remove certain areas of fat that do not respond to traditional weight loss methods.

There are special clinics and centers where your sleep is examined and these problems are solved, there are even special sanatoriums where you can undergo one-time treatment or complex procedures.

Ideal Conditions

To get enough sleep, a person needs right conditions for sleep. In principle, you can sleep in any conditions, even sitting and standing, but the body will not receive the necessary benefits and rest.

If you're interested in liposuction, this resource can provide basic information about the procedure - when it's recommended, how it's done, and how you might look and feel after the procedure. It cannot answer all questions, because many depend on each person. If you have questions about this topic, please consult your plastic surgeon.

Best Candidates for Liposuction

To be a good candidate for liposuction, you must have realistic expectations about what liposuction can offer you. It is important to understand that liposuction can improve your appearance and regain your confidence, but that doesn't mean you become a model or make other people treat you differently. Before you decide to have an operation, think carefully about what you expect from this operation and discuss it with your surgeon. The best candidate for liposuction is a normal weight woman with tight, elastic skin with excess fat in some areas.


For the most comfortable sleep, the atmosphere should be calm. No noise from the neighbor, from the street, from the TV or computer. Sometimes relaxing music that you can listen to before going to bed or while falling asleep helps. Japanese or Chinese motifs are very good for this.

The most important element for a good sleep is peace, silence and a pleasant smell. You can ventilate the bedroom before going to bed, light an aromatic oil or fill the room with the aroma that you most associate with sleep.

You must be physically healthy, mentally stable, and realistic in your expectations of the intervention. Age is not a barrier, but older patients may have less elastic skin, so they may not get the same results as younger patients.

Liposuction is a greater risk for patients who have medical problems such as diabetes, heart or lung disease, poor circulation, or those who have recently had surgery in an area that wants to intervene. During the first consultation, the surgeon will assess your health condition, determine the location of fatty deposits and assess the quality of your skin. The surgeon will explain the modeling techniques that may be most suitable for you.

Do not fill the bedroom before rest with harsh perfumes, coffee aromas, let it not be too stuffy or cold here. You should be comfortable and warm. It’s good if in this room, in principle, they don’t arrange noisy festivities, don’t quarrel and don’t have loud conversations. You should have a private bedroom, free from negative and loud sounds. Then you will want to come here, it will be all shrouded in an atmosphere of peace and relaxation. Such an atmosphere best pledge Good night.

How do you get the answers you need?

Be honest in discussions you have with your surgeon. And he must be honest in describing the procedures and explaining the risks and limitations of this intervention. People who are thinking about liposuction often feel overwhelmed by the myriad of options and techniques that have begun to be promoted today.

However, your plastic surgeon can help. When he decides the technique he will use in your case, he will look for the one that is most effective, safest, and best for your case. This is called a surgical decision, which is acquired through surgical practice. Your doctor will use the same experience to protect against complications; To be able to control unexpected events that may occur during the operation; And treat complications when they occur.


In order for the body to rest effectively, you should lie down correctly. It affects sleep.

The most correct posture is the position on the back.

But for many it is quite difficult. But it is sleep on the back that helps to restore strength well and does not provoke pain in the spine. The arms in this position should be extended and relaxed.

Your surgeon will give you clear instructions on how to prepare for surgery, including advice on what to eat, drink, smoke, and take medication; You may want to avoid certain vitamins, iron pills, and certain medications. If you turn to a cold or an infection of any kind, especially a skin infection, your surgeon may delay the operation.

While this is rarely necessary, your doctor may recommend blood collection some time before surgery if you need it during your period. In preparation for the operation, you will make sure that after the intervention, someone will be sent to drive you home and help you for a day or two, if necessary.

You can sleep on your side, but here you should listen to your feelings. For some people, sleeping on the right side causes heartburn or stomach discomfort. And on the left, on the contrary, it helps digestion. In any case, listen to yourself. Hands, if you sleep on your side, stretch along the body. It is good to put small pillows between your legs if you like to rest on your side.

