We have already become accustomed to the fact that many things, objects and phenomena, falling on Russian soil, take on peculiar forms. Food products are no exception: we are beginning not only to eat them differently, but also to call them in such a way that, given the peculiarities of the language, it is not always clear what is at stake.

For example, pomelo - everyone knows from childhood that this is Baba Yaga's "transport", but today we also call a tropical fruit of the citrus family, very healthy, tasty and possessing medicinal properties. This fruit came to Europe in the 14th century, but they didn’t understand it then - apparently, it wasn’t up to that.

What kind of fruit?

Pomelo is called an analogue of grapefruit, but this is not entirely true - they are rather relatives, and quite different.

Pomelo is a large fruit, and various sources say that its weight reaches 10 kg, although we have not seen such in our supermarkets.

The fruits that are sold with us can weigh more than 1 kg and have a thick peel, but in tropical countries there are certainly much larger pomelo: about 30 cm in diameter, and weigh several kilograms - this is normal for those places.

Pomelo fibers are also large, and it tastes much sweeter than grapefruit.

Pomelo grow in Southeast Asia, and China is considered their homeland. A pomelo can be spherical, shaped like a flattened ball or pear; the peel is yellowish-green, greenish-yellow, dark green; flesh - white, yellowish-white, pink, sweet or sour-sweet.

The pomelo is actually the "parent" of the grapefruit, not one of its varieties. Everywhere there are different names for it: not only Pomelo or Pomello, but also Pummelo, and this sounds completely different. The names “pompelmus” and “sheddock” are also used, and the last option is associated with the name of the English captain Sheddock, who brought the miracle citrus from the Eastern Hemisphere to the West Indies. This happened, according to most sources, in the 17th century, and under new climatic conditions, mutations began to occur rapidly with the plant - they say that this is how the grapefruit turned out.

And only then, when the pomelo began to be actively grown in South and Central America, did it again come to Europe. Today it is grown in India, Japan, Hawaii, but most often it comes to us from Israel.

Useful properties and composition

What is the use of pomelo for the body, and why do we need it at all? After all, there are oranges, tangerines, the same grapefruits, and so far we have had enough of them.

The beneficial properties of pomelo for the body and its composition is what makes it beneficial for the health of those who dare to try its sweet and juicy pulp: for example, eating pomelo strengthens the immune system.

There are few calories in the pomelo, and there are a lot of useful substances, and therefore diets are developed on its basis. This fruit has carbohydrates, fiber, protein, some fat; vitamins - A, C, group B, beta-carotene; minerals - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, etc.

The pomelo fruit is rich in potassium, and it is very good for the heart; essential oils help the body fight viruses; limonoids are natural substances with unique properties, prevent cataracts, diseases of the nervous system and the development of cancer, and even block the growth of malignant tumors - sometimes faster than special drugs. In addition, these limonoids work in our body for about a day - longer than most drugs, and their action makes us more resilient and improves our mood.

The juice and pulp of pomelo fruits perfectly quench hunger and thirst, normalize high blood pressure and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

The pomelo fruit is useful for asthma, and in China and Malaysia, it is used to make medicines used for edema, coughs, abdominal pain, tumors, indigestion and alcohol poisoning.

How to eat pomelo

Pomelo is not a very familiar fruit for us, although it often appears on the shelves of our supermarkets. And yet, many are interested in a completely logical question, how to eat a pomelo? Yes, just like a fruit - for breakfast, for an afternoon snack or for dessert; you can cook salads with it, make fillings for pies and pies, add to dishes and sauces.

With pomelo become tastier fish and meat, seafood, spicy and sweet dishes, and marmalade and jam are made from its thick peel.

How to choose the right pomelo fruit

It is more important to know how to choose the right pomelo when buying. The peel should shine, be smooth and soft, but not very much, but slightly. A strong aroma also means that the fruit has ripened as it should.

By the way, the purchased pomelo fruit is easy to store: it can lie for a month without a refrigerator if it is not cleaned. And even a peeled fruit can be stored without problems for several days, but already in the refrigerator. Pomelo is not peeled like an orange or grapefruit: both the peel and the films are easily removed.

Dietary Properties

Since the pomelo fruit has many dietary properties, with it you can easily, quickly and usefully lose weight.

Diet with pomelo for weight loss

A diet that includes a pomelo can be called not only healthy, but also tasty, since with it any food becomes tastier, and you don’t want to feast on anything else.

For breakfast, in addition to half a pomelo, you can eat 50 g of cheese and drink coffee without sugar.

At lunch - vegetable stew with low-fat boiled fish, and herbal tea.

You can have two afternoon snacks: 1st - half a juicy fruit, 2nd - the other half and an egg.

For dinner, an egg is again offered, another half of the fruit and an apple, and boiled cauliflower(or broccoli), and then herbal tea with honey. After such a dinner, it will be easy to sleep, and you will hardly want to eat at night.

