Since oil is an everyday product for many people, it is therefore important what is production technology butter . Butter is a rather valuable product where milk fat is concentrated. It must necessarily satisfy certain requirements that relate to taste, product structure, consistency, and durability.

First of all, the quality of the butter produced depends on the quality of the raw materials used, where the butter production technology, compliance with all necessary sanitary regimes and its storage conditions are also of great importance.

Production technology regarding the manufacture of butter:

The first method involves converting highly heavy cream.
The second method is to churn cream, where the allowable percentage of fat should be 30-35 percent.

The second method is used in the production of small volumes of traditional butter among urban dairies.

Butter is made by the conversion method, which is used in all other types, which also includes varieties with fillers of any volume.

Technology for the production and release of butter using the churning method.

At the entrance, the product presents: MJ cream with 35 percent.

At the output, the product is: MJ butter, where the percentage of fat content can be in the range of 61-82.5 percent.

Butter production - main operations

Any factory for the production of butter implies a production process that is based on the following steps:

1. Milk intake.
2. Next, the separation of whole milk takes place, after which cream is obtained.
3. Normalization of the resulting cream for fat. Removal of possible odors and tastes.
4. Pasteurization of cream at a temperature of 85 degrees without exposure.
5. This is followed by low-temperature preparation of cream.
6. Whipping cream.

The production of butter involves the use of various structures on which the process of churning cream takes place, butter grains are washed, salting, and mechanical processing of butter is also carried out. For the implementation of these processes is used equipment that is necessary for the production of various butter.

As for the cream, before they enter the butter maker, they are filtered. The churn is filled with 50 percent cream of its total volume. The duration of whipping takes from forty to sixty minutes. The churning process ends after an oil grain of 3-5 mm in size is obtained.

7. Washing the oil grain.

Thanks to this process, butter has a greater shelf life. So, in the process of washing, the remains of buttermilk, which acts as a nutrient medium for many microorganisms, are removed. Wash water must be of potable quality.

8. Oil salting.

The production of butter includes a process such as salting the butter, due to which the butter has a high storage stability. The boiled salt is sifted and also calcined.

9. Mechanical processing of oil grains.

This procedure is carried out in order to combine disparate grains into a single layer of oil. Rollers or screws are used for mechanical processing of oil in oil producers.

10. Packaging of the product is carried out in parchment, corrugated boxes, as well as in cached foil.

Thermostating implies a certain process, where the production of butter in the first days (up to 5 days), after the butter is produced, it must be kept at temperatures up to 15 degrees. This is done in order to create favorable conditions for the final process of crystallization of the milk fat itself, in order to improve the structure and physical properties of the oil.

In the process of making butter, the technology of butter production must be maintained.

Butter is one of necessary products affecting the improvement of human health. Breakfast cannot be complete if the sandwich is not smeared with fatty butter. A high percentage of fat content is a direct indication of the high quality of the product and its benefits. To save the product from the need to introduce preservative substances into its composition can allow the production of butter with a moderate production of a sought-after product. .

Bread and dairy products are necessary for the proper nutrition of the population. They are classified as perishable. The absence of dairy processing enterprises in the region automatically frees up the market segment for products with a large number of preservatives and stabilizers.

Taking into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, each person’s daily diet should contain natural butter (15 g) and cheese (30 g) - this is a mandatory norm to maintain bone strength, quality of hair, teeth, nails, skin, and digestive system health. Oil consumption standards will help calculate the need for a locality in the product.

Of course, not all residents will instantly switch to the consumption of a local product. For the title the best manufacturers will have to fight with large concerns offering a lower price. The absence of preservatives and stabilizers, which increase the keeping quality of the product, have the best effect on the taste of the oil. Therefore, grocery stores of the nearest settlements can become points of sale.

Taste, aroma, color are the criteria by which housewives choose the type of oil for their family. On the shelves of stores there is a large assortment of oils with the addition of vegetable fats and purely creamy products. Their aroma is approximately the same; in spreads, the taste quality deteriorates significantly when palm oil is added. The lower the fat content, the less useful substances contains oil. Buyers of "low-calorie" products will have to make up for the lack of amino acids with dietary supplements.

Conclusion: in order for the product to be in demand, it must be 100% natural. An oil that has a characteristic milky aroma that meets the technical specifications after freezing will be competitive.

Types of oil, choice of grade for production

Butter is the whipped cream or fat residue from the separation of fresh cow's milk. The fat content of butter, called butter, corresponds to an indicator of at least 82.5%. The lower content of animal fats indicates that this is a spread containing a certain proportion of vegetable fats and fillers (thickeners, stabilizers and other additives).

Sweet cream and sour cream butter, despite the name, can be sweet and salty. The difference between these natural products lies in the difference in the preparation of raw materials.