If the intervention is carried out

Lipoplasty will be performed in a plastic surgery clinic. Liposuction, in which a small amount of fat is removed, is performed in an outpatient clinic. However, if a large amount of fat is removed or liposuction is performed along with other procedures, an overnight hospital stay may be required.

Liposuction procedures can use different types of anesthesia. You and your surgeon will choose the safest and most effective type of anesthesia for your surgery. If only a small amount of fat and only a limited number of areas will be affected, the intervention can be performed with local anesthesia, which only numbs the affected areas. Local anesthesia is usually used with intravenous sedatives meant to help you relax during surgery.

If you sleep on your back, put pillows under your back, under your legs, under your knees, as it is convenient.

Especially if you have problems with knee joints or back pain. Lie on a comfortable side and listen to yourself.

It is better not to sleep on your stomach. If this is difficult to give up, try to sleep in these positions as little as possible. This causes problems with the spine and back, but it also helps with digestion.

Local anesthesia can also be good choice for more extensive procedures. One type of local anesthesia is the epidural block, especially used at birth. However, some patients prefer general anesthesia, especially if a large amount of fat is being removed. If you use general anesthesia, you will be assisted by an anesthesiologist during the intervention.

The time required for liposuction varies greatly depending on the size of the area, the amount of fat to be removed, the type of anesthesia, and the technique used. There are some liposuction techniques that can make the harvesting process easier and improve results.


The interior of the bedroom should be calm and not flashy. Warm, pastel, light colors are most suitable. They don't have to be bright. Sometimes a nice green color is used. You should not make special accents, the bedroom should be spacious. Pay special attention to a comfortable bed and bedside area.

Hang a lamp with dim light, you should have blinds or blackout curtains, windows should face the side that is as protected from light as possible.

Liposuction is a procedure in which localized fat deposits are removed to reshape one or more areas of the body. A narrow tube or cannula is inserted through a small incision to evacuate fat found under the skin. The cannula is pulled out and pushed through the layer of fat to break up the fat cells and pull them out. Suction is done with a vacuum pump or a large syringe, depending on the preference of the surgeon. If multiple areas are treated, the surgeon will move to the next area to reduce the incisions.

With fat, fluids are lost and it is imperative that they be replaced during the intervention to prevent shock. For these reasons, the patient should be carefully monitored and taken intravenously intravenously and immediately after surgery. The main liposuction techniques described above are used in all patients after this procedure. However, as methods have been developed and revised, some changes have been made.

Let the bedroom have two phases of lightening: bright, if you are reading or relaxing, and muted, which, as it were, would bring you to sleep. Do not put a vase with flowers that smell strongly or plants, keep it free from TVs and computers. You can put a few books on the nightstand that are especially interesting to you or, on the contrary, make you sleepy.

Fluid injection, a technique in which a drug solution is injected into fatty areas, is a technique commonly used by plastic surgeons today. Fluid injection also helps in the number of strokes after surgery. The amount of fluid administered varies depending on the preference of the surgeon. A large volume of fluid, sometimes three times the volume of extracted fat, is injected into the swelling technique. Tumescent liposuction, usually used for patients requiring only local anesthesia, usually takes much longer than traditional liposuction.

The bedroom is not a place to work or eat. Free her of everything you don't need for sleep. Leave the bed, bedside tables, armchairs, a place where you can put a bathrobe or clothes, a closet, take a few books, you can make an audio system that would help you relax with music. Well, if the bedroom has a warm floor.

If possible, make the bedroom soundproof and lock it with a key. To properly arrange the interior, you can watch a special training video. Bloggers don't get tired of writing about it either.

If you share a bed with your husband, arrange more romance and cute little things: you can come up with a corner of love, put your photos or candles there, a lot of little things.