Healthy pomelo salad

With pomelo, you can cook very original and exotic salads, and surprise your family and guests. We offer you a healthy recipe diet salad and seafood.

So, shrimp salad with pomelo: you will need 10 medium shrimp, one pomelo fruit, celery or green onion(50 g), and sour cream. It is suggested to add sugar and salt to taste, but it is better to do without them.

Boiled and chopped shrimps are mixed with peeled and chopped pomelo, finely chopped herbs, everything is mixed and seasoned with sour cream. Ready salad can be served in halves of the peel of the fruit, if desired, decorating it with olives and herbs.

Healthy exotic dessert with pomelo

Delicious and healthy fruit dessert: ½ pomelo, banana, orange; apple, kiwi, pear - 2 pcs., ice cream - 1 briquette, grated chocolate or coconut flakes.

All fruits are cut into pieces and mixed with ice cream. Sprinkle with grated chocolate or coconut flakes before serving.

How useful is the peel?

The peel of the pomelo can be very thick, but it should not be thrown away - it is also very useful, so you can make unusual jam.

First, the peel is soaked so that the bitterness goes away - for 5 days, changing the water 2 times a day; then it is brought to a boil - 2 times, and both times the water is drained. The cooled crusts are covered with sugar and left overnight. Sugar will need 3 cups, and about 300-320 ml of water.

This jam is cooked in stages: first the mixture boils, then the fire is reduced and the jam is boiled for 20 minutes, stirring, then removed and cooled, and this is repeated 3 times. Jam is considered ready when it ceases to taste like cotton candy.

The use of fruit in cosmetology

The pomelo fruit has many beneficial properties for the face and body, due to which it is used in home and professional cosmetology.

Pomelo pulp and juice are used in the preparation of homemade face masks.

So, for oily skin, a mask with pomelo pulp and kefir is suitable. It is necessary to clean and knead the fruit slice, add kefir (1 tsp), mix, drain some liquid, soak a swab in it, wipe your face and wait until the skin dries. Then apply the mixture on your face for 15 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

A moisturizing and nourishing mask is good for any skin: a slice of pomelo fruit is crushed, honey and lemon juice (1 tsp each) are added, mixed and applied to the face for 15 minutes. Rinse off with water, not green tea and apply your moisturizer. It is best to do this mask at night.

It is hardly possible to talk about the harm of a pomelo, and as for allergies, it can appear in those who are allergic to all citrus fruits.


Like other citrus fruits, you should not eat pomelo fruit with increased acidity of the stomach, peptic ulcer, colitis, acute nephritis and hepatitis.

Hello to everyone who ran into my light! Outside the window, it’s getting dark already unusually early, causeless sadness rolls over every now and then, everyone around stocked up on handkerchiefs, anticipating the season of colds ... And this means that it’s time to look for helpers in the fight against autumn diseases of the soul and body. Meet! The hero of my today's monologue is a pomelo - a fruit, beneficial features and the harm of which I will try, as always, to put it “on the shelves”.

From this article you will learn:

Pomelo - what kind of fruit is it

Even being familiar with pomelo, not everyone knows where and how this fruit grows and what properties it has. Meanwhile, the first documentary mention of it was found in Chinese manuscripts and dated to the 1st century BC. Hence the opinion that the motherland delicious fruit is China.

Nevertheless, scientists say that evergreen pomelo trees with large white flowers grew in Southeast Asia, and on the Fiji Islands, and in Malaysia ... be that as it may, today's sun-fruits on our shelves come mainly from China and Thailand . In Europe, the seeds of the plant did not take root.

An English navigator named Sheddock brought the pomelo to the territory of the modern islands of the Caribbean Sea, which is why the new exotic fruit for a long time it was called sheddok. There is also a Dutch version of the name of the fruit - pompelmus, which is supposedly translated as "apple-melon".

What is a pomelo? This is the fruit of the long-lived tree of the same name from the citrus genus. It appeared on our market relatively recently, unlike its grapefruit relative. This is probably why pomelo and consider him a younger brother. Meanwhile, things are quite different.

Interesting! It is the grapefruit that is the hybrid... but what kind of fruit? His "parents" are an orange and a pomelo! Scientists have not yet fully understood the reasons for such natural selection, but the very fact of parenthood is beyond doubt.

Today, there are several varieties of pomelo, differing in taste, color, and shape. Its fruits can be round, oval, pear-shaped, and range in color from dark green (even when ripe) to almost pink. The taste of this fruit is something between a bitter grapefruit and a sweet orange. It is less juicy than its citrus counterparts, but the largest - under natural conditions, a pomelo fruit can grow up to 10 kg in weight! True, such beauties are not imported to us.