Sweet cream is made from fresh pasteurized cream, and sour cream is made from pasteurized cream fermented on milk sourdough. Under the condition of artificially inflating the cost of the product, it is extremely rare on store shelves. It is practically impossible to meet it in chain stores due to the fact that many peasant farms artificially lower the percentage of fat content of milk yield to the required norm by separating.

The fat content of natural cow's milk varies from 2.5 to 6.5%. Large producers, conducting mass purchases of milk from the population, measure only the level of fat content. However, "skimmed" milk loses its qualities, it is practically unsuitable for whipping. It affects the quality finished product, its density has to be increased by additives.

It turns out that due to the unscrupulousness of milk deliverers on the shelves, more and more often, instead of traditional butter with a fat content of 82.5%, high-quality and low-quality spreads appear with a nutritional value below the standard of 717 kcal.

NameFat content, %Nutritional value (100g) in kcal
"Traditional"82,5 748
"Amateur"80 709
"Peasant"72,5 661
"Sandwich"61% 566
"Tea"50%; 546
"Chocolate"62% depends on the quality of the cocoa powder

Fillers that give the oil a certain taste can be honey, fruits or artificial flavors, which is most often used to mask unpleasant odors and tastes during the period of feeding animals with silage and the close term of calving cows. During start-up, milk is poured out, it is not used for food. But when buying from the population, such raw materials can come across, spoiling the entire batch like a barrel of honey owed in the ointment.

Butter with a base fraction of animal fat below 60% is not only unhealthy, it can be harmful to the body. Especially when replacing natural milk fats with vegetable fats, such as palm oil.

The highest nutritional value in ghee 892 kcal, but in it after heat treatment there are no nutrients left.

How to make an oil with a rich taste and pleasant aroma

The recipe for making butter at modern enterprises does not change much. It is based on the development of Nikolai Vasilyevich Vereshchagin, the initiator of the "artel buttermaking". In its pure form, this recipe is used in the Museum of Buttermaking in the Vologda region. Due to the use of manual equipment, the production of the product is extremely small, it is dispersed around the world in clay pots, which simplify transportation and increase shelf life.

The cost of this item handmade is quite high, but the quality of Vologda oil is incomparably higher than that of products manufactured on modern production equipment. Not only the method of whipping cream and the amount of additives affect the result.

Vereshchagin compiled the recipe and technology for making butter in the middle of the 19th century. From the chronicles it follows that the first time oil was mentioned as early as the 5th century in the trade statements of the Irish. Traveling Norwegians had casks of oil on their grocery list in the 8th century. In Russia and Italy, oil began to be eaten in the 13th century.

The manufacturing recipe was varied. Peasants whipped butter from cream, sour cream and even fresh milk. Ghee butter has a longer shelf life; it was called "Russian" in other countries.

Conclusion: you can make butter more dense or tender, fragrant, sweet cream or sour cream by choosing the raw materials for whipping.

How to open a butter production line - business organization

To open a butter production business, you need a room that meets all the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological services, a warehouse with refrigeration equipment, a milk processing line, vehicles for collecting raw materials and delivering them to production, a delivery truck finished products to retail outlets.

Workshop room

Sanitary requirements for dairy industry enterprises have certain standards for the layout of the premises, the selection of building materials, landscaping, maintenance of equipment and vehicles.

Production is divided into several zones:

  • production;
  • warehouses of raw materials and finished products;
  • household premises;
  • first-aid post;
  • workshops;
  • warehouses of spare parts and spare inventory;
  • garages;
  • boiler room.

There can be many more rooms, but all auxiliary areas must be isolated from the production workshop.

Entrances to the oil mill cannot be unpaved, according to the standards, the roads must have an asphalt or concrete surface. The production area vacant from construction is planted with greenery, at least 15% of the entire vacant area. Garbage containers, septic tanks, cesspools, sewer wells must be located at a distance of at least 25 meters from the workshop and warehouses with products and raw materials. Optimal placement of sewer and garbage collectors outside the fenced area of ​​the plant.

With a single toilet, the entrance for mechanics, drivers and other workers not related to milk processing should lead to the yard or office building, bypassing the workshop.

The requirements for the location of warehouses in relation to the workshop are as follows - the flow of production requires a constant connection between the workshop and the warehouse of unprocessed raw materials and finished products. At the same time, the paths of the finished goods cannot intersect with the transported raw materials and dirty containers.

Mandatory requirement for dairy production is the presence of hygiene rooms, showers, a first-aid post, drinking water supply, disposal of used water to disposal sites, and supply and exhaust ventilation. Equally strict requirements for the selection of finishing materials for the premises of the workshop itself:

  • waterproof, smooth floors;
  • wall cladding is made with glazed light ceramic tiles;
  • only oil paint is suitable for painting walls;
  • the height of cladding and painting is not less than 1.8 m in height;
  • large windows that provide an influx of daylight in relation to the flows from artificial lighting devices in a ratio of 1:6 - 1:8.

