Breakfast is the most important part of the daily diet. The work of the body, which means well-being, mood and performance throughout the day, directly depends on what you “refuel” in the morning.

It is impossible to neglect breakfast, even if you are on the most severe diet. It "awakens" the body after a night's sleep, as a result of which metabolic processes are activated, cells are saturated with energy.

Sports, thanks to the hypoglycemia it entails, will help you deplete your stomach. It is understandable why some obese, after putting the ring in the stomach, the worse by setting the bypass, quickly lose weight. These are extreme solutions implemented in case of high obesity. If we could avoid these extremes, it would be better.

Fruits rich in fiber, polyphenols and prebiotics

Foods rich in polyphenols, natural prebiotics and fiber. In vegetables, tubers, legumes, many fruits, oilseeds and spices. Bananas, blackcurrant, fresh raspberries, passion fruit, red currant, fresh khaki, strawberries, blackberries, pears, peaches, dried apricots, dried dates, dried figs, prunes, raisins, almonds, chestnuts, hazelnuts, all kinds of nuts, pistachios and all spices. The good news is that cocoa is very rich in polyphenols!

The right breakfast is especially important for those who are used to starting the morning with exercises or jogging. Preparing a delicious and healthy breakfast is easy. The main thing is the ability to properly balance the main nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

We will give you 10 best products and breakfast options.

1. Whole grain cereals - wheat, millet, oatmeal, rice, etc. The benefits of hot porridge in the morning are undeniable. Porridges have a high nutritional value, they saturate the body with vegetable proteins, slow carbohydrates. Porridge contains a large amount of B vitamins, potassium, iron, zinc.
To save cooking time, soak the grits in cold water overnight. Cooking time will be reduced from 1 hour to 15 minutes.

You should have noticed that, apart from the banana, the glycemic index of these fruits is medium or low. Of course, you can consume protein at breakfast. Many Anglo-Saxon countries subsist on eggs or other animal proteins. Know that they don't rush, you avoid hunger, and you don't raise your blood sugar.

Put a teaspoon of coconut fat, a teaspoon of xylitol or erythritol in a small blender. Pour in the equivalent of a good cup of coffee and stir for 10 seconds. It's like a cup of coffee. This is where coconut fat will feed your brain, xylitol will fight fermentation, or erythritol will not affect your pancreas in any way.

This product has appeared with us recently, but has already gained immense popularity among those who monitor their health and prefer light, quick breakfasts. Like cereals, muesli is digested slowly, gradually releasing energy and maintaining a stable glucose level for a long time. Muesli is rich in fiber, starch and vegetable protein.

Paleobiotics Marion Kaplan with Thierry Soccart. Edible mushrooms, food of the future, from Jean Marie Samori to Du Dauphine editions. Have you decided to take care of your diet? Take control of your image and body? To build muscle and lose fat? To build muscle and have the body you desire so badly, diet is the foundation of your program! No need to spend hours and hours raising cast iron if you don't eat right!

What is breakfast?

Indeed, in order to eat well, it is important that breakfast be adapted to its tasks of the moment. Whether it's weight gain or fat loss, you need to eat breakfast that really suits your needs. You can learn how to identify foods that make you feel good, find recipe ideas and menus, and you'll be one step closer to your project's success: having the body you've always dreamed of! Want to reduce your daily calorie intake by skipping this particular step?

Homemade muesli is easy to prepare: you just need to mix several types of cereal flakes, add seeds, nuts and dried fruits to taste and pour the finished muesli into a glass dish with an airtight lid. You can pre-fry flakes and seeds with honey. To prepare a healthy breakfast, it is enough to pour muesli into a cup, pour cold or warm milk (kefir, low-fat yogurt, fruit juice), add fresh fruit to taste, a couple of spoons of honey or jam.

Principles of proper nutrition and breakfast menu

So, here's why you really need to eat breakfast, and if possible, the perfect bodybuilding breakfast. The first meal of the day allows you to wake up after a long sleep. Indeed, your body rested for long hours. Otherwise, you will lose vitality throughout the morning, die, ending at one point or another, and throw yourself at the first garbage that passes. Not because of weakness of character or unconsciousness, but simply because your body will demand his dose of energy immediately and most of all!