The composition and calorie content of the fruit

Pomelo fruits are interesting in that they contain a minimum of calories (calorie content is only 25-35 kcal per 100 grams) and the largest amount of fiber among all citrus fruits.

Important! It is worth noting that coarse fibers are contained in the peel and pulp of the fruit, and its juicy part consists of water and vitamins and microelements dissolved in it.

So, the composition of the fruit contains:

  • vitamins: C, A, group B;
  • trace elements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus;
  • essential oils.

In some quantities, the pomelo contains folic acid, iron, sodium and other substances, but they are so small that this fruit should not be considered as their full-fledged source. Therefore, the beneficial properties and possible harm of the solar pomelo fruit are mainly due to the high content of potassium and ascorbic acid in it.

Useful properties of pomelo

The juicy fruit is an excellent assistant in the prevention of cardiovascular and viral diseases, is an excellent antidepressant, and is also used for weight loss. But, first things first.

  1. Vitamin C stimulates the synthesis of human interferon, and therefore participates in immunomodulation. Thus, eating pomelo during the cold season naturally activates the immune system to fight viruses.
  2. This fruit is recommended to use for the prevention of atherosclerosis, thrombosis, for the health of the heart muscle and blood vessels.
  3. Potassium maintains blood pressure levels, and therefore foods high in it are popular among hypertensive patients. Daily use pomelo normalizes pressure and prevents its jumps.
  4. The peel of this citrus contains a lot of fiber, and therefore its use contributes to the normalization of the intestines, prevents constipation.
  5. Dry peel can be boiled and drink such a decoction for eating disorders and poisoning. Being a powerful antioxidant, pomelo also relieves hangovers.
  6. Eating a delicious fruit speeds up metabolism, which comes in handy for those who are on a diet or play sports.
  7. Pomelo is a natural antidepressant that can reduce irritability, calm outbursts of aggression and anxiety.
  8. Delicious fruit reduces the concentration of sugar in the blood, and therefore is recommended for use in diabetes.
  9. Pomelo pulp is widely used in home cosmetology in the preparation of face masks.
  10. Some studies claim that the use of this exotic fruit contributes to the prevention of cancer.
  11. The good news for men is that pomelo contains aphrodisiacs that increase sexual desire.

The properties of pomelo are best manifested when eaten raw. Ideal - with a thin inner skin. Alas, like grapefruit, it is bitter.

Educational program for the consumer

The best time to buy a pomelo is between the end of January and the end of March. The ripening time of its fruits falls approximately in February, therefore, by purchasing them at another time, you risk “running into” a product that has grown on “chemistry”.

How to choose

Usually, a bright fruit is sold in nets, which can make it difficult to choose, but still, do not be too lazy to examine it from all sides. So, a good, ripe fruit is distinguished by:

  • uniform coloring;
  • waxy sheen of the peel;
  • strong aroma;
  • elasticity (the fruit should be hard enough, but not "stone").

If you find dark spots on the skin, this indicates that the fruit is starting to deteriorate or has been frozen. Greenish islands may be on the skin of an unripe fruit. Like any citrus, the pomelo is quite sharp, but it smells good, but the presence of any foreign odors is unacceptable.

Interesting! In some countries, the fruit is sold in cling film already half peeled, which is certainly nice, because you don’t have to pay for it. But such an innovation does not shine for us yet - both the demand is not the same, and the mentality.

Where to store

  1. Ripe pomelo is best stored not in the refrigerator, but in a dark place with room temperature. So he will retain his qualities for a month and a half. Therefore, at the end of the season, fruits can be taken for future use and the last fruit will delight you with a delicious vitamin cocktail at the end of April - at the peak of spring beriberi and insidious colds.
  2. A slightly greenish fruit can be placed on the window and periodically turned over. It will ripen and taste better.
  3. Already peeled pomelo should be eaten immediately. Of course, it will lie in cling film on the shelf of the refrigerator for a day or two, but there will be little benefit from it for the body.
  4. Dried fruit can be stored in wooden or cardboard containers under a tightly closed lid for up to one and a half to two years.

how to eat

Well, you brought home a little hello from mysterious China. And what to do with it? As it is? Peel like a regular grapefruit and enjoy! Despite the fact that its peel is much thicker than that of any other citrus, it is separated from the pulp very easily, leaving delicious slices. Usually they are from 5 to 8 in each fruit. Thinner membranes, in which appetizing fibers live, are also removed without problems. But the fruit can be eaten with them - it's healthier.

For more information on how to "disassemble" a pomelo for parts, see this video:

In addition, pomelo can be used in many other ways, the recipes of which are full on the Web:

  • make juice out of it. the yield will be less than that of other citrus fruits, but the finished drink is sweeter;
  • make candied fruits from peels;
  • cook jam (you can directly with the peel);
  • bake pies, pies or muffins with sweet and sour filling;
  • make homemade marmalade or sorbet;
  • do spicy sauce to meat dishes;
  • dry the zest and throw it into the teapot with tea;
  • add slices to vegetables and meat salads, dishes with seafood.