Compliance with all these rules is necessary in order to obtain permission from SanEpidnadzor to start activities. Yet the main purpose of all these rules is to take care of the health of workers and consumers.

Raw material supply channel

The most optimal option for the supply of fresh milk is a state farm, a large peasant farmstead, a developed farm. Unlike cows kept in the private sector, animals of a large livestock farm undergo systematic medical care. Animals receiving medical treatment are kept separately, their milk is not used while taking antibiotics and two weeks after the course of recovery.

Business registration

It is more expedient to register a dairy products workshop as an LLC. When exploring the market of your region, you need to pay attention not so much to competitors, but to farming, livestock farms with a large number of cattle that are free from constant obligations.

Transportation costs must be minimized, so suppliers of raw materials and sales points should be sought within a radius of 50-100 km from the location of a medium-sized dairy enterprise. Large dairy companies can act as franchisors, which will simplify the supply of the workshop with the necessary equipment, reduce the cost of developing their own logo, trademark, and advertising.

As an essential commodity, oil falls under the category of goods, part of which is paid for by the local budget, making it cheaper for the population. This assistance to developing production will be allocated in the form of subsidies, assistance in renting equipment and vehicles, which are on the balance of the city.

A package of necessary documents for product certification

The procedure for certification of butter for compliance with safety requirements largely depends on the fat content of the product being produced. Briefly, the list looks like this:

  • statements for the applicant;
  • copies of technical documentation for oil;
  • description of the product itself;
  • protocol of laboratory examinations.

Attention! If the scheme chosen for product certification does not provide for mandatory laboratory tests, then the applicant has the right to provide other evidence of product safety.

Drawing up a declaration by a butter manufacturer is complicated by the fact that this product falls under several technical regulations at once. Accordingly, the product will be checked according to all the criteria prescribed in the regulatory documents:

  1. food - TR CU 021/2011;
  2. dairy - TR CU 033/2013;
  3. compliance with the safety of technological additives - TR TS 029/2012;
  4. labeling of food products - TR CU 022/2011.

When certifying butter with a reduced fat content, a standard for fat and oil products will be added. Regardless of the fact that the marking is printed on the packaging, the product wrapper itself is also subject to separate certification. In addition to the butter itself, raw materials (milk) are also subject to certification.

To date, there are 5 certification schemes for butter, which complies with the regulation TR CU 033/2013. The choice of a specific goods declaration scheme depends on the following factors:

  • type of supply;
  • lot size;
  • the origin of the goods.

For a domestic product, a production control system from SES is provided.

Registration of a certificate of state registration of products is a type of certification. Measures to confirm the compliance of products with the requirements of sanitary standards are carried out by relevant government departments. They are considered the most complex and complete. The document issued based on the results of the examinations carried out was a guarantor of the quality and safety of the goods.

The purpose of certification is to provide government authorities with evidence of the safety and compliance of goods with regulations. Documents of conformity in terms of quality, composition and other parameters are ready - the declaration is registered in the Unified Register, the GOST or TU marking appears on the packaging of the goods. Only after such a complex procedure can the goods be sold through a retail network.

What you need to start oil production at home

For cooking homemade butter in small quantities, you need: a separator, a mixer, earthenware (pot or lid), a sieve and gauze, a refrigerator.

To obtain 3-3.5 kg of butter, you need 10 liters of heavy cream or sour cream collected from yogurt. Sour cream with additives (preservatives, flavor and color stabilizers, other additives) with low fat content is not suitable for whipping.

It is more convenient to whip cream or sour cream in small portions of 1.5-2 liters, placing the raw materials in a rough deep bowl made of clay or unpainted wood. The most stable result is obtained by systematically mixing the semi-finished milk product with a wooden spoon or spatula.

It is quite difficult to withstand 3 hours of intense whipping without slowing down the speed. Therefore, it is better to choose a mixer with whisks made of high-quality durable stainless steel. In this case, no more than 1 hour will pass from the beginning of milk separation to the finished butter.

At the beginning of whipping, the mass increases in volume, becomes airy. After a short time of whipping, its color will begin to change, acquiring a yellowish tint. When using sour cream as a feedstock, the color of the mass may be non-uniform.

Within 10 minutes of intensive mixing (whipping), the mass will begin to delaminate into fat lumps and churning - the released liquid. This cream must be drained periodically. They can be used for baking - puffs, cookies, muffins, pancakes.

If about 2/3 of buttermilk is drained from each liter of starting material, then the whipping process can be considered completed. The oil is ready, but it can be salted or sweetened.

To increase the shelf life, you can rinse the oil several times with clean water. To do this, 1 liter of water is added to a container with oil, the mass is mixed and whipped. The water is changed to clean, the process is repeated until the liquid drained after washing is clear.

Gauze is laid in a sieve in 2-3 layers, oil is laid out on it. A sieve or colander is installed on the pan. This is necessary so that all the liquid is glass. After 1.5-2 hours, the oil must be pressed and sent to the freezer.