How to sleep properly

To sleep was a joy, sleep properly:

  • Go to bed no earlier than 9 pm and no later than 11. It is during this period that it is easiest to fall asleep, the body is set to rest.
  • Go to bed at the same time, the body will adjust to the regime.
  • From 11 pm to 4 am you must sleep. If you are alert during this period, it is very harmful to the body. During these hours, sleep is the strongest.
  • Sleep at least 7 hours a day. It must be a dream that is not interrupted. You should not sleep for an hour, then work for three hours, then sleep again for 30 minutes. It's unhealthy.
  • Don't sleep more than 9 hours a day, it won't do you any good
  • If possible, you can take a break during the day. But no more than 2 hours. Otherwise, insomnia is possible at night.
  • , let the last meal be 3-4 hours before rest.
  • Try not to take sleeping pills if you can't sleep. The body will get used to it and will not be able to fall asleep normally.
  • Sex is the best remedy for insomnia.
  • Do not try to get enough sleep on weekends, if on ordinary days you sleep 5 hours a day, and on weekends 12 hours, this harms the body. Try to keep a balance, because after sleeping on Sunday you will still feel uncomfortable.
  • You need to wake up at the same time.
  • Before going to bed, take a walk and ventilate the room. Do not dress in too warm pajamas and do not wrap yourself in hot blankets - a maximum of 22 degrees.
  • The one who sleeps on a hard surface does the right thing.

Basic principles

There are some unwritten principles that are observed when sleeping:

  1. Take a compass and determine the cardinal directions in your bedroom. Sleep with your head to the east or north.
  2. Go to bed always at the same time. So avoid insomnia.
  3. The room before going to bed should be ventilated for at least 30 minutes.
  4. If you do not sleep well at night, rest during the day, remember to get a good rest, despite the lack of time.
  5. Before going to bed, take a shower, do a self-massage, ask someone to rub your back or massage your feet, after a shower - yawn with pleasure.
  • If the sleep is very deep, the body is paralyzed. The person cannot move, but this happens in case of very deep sleep. After waking up, a person feels cheerful and great.
  • Reality is friends with dreams. What is happening at this moment can enter into your dream. You dream that the phone is ringing, and you really have it ringing. All external stimuli, things fit into your dreams and in a matter of seconds mutate into a full-fledged part of your sleep.

Smokers who quit have vivid dreams afterwards.

  • A dream is often a symbol of one or the other. Decisions come in dreams, dreams help people understand themselves. This is even a kind of prophecy, a game of the subconscious. You have to believe in dreams. But only when they are good.
  • Most people (over 90%) dream in color.
  • Only acquaintances come to dreams. These may be people whom you have seen only once in your life and then briefly. They imprinted in the subconscious and came to visit. A dream is like a kaleidoscope, from which only one piece has been torn out. This is a game of the subconscious, intuition, logic and everything that scientists have not yet studied.
  • Those who sleep well are less prone to depression, psychosis and fears.

Men are more likely to dream of men, and girls see both ladies and men in their dreams in the same way.

  • Almost 95% of all dreams a person forgets. The most vivid memories in the first 10 minutes after waking up.
  • Those who do not see also dream. If a person is blind from birth, he dreams with smells, sounds.

To sleep better, you need to drink milk, eat eggs, bananas and tuna. It is good to use nuts, spinach.

  • Alcohol, as is commonly believed, does not contribute to good sleep.

  • You can take:
  • Hops 1 tbsp
  • Boiling water 200 g

Insist 10-15 minutes, strain. Drink before bed. Not for pregnant and lactating women.

  • Pour a tablespoon of dill seeds in 400 g of boiling water. Insist 2 hours. Strain. Drink a glass before bed.
  • You can buy ready-made pillows that help you fall asleep. Or you can cook it yourself: mix mint, lemon balm, wormwood in equal parts. Put it in a bag, sew it up. Place this pillow under your pillow.
  • Take lavender oil and put a few drops on whiskey, grind.
  • Before going to bed, you can take a bath in which you add essential oils valerian, chamomile, lavender, roses.
  • Make a massage in which to use corn oil, rosemary oil and ginger.
  • Onion helps to sleep. Green onion salad has a lot of such benefits.
  • Before going to bed, make a cocktail: mix a glass of milk with a banana, nuts and sprouted wheat. Whisk in a blender.