3. Cottage cheese is one of the best foods for breakfast. Calcium and phosphorus are contained in it in ideal proportions for assimilation. Cottage cheese contains a large amount of protein and an essential amino acid - methionine, as well as substances that improve the absorption of vitamin B12. For a full breakfast, a portion of 100-150 grams is enough. If there are no problems with excess weight, choose cottage cheese with a fat content of 9% or more to improve the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins: A and E.

First dish: what rules to remember to effectively muscle

Perfect breakfast for bodybuilding will allow you to avoid this, because it will bring to your body what it really wants: good energy intake and hydration in quantity. It should also provide quality vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates.

Think about the amount of your breakfast depending on your daily activities: in addition to the energy expended during training, it is important to consider your lifestyle in general: do you do sedentary or fairly physical work? Are you always on the move or calm? Otherwise, it may compromise your results. Do you feel like you're losing energy before snack time?

If desired, pieces of fresh fruits and berries, raisins, dried apricots, dried dates, nuts and honey can be added to the cottage cheese. For those who love greens, we recommend trying cottage cheese mixed with finely chopped cilantro, parsley or dill and sprinkle with cheese on top.

4. Dairy and dairy products.

Whole milk in its purest form is not a very good breakfast option. Better try milkshakes, soups and dairy products. Dairy products are valuable, first of all, for their high content of protein and calcium, and another important component, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), is actively involved in energy metabolism, turning fats and carbohydrates into useful energy.

When you decide to bodybuild, there are two main phases: weight gain and dryness. In one, muscle is taken by increasing food intake along with training, which also results in more or less light fat. And in the other, we reduce consumption in order to lose stored fat and make muscles noticeable, clearly visible and drawn. The ideal breakfast for weight training will not be the same according to these two different goals.

For example, from one phase to another, the eggs will not be the same. Between weight gain and leanness, carbohydrate intake will also change. During cutting, you will continue to train, consuming much less carbohydrates so that your body uses all the resources stored in your body. This is how you will lose fat and see your muscles appear under your skin!

Fermented milk products, in addition to huge reserves of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D3, contain useful prebiotics - substances that improve digestion and maintain a healthy intestinal microflora. So that a sour-milk breakfast does not lead to a carbohydrate deficiency, it is recommended to consume sour-milk products with the addition of nuts, dried or fresh fruits.

Accurate and Accurate Data

Throughout the day, protein intake is based on your total weight, ranging from 2 to 2.5 grams of protein per kilogram. For example, if you are 80 kg, you need to eat 160 to 200 g of protein per day, spread out throughout the day: 160 for weekends and 200 for school days. So weigh yourself and do your math to know exactly what your needs are!

The ideal bodybuilding breakfast is the right time to bring a massive dose of protein to your body: take the example of a person who weighs 80 kg, a dose of 40 g will perfectly suit his needs in order to attack his day properly.

5. Baking.

In many countries it is traditional to start the day with a hot home baking. Breakfast is the best time to please yourself safely for your figure. delicious pastries, having eaten a couple of delicious pancakes with honey for breakfast, you don’t have to worry about weight gain - the calories you get will certainly burn out in a day.

Breakfast examples for weight gain

It is useless and dangerous to want to eat too much protein in the hope of building muscle faster. Over time, you really will win! Here are some menu options to start your day. Keep in mind that the amount needs to be adjusted according to your starting weight. These examples correspond to the ideal breakfast for the musculature of an 80 kg person.

Drying Breakfast Examples

Every breakfast should include quality protein, fruits or vegetables for vitamins and fiber, and low-glycemic carbohydrates like oats or whole grains. To lean you must continue to bring protein into your body. good quality, but limit sugars so that your body uses fat stores. The ideal breakfast for bodybuilding clearly depends on the goals of the moment, and here it is going to burn stored fat throughout the body.

Baking is a great source of "slow" carbohydrates. The feeling of satiety will be long, and the blood glucose level will be stable. The main thing is not to overdo it with a portion! Pancakes, pancakes, cottage cheese casseroles, syrniki, pancakes and cookies from oatmeal, muffins - choose a recipe to your liking and do not forget to season the dough with fragrant vanilla, cinnamon or cloves.