If you bypass the process of washing the oil, then the shelf life of the product in the refrigerator will be 7 days.

Marketing and distribution channels

Recent studies have shown that a marketing mix consisting of 4 components works great:

  1. product quality;
  2. price that differs up or down among goods with the same characteristics;
  3. distribution - uniform distribution of goods between points of sale;
  4. promotion.

Competent promotion is work on the recognition of the brand, name, logo. This is a whole range of activities. It is necessary to start with the development of the original packaging, it should not be similar to any other.

In addition to names that reflect prescription features, the oil should have a proper name, such as Praskovya Molochkova, Prostokvashino, Merry Milkman. The name of the brand in combination with the original image, registered as a trademark of the company, will be remembered by the buyer better than the name "amateur oil TU- ... .. in gray packaging with the image of a cow grazing on the lawn, the ribbon under the picture is green."

By highlighting your products from the general range, you will greatly simplify the search for the goods the buyer needs. The benefit is mutual, your client will get what they are looking for, and you will not give your consumer to competitors.

The second way to attract a buyer is to give your product a shape that differs from the standard one, increase the weight of the briquette, while other manufacturers reduce the packing weight to “keep the price rising”.

The sale of perishable products, such as butter, must be carried out not only through retail chains, but also bypassing them. The main consumers are public catering points, culinary shops selling semi-finished dough products, station cafes, schools, kindergartens, and medical hospitals. The main marketing hook is timely delivery by the supplier's cars.

franchise business

In large dairy concerns, one should see not only strong competitors, but also real assistants in business development. Many of the companies with their own trademark, a recognizable sonorous name, are franchisors for many small businesses in their field.

Investors, banks and government authorities have more confidence in a large company than in a novice entrepreneur. Supporting such a company, especially at the start of a business, is a good start. Help is:

  • selection of equipment or its provision for rent;
  • conducting marketing campaigns;
  • verification of potential suppliers of raw materials;
  • registration of the first contractual obligations with sales organizations.

Business costs and payback

Starting an oil production business on an industrial scale requires serious financial investments. The optimal location of the dairy plant is the outskirts of the city, near the forest, parkland and bypass road. Such placement of industrial facilities is usually provided for in the design of cities.

This means that in order to comply with all the requirements of the sanitary services, the fire inspectorate and other departments, it is more expedient to find a non-functioning plant that was previously used for the manufacture of food products. It's easier to sort it out. The location of workshops on the territory of a previously operating facility, as a rule, meets the requirements. Sample list of expenses for the preparatory period preceding the launch of the line:

Item of expenditureAmount, rub.
Premises for rent50 000
Purchase of building materials70 000
Carrying out repairs40 000
Delivery and installation of equipment20 000
LLC registration4 500
Obtaining certificates35 000
Recruitment3 000
Conclusion of contracts for the supply of raw materials5 000
Procurement of office equipment and consumables65 000
Total292 500

Purchase of equipment for the workshop with the release of 150 kg of oil per day

Nameprice, rub.
Separator220 000
Raw material standardization bath80 000
Vacuum deodorizer430 000
Long pasteurization bath350 000
Filling machine520 000
Homogenizer-plasticizer310 000
Tank with remote control350 000
Pumps - 2 pcs70 000
Total: 2,330,000 rubles.

Monthly costs

NameAmount, rub.
Car rent30 000
Wage120 000
Communal payments15 000
Paying taxes12 000
Payment of loans20 000
Purchase of HS60 000 rub.
Purchase of packaging material5 000
Expendable materials3 500
Unexpected expenses15 000
280 500

With the stable operation of the workshop in three shifts, the planned payback of the project is 1.5 years.

Butter is the food product that will always be in demand among buyers. Therefore, its production can bring large profits. Oil production equipment must meet certain requirements and perform all the processes prescribed by the work technology.

There are several varieties of oil that differ from each other in quality composition, taste, fat content and other characteristics. However, they are very similar in appearance. In the production of butter, you can organize the production of the following varieties:

  • melted. Contains about 99% fat and less than 0.7% moisture;
  • Vologda. The concentration of fat reaches 82.5%, moisture - 16%;
  • amateur. The fat content of the product is 78%, humidity - 20%;
  • peasant. Fat content - 72.5%, moisture - 25%;
  • sandwich. Fat concentration - 61.5%, moisture - 35%;
  • chocolate. Fat content - 62%, moisture - 16%, sugar - more than 18%, cocoa - 2.5%.

What raw materials are needed to organize production

Regardless of the chosen methods for the production of butter, it is necessary to provide workshops with high-quality raw materials. The taste and smell, as well as the shelf life of the finished product, will depend on this.

Quality control of raw materials should be carried out by qualified specialists at the stage of its receipt at the warehouse. If possible, it is best to conclude contracts with local farmers who will supply the necessary products in the right quantity.