Those hostesses who are not alien to culinary exoticism will be interested to know that in the homeland of the fruit, sweet soups are prepared from it, and its peel, boiled in sugar, is poured with chocolate. Filipinos eat it as a snack with salt, while in Thailand they add it to salt. powdered sugar and powdered chili.

About the glycemic index

Pomelo can be safely included in the diet of a dieter. This citrus has a rather low glycemic index (up to 40 units), which means that it is slowly digested. For example, watermelons, bananas, kiwis, mangoes and other sweet fruits saturate faster¸ but the feeling of hunger after them comes after a very short time.

Such a glycemic index allows you to eat pomelo even for people with diabetes. 100 grams per day in the form of juice or pulp (with or without peel) is the allowed norm, which allows you to satisfy cravings for sweets and get a whole complex of vitamins without harm to health.

Products with a low glycemic index are useful for athletes to use an hour and a half before training. By slowly releasing energy, they increase stamina, which means you can perform more strength exercises. Because pomelo - great option a snack before a workout aimed at drawing muscle relief.

Important! Speaking of the glycemic index, it should be understood that it grows with heat treatment product, adding sugar and other ingredients to it. Therefore, jam, candied fruit, sauces, dried and dried pomelo can no longer be called dietary.

Contraindications and harm

The use of pomelo, like any other type of citrus fruit, certainly benefits the body. But there are “lucky ones” who are better off just leaving this fruit on the store counter.

  1. These are, first of all, people prone to allergies. If you have an individual reaction to oranges, grapefruits, lemons, then it is better not to take risks with the use of pomelo.
  2. You should not eat this fruit for those who have erosive damage to the digestive tract, and also suffer from gastritis or colitis. Pomelo is a sweet and sour fruit, because it irritates the gastric mucosa, provoking exacerbations of existing diseases. For the same reason, the use of this product will bring little pleasure to people with high acidity of the stomach.
  3. As already mentioned, pomelo contains quite a lot of potassium and this is not a problem for healthy kidneys. Alas, for any diseases of these organs, it is recommended to reduce the intake of potassium by at least half, and therefore it is better to refuse the “sunny” fruit.
  4. Be careful when using this citrus when coughing. A high concentration of essential oils can cause bronchospasm in diseased lungs.

As for the use of fruit during pregnancy, this is a "double-edged sword." On the one hand, it contains a certain amount of useful folic acid, on the other hand, it is a potential allergen that can affect the fragile immune system of the fetus. Pomelo cannot be called vital necessary product for pregnant women, therefore it is better not to risk including it in the menu. By the way, for the same reason, some pediatricians do not recommend giving citrus fruits (including pomelo) to children under one and a half years old.

Now you got a little acquainted with the pomelo solar fruit itself, with its beneficial properties and potential harm from use. I hope that the information received was useful and interesting to you. Leave feedback, tell us what is your experience of friendship with this fruit. And while I say to you: "See you soon!" Be beautiful and healthy!

Pomelo - the most big fruit from the citrus family. It has an unusual taste, combining sweet, bitter and sour undertones.

Most of the pomelo is inedible - it's a peel and a thick layer of white bitter pulp that protects the edible part from damage.

There are three types of pomelo: white, red and pink:

  • white pomelo softer and improves digestion;
  • red pomelo contains more vitamin C and potassium;
  • pink pomelo the sweetest and contains many seeds.

Regardless of the variety, pomelo has a positive effect on the body, improving its functioning.

Composition and calorie content of pomelo

The medicinal properties of pomelo are due to its composition, which contains vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, fiber, pectin and enzymes.

The composition of pomelo as a percentage of the daily value is presented below.


  • C - 102%;
  • B1 - 2.27%;
  • B6 - 1.8%;
  • B2 - 1.59%;
  • B3 - 1.1%.


Calorie pomelo - 38 kcal per 100 gr.

Pomelo, like all citrus fruits, strengthens and restores the body. Vitamins in pomelo allow the fruit to be used in the treatment and normalization of the work of individual body systems.

For muscles and bones

Potassium in pomelo is important for fluid balance in the body. It provides elasticity to the muscles, prevents them from stretching and torn ligaments, and also relieves cramps.

Potassium will help in the prevention of osteoporosis by improving bone mineral density. It facilitates the absorption of minerals needed to maintain strong and healthy bones.

For the heart and blood vessels

One of the best properties of pomelo is the ability to normalize and maintain blood pressure levels, thanks to potassium.


  • relieves tension from blood vessels;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes;
  • minimizes the workload on the heart.