Everyone doesn't necessarily want to eat eggs or turkey breast for breakfast, so consider protein powder as well. The perfect bodybuilding breakfast can take many forms, so enjoy! This will motivate you more and more over time!

Eat a balanced breakfast, what does it do in practice? This is what we will see together in this chapter. Between cereals, bread, crackers, jams, muesli, you can quickly eat anything. Your balanced breakfast is a very important meal. But contrary to what one might believe, this is not an obligation! Bouncing breakfast is not synonymous with weight gain!

6. Eggs - are considered high-calorie foods, and therefore the best time to eat them is in the morning. For those who play sports, eggs - irreplaceable source protein and B vitamins. It is known that an egg contains an average of up to 7 grams of protein, so eating eggs for breakfast helps maintain and build muscle mass, which is especially important for strength training.

Typical french breakfast, everything you shouldn't do!

This is an important meal because it often happens when people make the biggest mistakes. Simply because our education has instilled bad habits. Let's see a little more! What do most French people consume for breakfast? Because you didn't drink at night, you feel thirsty and you take a glass of fruit juice. And just as you were told that milk is important for calcium and bones, you also drink it.

Following the logic of our two previous chapters, this is all a lie. And yes, they are only processed foods! A real sugar bomb. Here we have entries on glycemic indexes! Have you noticed that even when you eat a big breakfast, you are often very hungry in the morning? The famous 11 o'clock strike! Sometimes even you feel unclean if you skip breakfast. Now do you understand why?

Despite the absence of a large amount of fat in eggs, this product contains almost all fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, K.

For breakfast, eggs can be consumed in any form: baked, soft-boiled and hard-boiled, in the form of omelettes and scrambled eggs. The neutral taste of eggs allows you to combine them with any product: herbs, cheese, meat, mushrooms, beans, fresh vegetables and even cereals (as part of casseroles).

What is a real balanced breakfast?

In fact, you have exploded your blood sugar, it skyrockets and dizziness falls crazy from your body, which accelerates hunger. Not ideal to start the day well? We will have to forget about cereals or muesli stuffed with sugar, which you think are super healthy foods! Plain paper in bulk on the package.

Golden rules for a balanced breakfast

Your new balanced breakfast should contain moderate or low fat foods, good fats and proteins. Replace Your Industrial Fruit Juice fresh fruit or two if you like it. You will choose any fruit that will make you happy!

7. Boiled meat - in small quantities it is useful for everyone. Meat contains a large amount of iron, and it is the main raw material in the formation of hemoglobin, the most important protein that transports oxygen to organs and tissues. Eating meat for breakfast improves blood circulation. But they should not be abused, because meat is a heavy product. Give preference to boiled chicken breast and lean beef, thus you will provide yourself with required amount zinc, iron and B vitamins.

Take tea or coffee, if possible, without sugar. If you are used to drinking sweet, replace white sugar with honey or stevia. Eat animal or vegetable protein, such as eggs. Can't you do without a bowl of grain? Take raw cereal instead. Otherwise, you will be stuffed with added sugar. Remember, it's everywhere!

For milk lovers, replace cow's milk with vegetable milk. In many vegetable dairy products, manufacturers add a lot of sugar. So read the labels! You realized that until now, what you used to eat every morning, it is absolutely not adapted to your needs.

Don't start your morning with fried meat, as well as its fatty varieties, for example, lamb.

8. Fruits and vegetables - it is useful to eat not only for breakfast, but throughout the day. They contain a large amount of fiber, which we need for the smooth functioning of the digestive system.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are classified as easily digestible carbohydrates. Indeed, they contain fructose, which breaks down rather quickly. However, surprisingly, many fresh vegetables and fruits are able to satisfy hunger well, charging the body with enough energy.

Your breakfast is balanced in less than 5 minutes

Too many sugars, no or little protein. Therefore, it makes sense to find yourself without energy and starve from 11 am. You need: unsweetened cereal, fruit, a mixture of unsalted dry oily fruits, dried fruit, cinnamon, and plant-based milk. You cut your fruit into chunks, add a big handful of cereal, a handful of dried nuts, some raisins. Pour in half a teaspoon of cinnamon and some vegetable milk.

A balanced breakfast for athletes, add eggs!

Estimated cooking time: 3 minutes! If you have a sports session in the morning or at noon, feel free to add eggs. It is very effective to bring you energy in the long run. Protein lowers the glycemic index of the carbohydrates you eat at the same time.