The main raw material for the production of butter is cow's milk. If it is planned to release other types of products, it is necessary to additionally purchase honey, cocoa powder, nuts, etc. Many manufacturers use artificial components (stabilizers, flavor enhancers, dyes) to improve the basic quality characteristics of the finished product.

When buying milk, you should give preference to a product with a high fat content. If cream is used as the raw material, the following must be taken into account:

  • cream of the 1st grade. They have a homogeneous consistency, no lumps and flakes are formed during boiling;
  • raw materials of the 2nd grade. The presence of clots of oil is allowed, with a mild taste.

In the production of butter, it must be taken into account that in order to obtain 1 kg of the finished product with a fat content of 82%, it is necessary to use 17 liters of milk with 5% fat content or 23 liters of 3% fat content. Vegetable fats can be added to its composition, which will reduce the price of the product, but will negatively affect its taste and quality.

Equipment used for organizing production

Oil production is impossible without special equipment. Its quantity and capacity depend on the volume of products that are planned to be produced and the technology chosen. Typically, a mini-workshop for the production of butter is equipped with the following equipment:

  • pasteurizer. It is used for heat treatment of raw materials, which makes it possible to destroy all harmful microorganisms in its composition;
  • separator. Performs the separation of milk and cream, which occurs in several stages;
  • vacuum deodorizer. The equipment is used to remove foreign tastes and odors from raw materials;
  • normalizing baths or containers. Used to bring the product to the required fat content;
  • cylindrical or lamellar oil former. It is used to obtain a finished product from prepared raw materials;
  • homogenizers-plasticizers. Such equipment gives the creamy mass a uniform consistency;
  • pump;
  • packing machine. The equipment lays out the finished product in the package.

Production technology

To obtain oil, two technological schemes– churning cream and its transformation. In each case, the raw material undergoes similar preparation using the same equipment. Raw materials collected from suppliers are discharged into a receiving tank. Milk is heated, after which separation takes place.

With the help of special equipment, pasteurization of cream with a fat content of 35–45% is carried out, which destroys all pathogenic microflora. Subsequently, the raw material is deodorized. It is in this form that the cream is sent for further processing, using the selected technology and equipment.

Cream, pasteurized with the help of special equipment, is cooled and kept for some time at an air temperature of 2-8°C. This is necessary for the "ripening" of the product, which makes it suitable for further processing. The lower the ambient temperature, the faster this process will occur.

After such preparation, the cream is transferred to the oil mills. They are special wooden or metal containers that can rotate. As a result of the blows produced, an oil grain is formed. It is a crystallized fat, which is part of dairy product. After the formation of butter grains, the churning of cream is stopped.

This process takes an average of one hour. The speed of rotation of the working drums must be at least 30 revolutions per minute. The resulting grain is sent to the next stages of processing, and the buttermilk is drained. In the future, the process of oil formation is carried out according to the following technology:

  1. The resulting product is washed with special equipment (once or twice).
  2. Calcined salt is added to the oil, which increases its shelf life.
  3. With the help of special equipment equipped with squeezing rollers, a layer of uniform thickness is formed from the oil mass.
  4. The finished product is packaged, packaged and sent to the consumer.
  5. In the production of sour cream butter, after pasteurization, milk is subjected to fermentation.

The method of cream processing, which involves churning with the use of special equipment, has many disadvantages. It is economically unprofitable to use in the production of large volumes of products.

This method of butter production is based on the thermomechanical processing of the creamy mass. After preparing the milk, high-fat cream is obtained. They are sent to an oil former, where a mass with a characteristic structure comes out. Its consistency is significantly different from that which is obtained as a result of churning.

To complete the production process of this product, it must undergo a maturation process. For this, the prepared mass is kept for several days at + 12–16 ° С. After such an exposure, the finished product will not melt under normal room temperature. If the oil quickly loses its characteristics and loses its shape, then the manufacturer has violated the production technology.

To obtain a creamy yellow mass, a dye called carotene is added to the prepared raw material. Its amount in the finished product should not exceed 0.1%. In the process of normalization, which is carried out in special equipment, other additives are added to the raw materials - honey, cocoa, syrups, vanillin.

The advantage of this method of processing dairy raw materials is its efficiency and speed. It is advisable to use it in the manufacture of large volumes of goods of various types.

Characteristics of products, raw materials and semi-finished products. Butter is a food product made from cow's milk, consisting mainly of milk fat and having a specific, characteristic taste, smell and plastic consistency. In addition to fat, milk proteins, milk sugar, phosphatides, vitamins, minerals, water, etc. often pass into butter. The structure, quality, and stability of butter during storage is affected by the uniformity of distribution and the size of water droplets, the size of air bubbles, etc. Raw materials for production butter - milk and cream.

The flavor components of butter are: diacetyl, volatile fatty acids, fatty acid esters, lecithin, protein, fats, lactic acid. Carotene (coloring matter) gives the oil a yellow color. nutritional value butter is increased by the phospholipids contained in it, especially lecithin, which enters the butter along with the shells of fat globules.