In addition, pomelo prevents the formation of "bad" cholesterol in the body and prevents the appearance of plaques in the vessels.

Pomelo can act as a prophylactic against. The abundance of vitamin C in the composition helps to absorb and absorb iron.

For nerves and brain

Pomelo is used as an antidepressant. It will help not only to calm down and get rid of feelings of anxiety, but also to cope with depression.

For teeth and gums

Vitamin C, which is abundant in pomelo, is important for maintaining oral health. Regular use pomelo will relieve bleeding gums and strengthen teeth.

For the gastrointestinal tract

For kidneys and bladder

One of the distinguishing properties of pomelo is the protection of the urinary tract from infections. The high level of vitamin C in pomelo increases the amount of acid in the urinary system. This protects against infection and kills harmful bacteria.

For skin

Pomelo improves blood circulation, due to which skin cells are saturated with oxygen. It prevents the appearance of wrinkles and relieves the signs of aging.

Pomelo protects the skin from harmful effects ultraviolet rays. It fights acne and pimples, accelerates the healing of wounds, burns and cell regeneration.

For hair

Vitamins C and B1 in pomelo are good for hair. They make them healthy, strong and beautiful.

The fruit eliminates the thinness, fragility and brittleness of the hair, strengthens their roots and prevents hair loss, making the hair thicker. It soothes the scalp and fights dandruff-causing bacteria.

For immunity

For good health immune system vitamin C is needed. Pomelo helps the body fight viruses and infections, which reduces the risk of colds and flu, and also facilitates the course of the disease.

With the help of pomelo, you can fight free radicals and increase the activity of leukocytes. Pomelo increases the growth of antibodies and immune cells. It helps in the treatment of cancer and prevents the formation of cancerous tumors.

Pomelo during pregnancy

It is useful to eat pomelo during pregnancy. It contains folic acid, which has a good effect on the development of the fetus.

Do you love citrus fruits? I'm sure many will answer yes. I don’t know about you, but in addition to the usual tangerines and oranges, I also like other types of citrus fruits. For example, pomelo, the benefits and harms of which are the subject of research by scientists.

This large fruit, similar to a throwing ball, although not as sweet and juicy as, for example, an orange, but it has a pleasant taste. It resembles a grapefruit in structure and taste, but a ripe pomelo, unlike a grapefruit, is not bitter. So if you haven’t eaten grapefruit because of bitterness, try pomelo, because it is tasty, but also healthy. Read on and you will find out what are the benefits of overseas fruit for the body, whether it can be given to children, how to choose the right one and whether there are contraindications.

Where does the pomelo fruit grow?

The homeland of the pomelo is the islands of Polynesia and the Malaysian archipelago. Later, this plant came to Asia Minor, China and Thailand, where it became quite popular. In China, where pomelo grows in large numbers, the fruit is often presented as a gift, which symbolizes well-being and prosperity. And the whole world learned about the pomelo after it was brought to Europe.

If you suddenly come across a fruit with the name "sheddock", know that this is not some kind of novelty, it is a pomelo. So it is sometimes called in honor of the navigator Sheddock, thanks to him the world learned about this fruit.

Pomelo is an evergreen tree up to 15 meters high with a spherical crown. The leaves are large, the flowers are white, 3 to 7 cm in diameter, solitary or 2 to 10 in an inflorescence. The fruit is covered with a thick skin, divided into large slices, compacted by a hard partition, inside each slice there may be seeds. The pomelo fruit is the largest among citrus fruits. The mass of the fetus can reach 10 kg, diameter - 30 cm (source: Wikipedia). More modest specimens weighing up to 2 kilograms are sent for export to Russia.

Pomelo comes in different varieties and the peel differs in color - green, yellow, pink-red. The pulp is also of different colors - from white to red and the taste is slightly different.

Pomelo - benefit and harm

The Chinese know exactly what a pomelo is useful for - they prepare all kinds of medicines from it, moreover, from all parts of the fruit and are used in the treatment of a variety of diseases. His chemical composition confirms that this fruit is worth paying attention to.

Pomelo composition and calorie content:

  • vitamins – vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B2, B5, B9
  • minerals - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium
  • other useful material- essential oils, flavonoids, limonoids, rich in fiber