The best fruits for breakfast are apples, figs and bananas. But breakfast should not consist only of fruits alone. It is advisable to supplement the meal with other products or use fruits as the main component in cocktails or smoothies.

Vegetables such as carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes can be eaten raw in salads. Potatoes, eggplant, zucchini, celery, broccoli, cauliflower and other vegetables are healthier baked or stewed.

For weekends and holidays, try this pancake recipe!

For one person, you need an egg, a banana, flour, cinnamon, and dried fruit. You crush your banana, you mix it with an egg and two tablespoons of flour, cinnamon and a few pieces of fig. You are preparing the preparation in a hot saucepan with coconut oil and you're done!

Breakfast for those who prefer salty!

Another idea for those who love salty. Buy avocados, whole grain or cereal bread, eggs, and some cheese. You cook scrambled eggs with cheese, turmeric and pepper. You are baking two large slices of bread. You spread your avocado on top, then add the scrambled eggs.

9. Fish is a storehouse of protein, phosphorus and polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, E, group B. Include a small amount of red fish in your breakfast: salmon, pink salmon, trout or salmon in boiled or baked form. The omega-3 fatty acids contained in it improve the activity of the nervous system, including the brain, which is very important if you have a stressful work day.
Another good breakfast option is fish salad dressed with lemon juice and olive oil.

10. Drinks

A full breakfast is unthinkable without liquid. To cheer up, we most often prefer strong tea or coffee. However, doctors have long been warning: such a breakfast can have a detrimental effect on the cardiovascular system, besides, coffee is a short-acting stimulant, and after a couple of hours of vigor, a decline in activity invariably occurs. And if you do sports in the morning, coffee for breakfast is a taboo, otherwise you can’t avoid heart problems and high blood pressure.

Nutritionists advise starting the morning with a glass of clean water. A good breakfast drink option is green or herbal tea(except soothing mint and lemon balm teas), milk shake, freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice.
Here we have listed the main healthy breakfasts eat right and stay healthy!

Gulhayo Rakhimova

In the presence of overweight or obesity and the associated decrease in the quality of life, weight loss becomes relevant.

So that an attempt to lose weight does not turn out to be another among unsuccessful previous and subsequent ones, the field of decision-making and before its implementation, it is necessary to draw up the following plan:

* evaluate your energy expenditure and calorie weight loss;

*choose the number of meals per day;

*distribute the total daily caloric intake by meals;

* choose foods that will support the required caloric content of the diet.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the above plan and pay special attention to what is best to eat in the morning as part of a healthy diet.

We calculate the calorie content of the diet for weight loss

We will analyze the above plan in order to determine how many calories we need to consume in the morning and, accordingly, what products breakfast can consist of.

For a person with very low physical activity according to their main profession (teachers, students, librarians), energy expenditure can be estimated based on daily energy expenditure depending on weight: 30 kcal for 1 kg of normal weight for women and 32 kcal for men plus 9 kcal for 1 kg overweight for women and men.

If the work is associated with medium or high physical activity, from 300 to 1000 kcal must be added to the value calculated above, depending on the type of work.

As an example, for a driver, nurse, policeman, 300 kcal must be added, for a machine operator, heavy equipment driver or gardener - 500 kcal, and for a builder, loader or metallurgist - 1000 kcal.

If you are additionally fond of aerobic or strength training, you need to increase the resulting value by the number of calories expended in training.

During aerobic training on simulators, calories can be counted from the simulator panel, having previously entered your gender, age and weight, or you can use an individual device to record calories burned during training.

Strength training tends to be less energy intensive than aerobic training. On average, we can assume that 1 hour of strength training "costs" 200 kcal for women and 400 kcal for trained men. Evaluation by individual devices is not excluded.

Since the days of training are combined with the days of rest, it is necessary to calculate the average load per week.

By consuming the calculated above (or close to it, taking into account calculation errors) the number of calories with food, you will maintain your current weight. To lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit - consume less food than you spend on life, work and sports.

In order not to inadvertently underestimate the level of basal metabolism in the course of losing weight (which will put an end to your weight loss), the imbalance should be 400 kcal. In the presence of a disease thyroid gland- hypothyroidism, the imbalance is reduced to 200 kcal. In this case, it is additionally necessary to consult a doctor.