The low melting point (27.. .34 °С) and solidification (18.. .23 °С) of milk fat contributes to its transition in the digestive tract to the most convenient liquid state for assimilation.

Butter is divided into the following types: ghee (98% fat), Vologda (81.5 ... 82.5% fat), amateur (77.0 ... 78.0% fat), peasant (71.0. ..72.5% fat), sandwich (61.5% fat), chocolate (62.0% fat), Yaroslavl (52.0% fat).

By taste and smell, butter goes well with many food products, increasing their digestibility (digestibility of milk fat - 97.0%, solids - 94.1%). The energy value butter is 20.0...37.6 MJ/kg. Butter is used for making sandwiches, adding to second courses and side dishes, in the confectionery industry for making creams, etc.

Features of production and consumption of finished products. Obtaining butter from a stable fat emulsion of milk fat (cream) is a complex physical and chemical process. The basis of the technology is the concentration of the fat phase of the cream and the plasticization of the product obtained at the intermediate stages. There are two ways to concentrate the fat phase of cream: in a cold state - by churning and hot - by separation.

Depending on the method of concentration, butter grains or high-fat cream are obtained in the intermediate stages.

Oil grain is a concentrated suspension emulsion consisting of dilapidated aggregates of fat globules. High fat cream is a highly concentrated emulsion of milk fat in plasma. The basis for the formation of butter grains is the aggregation (fusion) of fat globules contained in cream. Obtaining high-fat cream is reduced to mechanical separation of cream in the centrifugal field of the separator into high-fat cream and cream plasma - buttermilk.

Technological process Butter production includes the concentration of milk fat, the destruction of the fat emulsion and the formation of a product structure with desired properties.

There are two ways to produce butter: churning cream (traditional) and converting high-fat cream.

In the production of butter by the method of churning, the concentration of the fat phase is achieved by separating milk and subsequent destruction of the milk fat emulsion when churning the resulting cream. Moisture control is carried out during oil processing. The crystallization of milk fat glycerides is completed during physical maturation before the mechanical processing of the butter.

Upon receipt of butter by the method of converting high-fat cream, the concentration of the fatty phase of milk is carried out by separation. Normalization of high-fat cream by moisture is carried out before the start of thermomechanical processing. The breakdown of the cream fat emulsion and the crystallization of the milk fat glycerides occurs mainly during the thermomechanical treatment.

The received milk is separated at a temperature of 35 ... 40 ° C to obtain cream with the desired mass fraction of fat. For the production of butter by the method of churning in butter-manufacturers of continuous action, cream with a mass fraction of fat of 36 ..; 50% is used. When producing butter by the method of churning in batch butter makers and by the method of converting high-fat cream, cream of medium fat content with a mass fraction of fat of 32 ... 37% is used.

When choosing a heat treatment mode, the quality of the cream and the type of oil produced are taken into account. When producing Vologda butter, only cream of the first grade is used, and heat treatment is carried out at a temperature of 105 ... 110 ° C, so that the product has a specific taste and smell.

To correct defects, the cream is deodorized or replaced with cream plasma. Cream deodorization is usually combined with heat treatment.

Stages of the technological process. The production of butter by the method of churning cream consists of the following stages:

Reception and storage of milk;

Heating and separation of milk;

Heat treatment of cream and their maturation;

Whipping cream, washing, salting, mechanical processing of butter;

Packing and storage of oil.

The production of butter by the process of converting high-fat cream includes the following steps:

Reception and storage of milk;

Heating and separation;

Heat treatment of cream;

Cream separation (obtaining high-fat cream);

Normalization and thermomechanical processing of high-fat cream;

Packing and storage of oil.

X characteristics of equipment complexes. The line for the production of butter by the method of churning cream begins with a complex of equipment for receiving and storing milk, which includes pumps, containers, receiving baths and scales.

The line includes a set of equipment for heating and separating milk, consisting of plate pasteurization and cooling units and cream separators.

The next is a complex of equipment for the heat treatment of cream and its maturation, which includes plate heat exchangers and pasteurization-cooling units and tanks for cream maturation.

The leading one is a complex of equipment for churning cream, washing, salting and mechanical processing of butter, representing batch and continuous butter producers.

The final set of equipment includes a machine for packing oil into boxes or an automatic machine for packing into small containers.

On fig. shows one of the variants of the machine-hardware scheme of the butter production line by the method of churning cream (traditional).

Rice. Machine-hardware scheme of the oil production line by the churning method

The device and principle of operation of the line. The received milk is sent to the tank 2 with the help of pumps 1, heated in the plate pasteurization-cooling unit 3 and separated in the separator-cream separator 4.

The received cream from the separator compartments is weighed on the scales 6 and through the receiving funnel 7 is sent for heating to the plate heat exchanger 8.

