It is believed that the ideal weight is the one that you had at 18 years old. It is advisable to keep it for life. But if you have broken away from the ideal over the past 15-20 years or more, you should not strive to return to it at any cost. After all, every 10 years of life, the energy consumption of the body decreases by about 10%. Accordingly, for every 10 years we add about 10% (5-7 kg): first from the same ideal weight, later from the one we have. And you should burn fat carefully, focusing on the same 10%, only in a year. In addition, it is better to strive not for an eighteen-year-old weight, but to calculate your new ideal using one of the medical formulas.

Stress Reduction physical activity Changes in eating habits Use of medication Drinking too much alcohol. Many people trying to adopt a healthy diet put a lot of emphasis on food products, which cause weight gain, but drinks are often forgotten. Many of them, however, are high in calories, and unless steps are taken to reduce the consumption of certain beverages, weight gain can occur regardless of diet.

The link between smoking and weight gain is nebulous and there is often conflicting advice, which means people are divided in opinion. This article reviews the available evidence to determine what the link is between smoking and weight gain, and whether smoking is the cause of piling on the pounds.

Brocca's formula

Ideal weight for men \u003d (height in centimeters - 100) 1.15.

Ideal weight for women \u003d (height in centimeters - 110) 1.15.

Example: The ideal weight of a woman with a height of 170 cm \u003d (170 - 110) 1.15 \u003d 69 kg.

Surely, this formula will remind many of the old “height minus 100” for men and “height minus 110” for women. It's really an improved version of that old formula. The fact is that the previous version required everyone to be a fitness model, did not take into account either age or body type. Therefore, neither people with heavy bones and large muscles, nor women with pronounced hips and breasts could fit into it at all. Therefore, scientists have subjected the old formula of Brokk to processing, and in its current form it looks quite realistic.

Weight gain during menopause

When you're looking for weight gain treatments, it's important to start with the methods that are the least intrusive, with the least chance of side effects, and progress from there. Most women experience a 5% drop in metabolic rate per decade. Because metabolism slows down as women approach menopause, they need about 200 calories a day to maintain their weight as they enter their mid to late 40s.

Calculation of the daily calorie intake for weight loss

This means lifestyle changes are the best place to start. The tried and true way to deal with weight gain is to exercise regularly and eat a healthy balanced diet while practicing moderation. Generally, a combination of lifestyle changes and alternative medications will give the best results. Keep in mind that since weight gain during menopause is associated with hormonal imbalances, look for herbal supplements that bring natural balance to hormone levels as this will go a long way in keeping weight gain at source.

Lorenz's dream

The ideal weight of a woman \u003d (height in centimeters - 100) - (height in centimeters - 150) / 2.

Example: The ideal weight of a woman with a height of 165 cm \u003d (165 - 100) - (165 - 150) / 2 \u003d 65 - 15/2 \u003d 57.5. Ideal weight - 57.5 kg!

Please note that this formula was developed only for women and is in no way suitable for the stronger sex. At first glance, it is too demanding on weight compared to Brokk's improved formula and indicates, rather, just the ideal weight when you were eighteen. Nevertheless, it is fully consistent with the body mass index (BMI), so it is quite possible to use it. If you are upset by the proposed numbers, then just forget about it and use a different formula. By the way, for women above 175 cm, it still will not work.

Decreased physical activity

Finally, if a woman is still experiencing weight gain, there are different prescription medications and surgeries she can explore, such as diet pills or bariatric treatments. This final option is associated with the greatest risk and side effects and should be considered a last resort. Before going through one of these options, you should consult a healthcare professional.

Determination of the ideal weight

Excess weight can lead to various psychological and physical ailments, so it is best to avoid it. There are many ways to lose weight as diet pills are one of the solutions. With all the conflicting advice, it can be hard to know if they are the right treatment to lose weight.

Egorov-Levitsky table

Maximum allowable body weight

Height, cm

20-29 years old

30-39 years old

40-49 years old

50-59 years old

60-69 years old

Example: A 45-year-old woman weighs 76 kg with a height of 170 cm. This is not much at all, it is less than the maximum allowable!

This formula was developed further to be able to calculate the ideal weight, but also for aesthetic and medical reasons. Women have to subtract another 15 percent from their calculated normal weight to calculate their ideal weight according to Broca. A woman weighing 1.70 meters has a normal weight of 70 kilograms and an ideal weight of 59.5 kg.