Choosing the number of meals per day

3 meals a day is considered traditional. We immediately warn you that this food is for very healthy physically working people - military personnel, shift workers with a regulated diet.

It is advisable for middle-aged people to eat 4 times a day, for the elderly and losing weight - 5 times. At the same time, bodybuilders often eat 5-7 times a day due to the fact that they simply cannot consume the required number of calories in 3-4 meals.

In addition to 3-5 meals, you can provide the traditional "kefir for the night" (if the interval between dinner and bedtime is more than 3 hours). In this case, a certain number of calories (75-100 kcal) is allocated for kefir, and the remaining calories are distributed among meals.

Distribution of total daily caloric intake by meals

We bring to your attention the following table:

Depending on the established production schedule, meal times can be shifted forward or backward by equal intervals.

As you can see, breakfast should account for about 30-40 percent of the total calories needed.

Calculation example and method for losing weight by 400 g per week

Nurse, weight 70 kg (normal weight 55 kg), walking to and from work 5 days a week (2 km), 2 days a week strength training in the fitness center (1 hour).

Energy costs at low physical activity: 30 x 55 + 9 x 15 = 1785 (kcal). Additional energy costs, taking into account physical activity: 1785 + 300 = 2085 (kcal). Weekly energy expenditure for walking: 5 x 2 x 0.5 x 70 = 350 (kcal).

Weekly energy expenditure for strength training: 2 x 1 x 200 = 400 (kcal). Average daily walking and strength costs: (350 + 400)/7 = 107 (kcal). Total daily energy expenditure: 2085 + 107 = 2192 (kcal). Weight loss calories: 2192 - 400 \u003d 1792 (kcal), rounded up to 1800 kcal.

Based on the planned calorie deficit of 400 kcal, weight loss will go at a rate of 400 g per week. Losing weight to the intended target weight of 55 kg will last 15/0.4 = 38 (weeks). At the same time, in connection with the decreasing weight, there will be a decrease in calorie intake.

There is no need to constantly recalculate the calorie content, since the calorie content must be adjusted according to the actual plumb lines.

Control weighing should be carried out every 4 weeks (for women on the 5th day of the cycle) to adjust the caloric content according to the results. For 4 weeks, the actual plumb line should be 4 x 0.4 \u003d 1.6 (kg).

Calorie correction is carried out every 4 weeks after the control weighing and is as follows: with a plumb line in the range of 1.4-1.8 kg, the calorie content of food does not change, with a plumb line of less than 1.4 kg or weight gain, the calorie content decreases by 100 kcal, with a plumb line of more than 1 .8 kg calorie content increases by 100 kcal.

The diet was chosen 4 times a day, with a second breakfast. Kefir for the night 100 kcal, 1800 - 100 = 1700 (kcal) remains for 4 meals. We calculate the calorie content of meals (for a total calorie content of 1700 kcal):

First breakfast: 0.25 x 1700 = 425 (kcal).

Second breakfast: 0.15 x 1700 = 255 (kcal).

Lunch: 0.35 x 1700 = 595 (kcal).

Dinner: 0.25 x 1700 = 425 (kcal).

Kefir at night: 100 kcal.

Total: 425 + 255 + 595 + 425 + 100 = 1800 (kcal).

Thus, we have established that for our example, 680 kcal should be consumed in total for the first and second breakfast. Next, we will decide on suitable products.

Principles of proper nutrition and breakfast menu

A healthy breakfast should contain a sufficient amount of calories (skipping breakfast does not bode well, you will be irritable and lack energy until lunch), be balanced (contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals).

It is impossible to achieve such a balance with one or two products. If you seem to have completely broken the habit of breakfast, accustom yourself to breakfast, starting with fruit for breakfast.

Consider the options for breakfast.

Squirrels. A certain amount of proteins (not quite complete) contain herbal products. If you have not planned a cutlet, egg or scrambled eggs for breakfast, you need to cook porridge with milk or make a sandwich with cheese.

An omelette or scrambled eggs can be made from 2-3 eggs, provided that you do not eat more eggs during the week. If you love cottage cheese (and have not inspired yourself that it is necessary for weight loss), then buy only cottage cheese with a fat content of 5% or more - cottage cheese with a lower fat content is a surrogate and is not able to provide you with calcium.