The cream from the separator and separator compartments enters the container 5 for intermediate storage, from where it is sent to the plate pasteurization and cooling plant 9 for cream with a dispenser 10. After pasteurization, deodorization and cooling, the cream enters the container 11, where it is kept for physical maturation.

Skimmed milk after separation is sent for pasteurization, and then for processing or for return to deliverers.

The cream after physical maturation with a screw pump 12 is sent either to a batch butter maker 13 or to a continuous butter maker 16, where cream is churned, butter grains are washed, salted and butter is processed.

The cream is fed into the batch butter maker 13 under vacuum or with the help of pumps and is churned until a butter grain of 3...5 mm in size is obtained. After that, the buttermilk is released, the oil grain is washed, and the oil is salted with dry salt or brine.

The oil is then mechanically treated to separate moisture and form an oil layer. To improve the consistency and distribution of moisture, the oil is processed in a homogenizer-plasticizer. The finished oil is unloaded into the machine 14 for packing the oil into boxes 15.

The main working bodies of the continuous oil separator 76 are the beater and the oil collector. The oil grain selector consists of three screw chambers (the first is for processing oil and separating buttermilk into tank 7 7, the second is for washing oil grain and separating water into tank 18, the third is a vacuum chamber for evacuating oil), a salting unit with dosing device 19 and a block for mechanical processing of oil. The moisture content in the oil is regulated by adding the missing amount of water to the dosing pump 20. The finished oil is sent to the machine 22 by the conveyor 21 for packing in packs.

In this article:

This industry is quite promising, since it receives state support. In addition, the market for whole-milk products is characterized by dynamic development, and the entry of new participants into it is not particularly difficult. Product healthy eating characterized by demand among the population with a variety of income levels. To organize a business, capital investments in the amount of 2,310,000 rubles will be required.

This business plan can be a good help for those who want to receive a stable income in the production of dairy and cream products.

List of organizational points for creating a mini-factory

After registering a business entity, it is necessary to enlist the support of the SES, which examines the production workshop for compliance with the established requirements. During the registration process you need to familiarize yourself with the OKVED codes:

  • 15.51.3 Cow butter production

Before the release of the first batch, GOSTs should be studied:

  • GOST R 52253-2004 "Butter and butter pastes from cow's milk".
  • GOST R 52969-2008 "Specifications".

For the production of butter, it is necessary to undergo a mandatory certification procedure. Inspection control includes the determination of the quality of certified products, namely, the compliance of dairy products with respect to their name (in particular, fat content indicators) is identified. The provided documents are studied, the batch of selected samples, packaging, labeling, etc. are visually inspected.

Technological process of butter production

There are two main technologies for the production of butter: the method of whipping cream and its transformation. Let's consider the first method in more detail.

The production of butter begins with the arrival of a tanker of cow's milk from a supplier. Before pouring the feedstock into the tanks of the mini-factory, it must be checked for color and smell. raw milk enters a machine called a separator, where the fat is separated from the liquid using a drum. This fat is called cream, and the liquid skimmed milk.

Cream is the main ingredient in the production of butter. They are a thick liquid creamy consistency with a fat content of about 38%. Some of them are used to make butter with low level fat content. The worker adjusts the valve to pour back some of the skimmed milk.

Thus, the less fat in the main ingredient of butter, the thinner and more transparent it is. The cream is poured into the so-called bulk tank, where it is whipped with a mixer in order to maintain consistency. After the pasteurization process and aging for 24 hours, the cream is redirected to another unit - an oil mill.

First, the container should be washed with a solution of iodine, previously diluted in water. This is how you can kill germs left over from previous operations. The oil tank is rinsed for about 5 minutes before draining the water. Next, cream is fed inside, which fills the drum halfway.

It is extremely important to leave free space in the unit. In this case, the air that will be released during whipping will come out.

For this, there are 2 valves in the upper part of the unit.

The drum capacity is 28 rotations per minute.

This causes the fat molecules to churn together, releasing air and water. Every 5 minutes, a worker stops the machine to open the valve. Seeing that all the air has escaped, he closes it and starts the oil press again. After 30 minutes of churning, the fat molecules in the cream gather into clumps called "popcorn".

These lumps remain inside the unit while the remaining liquid (“buttermilk”) is poured down through the hole.

A vacuum pump pumps the buttermilk through a hose into an adjacent container. This process is quite fast. For example, pumping 500 liters of liquid will take about 6-7 minutes. The "popcorn" left in the tank has a similar consistency to traditional butter at room temperature.

Next, the workers proceed to salting the semi-finished product with salt. The drum door is then closed and the mixing process is repeated. After 30 minutes, the oil molecules whipped up even more, and due to thorough mixing, a homogeneous yellow mass is obtained due to saturation with vitamin A.

Here it is pushed to the final production stage - the formation of square bars with their further packaging. This process is performed by an injector, which itself has a brick shape. The unit puts ready-made portions of oil into the package.