What are the benefits of pomelo for health

  1. Essential oils and vitamin C, which are rich in pomelo, strengthen the immune system, which helps in the fight against various viruses. It helps not only as a preventive measure, it helps to fight the disease, so it is advisable to include fruits in the diet in the autumn-winter period, when there is a danger of colds and flu. By the way, it is at this time, when we have a cold period, in Thailand, India, China, Israel that the weather is favorable and the pomelo is simply saturated with useful substances. So it is more useful for us to buy this healthy citrus in our cold season - in autumn and winter.
  2. Pomelo juice tones, invigorates and gives additional energy to our body, which is also important in our cold season. This is facilitated by both vitamin C, which supports the functioning of the nervous system, and essential oils, which affect our emotional state. Therefore, pomelo is often referred to as antidepressant products.
  3. It is useful to use fruit for the prevention of arthrosis, osteochondrosis, joint diseases, and this is again due to the large content of vitamin C - it provides collagen synthesis, which is important for cartilage tissue.
  4. Vitamin C helps to better absorb the iron found in fruits, which makes this fruit a useful product for the prevention of anemia.
  5. Everyone knows about the benefits of vitamin A, which is not only a strong antioxidant, which is important for our immunity. It affects our vision, is responsible for the youthfulness of cells, is good for the skin and bone tissue formation. Pomelo contains beta-carotene, which, under the action of digestive enzymes, turns into vitamin A. Beta-carotene is good because it can enter our body in any dosage, nothing bad will happen. It is stored in the subcutaneous layer, and our body uses it for synthesis when it is needed. But vitamin A, if taken in tablets, can cause an overdose, which is not very good for the body. Therefore, it is better to replenish vitamin A with products containing beta-carotene, pomelo among them.
  6. Prevention of cataracts and improvement of visual acuity at night - pomelo will also help with this.
  7. Potassium makes this fruit useful for the heart and the entire vascular system, fights vascular atherosclerosis, and normalizes blood pressure.
  8. The pomelo is rich in fiber, which means that the pulp of the fruit cleanses the human body well and has a positive effect on the digestive system.
  9. The huge benefit of the fruit is that it is the strongest diuretic fruit. According to this effect, it is not inferior even to watermelon, which is rightfully recognized best berry to cleanse the kidneys of toxins.

Benefits for men

  • The content of essential oils in the fruit makes it a natural aphrodisiac, due to which a man's sexual desire for the opposite sex increases.
  • Studies of the fruit have shown that the pulp of the fruit improves the process of spermatogenesis. It has long been believed among the Chinese that if a man is given a pomelo, it means that they wish him male strength and longevity.
  • Vitamin C and antioxidants strengthen blood vessels, which improves blood flow in the pelvic organs. This has a beneficial effect on erectile function.
  • Antioxidants are able to remove toxins from the body, so this type of citrus is considered the best remedy to relieve hangover.

Useful properties of fruit for women

  • In addition to the above health benefits, I would like to say separately about such important elements contained in the pulp and peel of the fruit, such as flavonoids, limonoids, and essential oils. They fight pancreatic dysfunction, as well as prevent the development of cancer cells in the mammary gland and alleviate the condition after chemotherapy or surgery.
  • There are studies that the beneficial substances contained in the peel of the fruit have a beneficial effect on women's health, eliminating excess estrogen. Apparently not in vain the Chinese use all parts of this plant.
  • Pomelo is rich in calcium and phosphorus, and this makes this fruit useful for women during menopause, when there is a threat of osteoporosis. Regular consumption of the pulp of the fruit will strengthen the bones, promote the healing of fractures.
  • The fruit is interesting for women in that it can be used in cosmetology. Juice and pulp well nourish and moisturize the skin, smooth wrinkles. You can wipe your face with a slice of pomelo, instead of washing your face in the morning, you can make masks by adding other components depending on your skin type.

Is there any benefit for pregnant women

The fruit is useful for pregnant women, and it can be included in the diet throughout the entire period of pregnancy:

  • folic acid has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus.
  • phosphorus and calcium are useful for strengthening bones not only for women, but also for the proper development of the skeletal system and muscle tissue of the child.
  • the expectant mother should not be ill with colds, vitamin C, which is rich in fruits, will come to the rescue in maintaining immunity.
  • the diuretic properties of the fruit will help to cope with edema, which often occurs during pregnancy.
  • pomelo is useful for pregnant women in the early stages, as it helps fight toxicosis.

Is pomelo good for weight loss

I said that pomelo is a low-calorie fruit and therefore it is useful for losing weight. If compared with a similar citrus - grapefruit, then the pomelo is sweeter, but it contains less sugar than grapefruit, which accordingly affected the calorie content.

Fiber improves metabolism, which is also important for weight loss.

The pulp of the fruit contains slow carbohydrates that are digested longer, a few slices of pomelo are enough to saturate the body and muffle hunger.

Studies have also shown that the enzymes found in this type of citrus break down fats, which means that they can, or rather, should be included in the weight loss menu.

What is useful for children

Knowing about the above beneficial properties of pomelo, we can safely say that this citrus is also useful for children:

  • perfectly copes with beriberi and it will be easier to endure the cold season with it;
  • often children are overweight, so replace desserts with pomelo, which converts proteins and fats into energy, this will only be for the benefit of the child;
  • pomelo will help with fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness of the child;
  • Phosphorus is another important element found in citrus. It will increase the intellectual abilities of your child.