You can add honey or sour cream to cottage cheese, as well as raisins or chopped dried apricots - an excellent source of potassium to support the heart muscle and normalize water metabolism. You can make a casserole out of cottage cheese.

Refuse cheap varieties of sausage completely - sausage is not a food product, but a delicacy (its highest grades) for serving on a festive table. Refuse also sausages.

Breakfast dish can be replaced with a glass fermented milk drink- it can be kefir or fermented baked milk. In no case do not add sugar - it's a waste of calories. A glass of a good fermented milk product in the morning normalizes your digestion until lunch.

Do not replace natural fermented milk products (which you can cook yourself in the evening) with store-bought ones.

Fats. Breakfast must contain a small amount of fat. It can be vegetable or butter in porridge (if porridge is on water), or make a sandwich with butter. salad dressing vegetable oil(preferably olive) or low-fat sour cream.

A teaspoon of flaxseed or camelina oil will provide you with a daily requirement of omega-3 fatty acids. It is better not to use mayonnaise, natural is too high in calories, and low-calorie ones are surrogates.

Carbohydrates and dietary fiber. Carbohydrates must be complex. An ideal breakfast dish is oatmeal, buckwheat porridge or brown rice. For a change, cook other cereals from time to time.

Porridges are cooked from whole grains, not devoid of fiber-containing shells. You can add berries to the porridge, fresh or from the freezer. 35 g of black currant will provide you with a daily requirement of vitamin C.

Try not to add salt to the porridge, getting used to the lack of salt in it comes very quickly. You will receive the amount of salt you need with purchased bread.

Kashi fast food and cereal cereals cannot be attributed to healthy eating, such food is devoid of essential nutritional components.

Sandwiches are best made from whole grain bread or bread made from wholemeal flour, which contains fiber.

When buying bread, pay attention to the composition - wheat flour should not be in the first place in the list of ingredients premium. Instead of bread, you can eat a piece of pita bread.

If you included honey in the breakfast menu, it is better to eat it from a spoon, do not add it to hot porridge or tea, when heated, honey loses all its healing properties.

It is quite possible to cook vegetables or fruit salads. It is possible to add seeds or nuts to salads. Greens can also serve as a source of fiber for breakfast.

Store bought muesli the best option breakfast, and they are often a lot of defective fats, and fruits are candied for safety. Avoid breakfast cereals (pillows), instant soups and purees, despite the speed of their preparation. This is food at its best for a field breakfast in field conditions.

Beverages. Drink tea or coffee only natural. Do not drink coffee surrogates, do not add sugar to tea / coffee - then you will have a reserve for simple carbohydrates in the form of candy, marshmallow or chocolate slices for a second breakfast, afternoon snack or dinner.

A slice of lemon with tea will spice it up and mask the lack of sugar. Never use synthetic sweeteners. Do not drink store-bought at breakfast fruit juices or nectars - they are supersaturated with sugar.

Lunch. The second breakfast (or snack) should complement the first one, it should not include dishes that were already in the first breakfast. And if you are not used to eating a full first breakfast, second breakfast is a must.

The calorie content of the second breakfast, if available, for losing weight is no higher than 200-300 kcal, depending on the daily calorie content.

What can be included in this calorie content? A glass of fermented milk drink (if you did not drink kefir at the first breakfast) will already pull on 75-100 kcal. The remaining 100-200 kcal is a sandwich with cheese or chicken with cucumber. A monoproduct is also possible for a second breakfast.

Fruit, an apple, orange or banana is a good second breakfast. Completely cover the calorie content of the second breakfast 40 g of peanuts or other nuts.

You should not resort to fast food, muffins, cakes as a second breakfast, although this becomes difficult if the second breakfast is a ritual tea party in the office between the start of the working day and lunch.

Show character, you decided to lose weight. Limit yourself to a glass of tea (without sugar) and a slice of black bread with butter.

Based on the ideas about the usefulness and unhealthiness of products, you are able to make many breakfast options, calculate them and write them down with calorie content, this will make it easier for you to lose weight and allow you not to go beyond the intended daily calorie content.

We bring to your attention the following video:

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