It is noteworthy that the packaging paper must have a layer of foil that will protect the finished product from external influences and ensure its safety. This is especially true of the harmful effects of direct sunlight, from which the oil instantly deteriorates.

A worker checks every 20 packs of butter to make sure it weighs exactly 250 grams. The method of converting cream with a high fat content can significantly reduce the time for production.

The milk mass is heated, passed through a separator and pasteurized - everything is identical to the previous method.

Normalization is done by adding pasteurized milk (buttermilk).

This is followed by the thermostating stage, when the finished product is given a rich smell and taste. Then the mass is placed in an oil former, and after that the product is salted and crystallized. Packs of oil are kept for 3-5 days (temperature 5-10 degrees). If it is necessary to obtain a yellow saturated color, then carotene is added to the semi-finished product (no more than 0.1%).

If it is necessary to produce honey or chocolate butter, at the stage of cream normalization it is necessary to add the appropriate fillers (clear honey, sugar, vanillin, cocoa, etc.).

This method will be preferable in the case of the production of large batches of finished products.

Butter business plan

Manufacturing plant requirements

The preferred area of ​​the premises should be at least 150 square meters. You should also take care of the availability of utility rooms, a warehouse for raw materials and finished products.

We buy equipment:

  • separator - 200,000 rubles (see figure);
  • baths for normalization - 100,000 rubles (see figure);
  • vacuum deodorizers - 450,000 rubles (see figure);
  • baths for long-term pasteurization 350,000 rubles (see figure);
  • filling machine - 500,000 rubles (see figure);
  • homogenizer-plasticizer - 310,000 rubles;
  • pump - 50,000 rubles;
  • a tank with a remote control - 350,000 rubles.



Bath for normalization

Long pasteurization bath

Filling machine

Total capital investment: 2,310,000 rubles.

Direct and raw costs

It is assumed that the monthly production will be 1000 kg. butter (4000 packs of 250 grams). Accordingly, in one work shift, the mini-factory will produce 46 kg. finished product (182 packs of 250 grams). For the convenience of buyers and the delivery of butter to the distribution network, butter will be packaged in packages of 250 grams.

The retail price of 1 kilogram of butter will be 394 rubles.

Calculation of direct costs for the production of 1000 kg. butter:

  • 12,000 liters of 5% fat milk - 156,000 rubles (13 rubles per liter);
  • table salt - 200 rubles.

Total raw material costs amount to 156,200 rubles.

  • Auxiliary materials per 1000 kg. finished product:
  • labels - 5,000 rubles;
  • packing tape - 15,000 rubles;
  • boxes - 5,000 rubles.

Total: 25,000 rubles.

We are hiring staff

The number of personnel for the mini-factory is 8 people, including 4 workers of the production workshop, 1 director, 1 technologist, 1 laboratory assistant, 1 head of the supply, sales and advertising department.

The monthly payroll will be 40,000 rubles.

Butter costing:

  1. The cost of raw materials and basic materials is 156,200 rubles.
  2. Auxiliary materials -25,000 rubles;
  3. Transport and procurement costs (2.5% of paragraph 1) - 4880 rubles;
  4. Payment of utility bills - 10,000 rubles;
  5. Rent - 10,000 rubles;
  6. The salary of employees is 40,000 rubles.

The total cost is 246,080 rubles.

We determine the sales proceeds by multiplying the retail price by the sales volume: 394 rubles x 1000 kg. = 394,000 rubles.

Profit \u003d 394,000 - 246,080 \u003d 147,920 rubles;

Net profit (tax included) - 170,108 rubles;

Return on sales is 43%.

The payback period of capital investment with a monthly production of 4000 packs will be 1 year and 2 months. Thus, subject to 100% sales of products, the butter production business has every chance of becoming a very profitable business.

Sales of the finished product (butter)

It is noteworthy that in winter and spring the cost of butter increases by an average of 10%. To organize a trouble-free implementation, it is necessary to carefully consider an advertising campaign. For example, the developed unique packaging will contribute to the creation of a memorable brand. However, one should not forget about the quality of butter, because this is a fundamental factor for increased demand from consumers.

The main methods of sales promotion:

  • bright and colorful packaging combined with excellent quality;
  • periodic promotions;
  • providing discounts to wholesalers subject to self-delivery;
  • opening your own outlet (stall in the market);
  • outdoor advertising, etc.

Many factories practice the production of "economy" oil. Its distinctive features are the lack of packaging and packaging.

The product is sold by weight and is intended for residents with medium and low incomes. Preferred place of sale– food markets, shops and even supermarkets.

A good option is mutually beneficial collaboration with a supermarket chain, which specialize in the sale of products (including butter) under their own trademarks. This option can be used in case of low sales volumes, in order to avoid unprofitable activities. In this case, the created mini-factory will be a production base that will produce products on the basis of an order and pack it in the packaging of a distribution network.

Good product quality, strict observance of delivery terms determines the promising and efficient functioning of a business entity.