Pomelo for diabetes

Useful properties of pomelo are also needed for people diagnosed with diabetes. With such a serious disease, the lack of one or another element can cause serious consequences.

  1. In patients with this disease, blood flow is often slowed down, and this contributes to the accumulation of toxic products in the cells of the body, and self-poisoning of cells occurs. An increased dose of vitamin C, which acts as an antidote, helps to solve this problem. But ascorbic acid in tablets is not as well absorbed, much worse than natural, which means that taking an increased dose only at the expense of tablets is unhealthy, and sometimes dangerous.
  2. In diabetes, the vessels of the retina of the eyeball are damaged, the body's ability to resist various kinds of infections is reduced, wound healing is slower - Vitamin A helps to maintain these functions.
  3. In diabetes, potassium is very important, as it has the ability to convert glucose into glycogen, potassium reduces the symptoms of diabetes - thirst, numbness of the limbs, frequent urination, skin abscesses. Often people with diabetes have a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, and this, as a result, a violation of potassium metabolism. Although an excess of potassium is also dangerous to health.

All of the above makes this citrus a really useful product for diabetic patients, but this is a serious disease, so before using anything in your diet, especially in any higher doses, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

A doctor's consultation is also needed for other chronic diseases, because in addition to benefits, pomelo can harm our body, if you do not take into account the existing contraindications.

Pomelo - harm to the body

Pomelo, in addition to pluses, also has minuses that are important to know:

  1. One of the important contraindications is that it is able to reduce the effect of some medicines, and this may affect the effectiveness of treatment. Also, pomelo can enhance the effect of certain drugs, and this is not just bad, it can be dangerous. Therefore, if you are taking any medications, be sure to consult your doctor if you can include pomelo in your diet.
  2. Pediatricians do not recommend pomelo for children under 1.5 years old because of possible allergies and high fiber content, so as not to disrupt the child's digestion. Up to 3 years, you can give no more than 50 grams per day 2 to 3 times a week. Preschoolers over 3 years old up to 100 grams per day.
  3. With caution, pomelo should be consumed by people with gastrointestinal diseases such as ulcers and gastritis, due to the acid content.
  4. Patients with nephritis and urolithiasis it is important to know that the pulp of the pomelo helps to activate the movement of deposits along the ureter.
  5. An allergy to this fruit is possible, as well as to any other citrus fruits, so if you are prone to allergies and you are trying this fruit for the first time, use it in minimal doses to see the body's reaction.
  6. With hepatitis, it is also not recommended to use pomelo.
  7. A large amount of fiber is useful, but in some cases can cause a strong laxative effect.

If you take into account all the contraindications, then the pomelo will only be a boon for your health, which means you can safely enjoy its taste, include it more often in your menu, because its benefits are enormous.

How to choose a pomelo

  • They say that the more fragrant the fruit, the tastier and, accordingly, healthier it is, but this method of choice does not suit us, because in our supermarkets the pomelo is usually packaged in film.
  • Of two fruits of the same size, you must choose the one that is heavier - such a fruit has a thinner crust and juicier pulp.
  • It is also important to pay attention to the peel itself - it should be smooth, without dents and soft to the touch.

How to eat pomelo

It is important to know about the shelf life - a whole, untouched pomelo can be stored at room temperature for about a month, but if you have cleaned it, it is better to eat it right away, or store it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, no more.

There are no special tricks on how to eat a pomelo - you need to free it from the peel, membranes and enjoy fresh tasty pulp. And, of course, it is the most useful fresh. But in countries where this fruit is more than enough, jam, marmalade, and various sauces are prepared from it.

Chefs love to add pomelo to fruit salads, desserts, as well as in dishes containing meat and seafood.

The peel can be used to make candied fruits, added to tea, it is also useful.

Pomelo - benefit and harm, today's article is about this and I hope the information was interesting and informative. I think that it is necessary to know about the product that has already been prescribed on the shelves of our supermarkets, especially since there are benefits for children, pregnant women and people with diabetes, as well as for weight loss. Enjoy this delicious, healthy and largest citrus fruit in the world.

And look in the video interesting recipe with pomelo.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

Pomelo is an exotic fruit originating from South-East Asia. This greenish-yellow fruit with a tough skin and large, bitter, white-separated segments is the progenitor of everyone's favorite grapefruit. In terms of taste and useful properties, these two fruits are very similar. When the pomelo ripens on the branches of an evergreen citrus tree, the side facing the sun takes on a pinkish hue. Residents of China, Malaysia and nearby islands consider it a symbol of prosperity and prosperity. What substances are rich in Asian fruit? What benefits does it bring to the human body?

What is the nutritional value of pomelo?