If a man wants to calculate his ideal weight, according to Broca, he must subtract 10 percent from his calculated normal weight. On the one hand, it indicates a fixed ideal weight, which depends only on body size. To calculate your body mass index, you first multiply your own body size in meters with yourself. You then divide your own body weight in kilograms by the value you just calculated.

The medical compilers took into account everything that is possible: gender, age, height. They did not limit only the lower limit of weight. But this is understandable - the table helps to find out if you are overweight, and not if it is insufficient. In our opinion, the most complete and balanced approach to ideal weight.

Quetelet index

Index = weight in grams / height in centimeters.

Example: a person with a height of 1.70 meters and a weight of 70 kilograms by itself multiplies their size in meters. The weight in kilograms is then divided by that number. It can be read in the table compiled by the World Health Organization. Whether you are a man or a woman, whether you are 25 or 75 years old: all people are afraid of the comb with this possibility to calculate the ideal weight.

Recent studies have shown that the ratio of waist circumference to body size is a more significant method for assessing overweight in health risks. Reason: risk and depends, among other things, on the distribution of body fat - and least of all body weight.

This is also a method to estimate the already existing weight, close to the BMI method described above. No wonder they have the same author. Here, the result obtained should also be compared with the table, however, in this option, physique is also taken into account. It can be determined very simply: stand in front of the mirror, pull your stomach in as much as possible and attach two rulers or just your palms to the two lower ribs. They form an angle. If it is rather blunt (more than 90 grams), you have a large physique. If almost straight, the physique is normal. If the angle is sharp, the physique is considered thin.

Excessive stomach fat is considered especially hazardous to health. This so-called visceral fat deposition of abdominal fat around the internal organs and increases the likelihood of diabetes, heart disease, but also for the person and with him. Stand upright, relax the abdominal muscles and place the tape measure just above the navel around the abdomen. Measure your waist circumference best in the morning if you haven't eaten. Then divide your body size by your waist circumference.

What effect does weight have on health?

This ratio should be between 0.4 and 0.5 in adults under 40 - then they are at ideal weight. But even then it is still considered normal. However, there are different age classes. The ideal and normal weight was yesterday. Weight classes in detail.

Example: The weight-height index of a 45-year-old woman weighing 70 kg with a height of 160 cm, a large physique = 70,000 / 160 = 437.5. For her, this is normal weight. And if she were 6 years younger or had a different body type, she would be considered too full!

This formula is respected by the fact that it takes into account many factors: age, and body type. It can be used for any height, you just need to be honest with yourself when assessing your body type. In any case, approaching the upper limit of the tabular index by 5-10 points is a reason to correct your diet and move more.

What goes into the balance of health is not only extra pounds, but also how they are distributed throughout the body. If the fat deposits are mainly in the abdomen, the classic "apple type" is mainly found in men and is more prone to high risk for health: the distribution of belly fat, so science has found that more than one threatens health, so the advantage is the "pear type", which is predominantly found among women. However, after menopause, the abdominal cavity also contains more adipose tissue, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Quetelet calculation or body mass index (BMI)

BMI = weight in kilograms / (height in meters)2.

This formula evaluates the existing weight and indicates in which direction it should be changed. Recall that to square a number, simply multiply it by itself. Compare the result with the table.

Example: BMI of a woman with a height of 170 cm and a weight of 72 kg \u003d 72 / 1.7. 1.7 = 24.9. She is overweight, she is still far from obesity, but at least she must not gain kilograms, and even better - lose 3-4 kg.

What is still good in terms of health is a thin waist. It is known from comparative studies over the years that waist circumference is associated with hazard. In men, there is more than 102 centimeters in the abdominal cavity, and in women aged 88 cm there is an increased risk - especially with metabolic disorders such as.

With each decade, expectation and fears await. At the age of 20, the body adapts to the rhythm, we train better in physical exercises; then, at 30, it loses muscle tone, and during pregnancy, serious changes occur. At 40, there is a decrease in libido, and at 50, a terrible menopause.

When comparing your weight with BMI, you need to know some features that, as a rule, are not mentioned anywhere. This formula is correct for people of average height (men - 168-188 cm and women 154-174 cm). For those who are shorter, the ideal weight is 10% lower than the “formula”, and for those who are tall, it is 10% higher. In addition, this formula can "lie" when assessing those who exercise five or more times a week. The indisputable plus of BMI is that it does not indicate a mythical ideal, but estimates real weight and height.