The house has bad energy. It is worth cleaning the house, maybe you should experiment and put the bed not according to feng shui, but in a way that is more convenient for you. There are rules, but if you are so uncomfortable, you are allowed to experiment and look for what is most suitable.

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1. Wear loose linen that covers your body.

The fact that tight-fitting and, especially, synthetic fabrics violate the body's thermoregulation and create a greenhouse effect, we know - this is the first time. But do not forget that natural fabrics conduct heat worse than human skin. Accordingly, the more our body is “closed” by clothes made of natural fabric, the less it heats up. Moreover, modern scientists consider flax to be the best heat insulator: in clothes made from it, the temperature between the body and the fabric remains 3-4 degrees below the ambient temperature, respectively, we feel cooler.

2. Drink more warm and hot drinks

In addition to the fact that they quench their thirst better and faster, as scientists from University of California at San Francisco (University of California, San Francisco), drinks with ice and ice cream in the heat often cause not only colds, but also severe headaches, migraines and dizziness. The fact is that our brain instantly reacts to the temperature difference “inside”, and as a result, a vasospasm occurs.

3. Scientists consider green tea to be the number 1 drink in the heat.

It prevents the thickening of the blood, which can occur due to the loss of moisture in the body and, accordingly, improves our well-being, increases efficiency and prevents the risk of cardiovascular attacks, the likelihood of which, as you know, increases in heat conditions. And the experts of the program will tell you about how to brew it, drink it correctly and about the most interesting secrets of the tea ceremony. "In the shape of":

4. Avoid Salt Deficiency

This will help to avoid a violation of the water and acid-base balance in the body, swelling, dizziness, feelings of weakness and drowsiness. Sweating a lot in the heat, we can lose up to 30-40 grams of salt per day, which is why nutritionists advise in the summer to be careful with salt-free diets. So if you want to salt the salad - salt to health! It is best to choose sea and rock salt, they have more useful elements. And do not forget about foods rich in mineral salts that help maintain the potassium-sodium balance in the body: cucumbers, celery, asparagus, tomatoes.

Alexey Kovalkov

nutritionist, host of the programs "Food by the rules and without", "Family size"

Good Salt Replacement - Dry sea ​​kale, which has a pleasant salty taste (it should be added to ready meals). I also recommend that some patients use low sodium salt (called hyposodium salt).

5. Eat lighter meals

In the process of digesting "heavy" and fatty foods, the body spends a lot of strength and energy, the body temperature rises, and we again become hotter. In extreme heat, nutritionists also advise to completely abandon marinades, canned food, pickles, fast food and smoked foods: excess salt and various flavorings contribute to dehydration of the body and disrupt the processes of internal thermoregulation.

6. Choose products with a cooling effect

According to Ayurveda, in order to feel good and not get sick, you need to eat more "warming" foods in the cold. In the heat - "cooling". Warming, in the first place, includes alcoholic drinks (especially strong and red wine), hot and spicy spices, coffee and cocoa, chocolate, lamb, chicken, dried fruits, goat and cow's milk cheese, eggplant, tuna, buckwheat. Cooling - seafood, fresh berries, fruits (especially sour ones), greens, most vegetables - that is, just that light and healthy food, which is recommended to be consumed more in the summer and nutritionists.

7. Avoid cold showers

But warm, on the contrary, take more often. It would seem that the natural desire to cool off in the heat thanks to water procedures plays a cruel joke on us: skin receptors send the signal “It's cold!” to the brain, and the internal self-regulation mechanism turns on, the body temperature begins to rise. That is why, having experienced short-term relief after a cold shower or bath, after a couple of minutes we feel even hotter.

8. Replace metal window blinds with fabric ones

Fabrics heat up less. Better yet, hang bamboo or reed curtains on the windows. Such decor items, which are so loved in the East and especially in Japan, heat up the least and best keep the heat from the street.

9. Redesign your apartment and revise the color scheme of your wardrobe, taking into account the principles of Feng Shui

Surround yourself with cool greenish-blue colors that evoke a feeling of coolness. And the "fiery" colors - burgundy, red, orange, yellow - leave for cooler days.