Pomelo is a low-calorie product, like all citrus fruits. One hundred grams of it contains no more than 40 kilocalories. The fruit contains a lot of carbohydrates, but they are mostly low-digestible, so they do not harm the figure. One hundred grams of the fruit has the following amount of nutrients:

  • proteins - 0.8%;
  • carbohydrates - 9.6%;
  • fat - 0.1%;
  • fiber - 1.0%;
  • water - 88.5%.

What trace elements are found in pomelo?

In citrus, the most basic substances necessary for the human body to function normally are found in abundance. The fruit is rich in organic acids and essential oils, and in terms of the content of some microelements it overtakes even the related grapefruit. What vitamins and minerals are included in pomelo, and in what concentration? One hundred grams of the product contains the following amount of nutrients:

  • retinol (A) - 0.005 mg;
  • ascorbic acid (C) - 120 mg;
  • tocopherol (E) - 0.1 mg;
  • thiamine (B1) - 0.1 mg;
  • riboflavin (B2) - 0.1 mg;
  • nicotinic acid (B3) - 0.4 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B6) - 0.1 mg;
  • phylloquinone (K) - 0.005 mg;
  • potassium - 410 mg;
  • phosphorus - 32 mg;
  • magnesium - 12 mg;
  • calcium - 8 mg;
  • sodium - 2 mg;
  • zinc - 0.2 mg;
  • iron - 0.2 mg;
  • copper - 0.1 mg.

What are the benefits of pomelo?

Doctors recommend using pomelo to prevent the development of anemia associated with a lack of iron in the body. The fruit is rich in the mineral as well as vitamin C, which helps it to be absorbed into the bloodstream. When a natural product is combined with synthetic iron preparations, the process of hemoglobin formation in erythrocytes is restored faster, the symptoms of anemia disappear. Due to the high content of potassium, the fruit contributes to the normalization of the heart muscle, regulates arterial pressure, cleanses blood vessels from plaques and removes bad cholesterol from the body. Such an effect on the cardiovascular system significantly reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, and hypertensive crisis.

Pomelo contains a huge amount of flavonoids - substances that break down and remove excess hormones from the body, which can provoke the development of oncology of the mammary glands and organs of the digestive system. The fruit is rich in fiber, which perfectly cleanses the intestines of decay products and toxins, preventing the emergence of malignant tumors and foci of inflammation. Asian fruit is an excellent antioxidant: it actively destroys free radicals that weaken the immune system, protects the body from the penetration of pathogens. By consuming one citrus per day, you can normalize digestion, the synthesis of gastric juice and the activity of the endocrine glands, forget what diarrhea and vomiting are.

Due to the high concentration of vitamin A and C, group B, the fetus prevents skin aging, prevents the development of age-related wrinkles and pigmentation, activates the production of collagen and elastin, improves blood circulation in the layers of the epidermis, promotes rapid healing of wounds, regulates the sebaceous glands, cleanses the head of dandruff and strengthens hair follicles. The frequent inclusion of pomelo in the diet allows you to maintain the beauty and freshness of the skin, the strength and thickness of the hair, reduce acne, maintain youth and visual appeal.

Minerals contained in citrus in large quantities are necessary for the normal growth and development of hair, teeth and bones. Potassium, calcium and zinc restore the structure of the hair, accelerate their growth, make them strong and shiny, prevent inflammation and bleeding of the gums, tooth loss, destruction of tooth enamel, prevent thinning of bone tissue and the development of osteoporosis. Pomelo and grapefruit contain the enzyme L-carnitine or vitamin B11, a substance that can burn excess fat in the body. Therefore, nutritionists recommend using these fruits during diets for weight loss.

Can a pomelo harm the body?

Despite the taste, useful properties and high content of trace elements, pomelo has contraindications for use. Since the fruit contains acids in its composition that can irritate the mucous walls of the digestive organs, it is highly undesirable to use it for food for people suffering from the following diseases:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • spastic colitis with constipation;
  • hepatitis, cirrhosis, fibrosis and other inflammatory processes in the liver;
  • nephritis, pyelonephritis and other inflammatory diseases of the kidneys.

It is strictly forbidden to use an exotic fruit for people who have citrus intolerance. If the fruit enters the body, there is a risk of a severe allergic reaction, which can lead to hives, shortness of breath, swelling of the face, and even anaphylactic shock. You can not eat a pomelo in excess: the vitamins in it are contained in such a high concentration that they can cause hypervitaminosis.

Pomelo is not only tasty and useful product, but also an excellent pharmaceutical raw material and traditional medicine. It is used for the manufacture of medicinal and cosmetic preparations, taken fresh for severe swelling, skin problems, weakening of the immune system and seasonal viral diseases. To get the maximum benefit from an Asian fruit, you need to choose only fresh and high-quality specimens. You should not buy fruits that are too soft, with dents and brown spots: they are already starting to deteriorate.