The advantage or disadvantage, according to how we deal with it, of our body at the age of 20 is that it can constantly lose weight and yet we feel healthier. We are full of energy and enthusiasm at the moment. However, according to a recent survey by the Bulimia and Anorexia Association, 56% of normally eating teenagers are concerned about being overweight.

The results obtained from students who have a normal eating pattern do nothing more than confirm the place that figure and food occupy in the lives of adolescents. We know that his mood and behavior can be changed by the perception of his body image and the opinion of the Other.

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There are a huge number of formulas for calculating the ideal weight, and they take into account the various parameters of the person for whom this indicator is supposed to be determined. One of the popular points of view on what factors influence the ideal weight value is that one of the main such factors is age. Such an idea is, for example, the basis of Brock's formula, which suggests calculating the ideal weight of a person under the age of 40 as follows: subtract 110 from his height, expressed in centimeters. And for a person over the age of 40, determine the ideal weight, according to Brock, it is possible by subtracting the number 100 from his height. At the same time, Brock's formula does not distinguish between men and women, suggesting using the same algorithm.

The idea of ​​Brock and other researchers about the importance of age in determining the ideal weight is based on the statement of nutritionists that with age, the metabolic rate in the human body slows down. Therefore, in order to maintain the same weight as in youth, a person needs to reduce the amount of calories consumed; otherwise he will gain weight. It is believed that the number of calories needed to maintain the existing weight is reduced by about 7-10% every 10 years.

Pathologies of this type, such as anorexia and bulimia, have a higher incidence in early adolescence, although the age of onset increasingly precedes. Some advice for young people at this age. Take advantage that muscle mass is optimal during this decade so you see better results.

In this decade, hormones tend to balance. This means that most of the changes that occur in the body are lifestyle dependent, but also begin to lose muscle tone. At this point, many women start looking in the mirror and think, "My body is no longer what it used to be."

Determination of the ideal weight

Nevertheless, today doctors have convincingly proved that the concept of ideal weight is purely individual, and depends primarily not on age, but on the specific characteristics of a person. In particular, when it comes to metabolic rate, a particular 20-year-old woman may have a substantially slower metabolic rate than a particular 50-year-old woman.

However, doctors, nevertheless, agree that even taking into account the whole variety of individual characteristics of a person, there are some boundaries that the concept of ideal weight fits into. The criterion for determining these boundaries was the negative impact that lack or excess weight has on health. And doctors recommend determining the presence of this deficiency or excess on the basis of a special indicator - body mass index (BMI).

The truth is that at this age, weight gain has more to do with lifestyle. For example, stress for work is one reason. High levels of stress can trigger a reactive release of hormones that stimulate the body to store weight.

On the other hand, the face becomes thinner and more angular. According to ophthalmologist Maryam Zamani, women experience volume loss in the middle of the face and chin because they produce less collagen. Pregnancy also contributes to weight gain and sagging muscles. Although, to get pregnant, 35 years is a turning point, as it begins a significant decline in fertility in women. This is explained by the fact that it is born with a certain number of eggs, and they never divide, that is, the eggs have the same age as the woman.

It is quite possible to calculate BMI on your own: for this you need to divide the weight, expressed in kilograms, by the square of height, expressed in meters. For example, for a woman weighing 50 kg, having a height of 160 cm, BMI \u003d 50 / 1.6 * 1.6 \u003d 19.5. At the same time, the BMI interval from 18.5 to 24.9 inclusive is considered the boundaries of normal weight. Thus, the woman in the above example has a weight that fits perfectly within the framework of the ideal from the point of view of modern medicine. Moreover, her age, according to experts, in this case is not decisive.

After 35 years, the ability of the egg to fertilize is naturally lower. As we enter this decade, libido starts to decline due to low hormones or simply because our body is speeding up. Steps should be taken to prevent bones from osteoporosis or arthritis.

In the fourth decade, premenopausal symptoms may appear, which is surprising to some women who did not expect them until The best way reducing symptoms is exercise and eliminating sugar and alcohol, eating foods with omega-3 fatty acids, and stocking up on vitamins to fight depression.