In summer and early autumn, shops and street stalls are overflowing with watermelons. This berry perfectly quenches thirst, is a source of useful trace elements, which are so lacking in humans. all year round. The choice of such a product is reminiscent of a lottery, because not everyone knows how to recognize ripe berry.

How to choose a watermelon without nitrates

What you need to know about how to choose a delicious watermelon? Berry ripening time. Roughly, this is the end of summer-beginning of autumn. Only during this period, you can safely purchase a ripe fruit to enjoy its taste and saturate the body with useful trace elements. In addition, melons and gourds should lie on the counter in a store or on the street on special podiums under an awning to avoid getting pathogens and dirt on the product.

Freezer homemade puree is a commonly used method by the mother, especially at the beginning of feeding when the baby only needs a few scoops and it is good to save the rest. If you use this method, it is important to reuse special baby freezer containers with lids or ice caps. Chill the food shock before putting it in the freezer. Do not store hot food in freezer because it can raise the temperature and have a thawing effect on already frozen food.

Also, do not let the puree cool down gradually while room temperature, as this can cause the formation of microorganisms in them. To defrost, use any of the above methods, skipping the puree from the freezer in the morning and slowly melting it at room temperature until noon.

Do not forget that watermelon is able to attract, absorb and accumulate dust in itself, so carefully inspect the fruit before making a purchase. Any crack or chip must be the reason for the rejection of the goods. Do not buy a cut product, because there is no guarantee that microorganisms that thrive in a sweet environment, multiply rapidly, do not get into it.

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There are few people who can remain indifferent to the appearance of a well-ripened, juicy and chilled watermelon. According to the accepted classification of agricultural crops, watermelon is a fruit vegetable. The fruit of the watermelon is a strawberry and has a smooth rind and a juicy, sweet, usually red inside. The stem clings to 3-4 skeletal branches - occluded. It is believed that it comes from South Africa - Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia. Some historians claim that watermelon was originally a wild plant in the Kalahari Desert.

Want to know how you can choose a delicious nitrate-free watermelon? Ask the seller to provide a quality certificate. When presenting a photocopy, pay attention to the presence of color printing - this is a sign of the authenticity of the document. This is the only way to keep your health. Do not rush to grab the largest fruit in size. It may be ripe, but is it tasty? The optimal choice is the average size of the presented batch, because a small one may be underripe.

They used it as a substitute for water. Gradually, traders suspect that they can grow and sell seedlings in the cities through which the caravan routes passed. Juicy fruits reach North America thanks to European colonizers and African slaves. Other sources claim that ancient Egypt is home to the watermelon.

Water makes up about 92% of the weight of a watermelon, which is the highest percentage of fruit. It has a mild diuretic effect and is not a serious source of other vitamins and minerals unless you are eating a few pounds a day. The amino acid citrulline is isolated and first studied by watermelon. The waters contain a significant amount of citrulline, so after consuming a few kilograms of watermelon, it is possible that the results of a blood plasma test erroneously indicate the presence of a citrulline or other urinary tract disorder.

To purchase a product without harmful impurities, you can:

  • use a nitrate tester;
  • ask to cut a copy and pay attention to the surface (should be covered with grains, not glossy; the color of the pulp is rich pink, but not too bright).

Where is the best place to buy watermelons?

When choosing a place to make a purchase, you need to make sure that the main points are met: the correct placement of goods on the market (on the ground or on the counter), the availability of certificates. If at least one condition is not met, then the market purchase will have to be abandoned and the watermelon will be bought in the store. The positive point of buying in a supermarket is a money-back guarantee, upon presentation of a check and inappropriate quality of the fruit.

Watermelon seeds are rich in fat and protein and are eaten individually, added to other dishes or used to make vegetable oil. Specialized varieties are grown that have very little watery mass and concentrate their energy in seeds.

In many parts of the world, watermelon can be supplemented by adding alcoholic drink. This is done by punching a hole in the bark, adding the drink and waiting for it to mix with the fruits of the fruit. The watermelon is then cut and served in the usual way. Fresh watermelon can be consumed in a variety of ways and is often used to flavor drinks. Watermelon bark can also be eaten and sometimes used as a vegetable. In China, it is fried, boiled, or usually pickled. When roasted, the bark is peeled and cooked with olive oil, garlic, chili, onion, sugar, and rum.

When the watermelon ripens

The ripening of the "striped" occurs at least sixty days in early varieties and in the region of a hundred after germination - in later ones. If you know these indicators, then you can guess that the fruits cannot ripen in June purely physically, especially in Russia. At this time, sellers sell products obtained using fertilizer and chemical top dressing. Want to stay healthy and avoid nitrate food poisoning? Then follow one rule: use products supplied to stores in August-September.

Pickled watermelon bark is also common in Russia. In West Africa they shrink for butter or used to make soups and other dishes. In China, watermelon seeds are sold roasted and aged like sunflower seeds.

Watermelon helps clear toxic products from tissues. It is also recommended for problems with the excretory system. Due to the high liquid content and chemical composition diets are used in diet food in diseases of the kidneys, liver and gallbladder, as well as in the treatment of gout. Due to their low calorie content, they are also used in obese diets.

How to determine the presence of nitrates in watermelon

It is impossible to understand whether fertilizer was used when growing watermelon in appearance, so the first thing to do is to look at a fresh cut. If it remains glossy, then the watermelon is stuffed with chemistry, otherwise balls or bubbles form on its surface. Another thing to pay attention to is the presence of white stripes coming from the core of the fetus - a sign of the presence of nitrates. The flesh should be scarlet or red and not purple.

The carbohydrate content in watermelon is lower than in green peas, and almost as much as in red currants. Since watermelon contains fruit sugar that is digested without insulin, the fruit does not harm diabetics. Fructose even improves performance and, in turn, the absorption of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Watermelon is also used to treat chronic constipation due to its magnesium and fine cellulose. It also regulates peristalsis and stimulates the secretion of bile juice. In diets for weight loss, watermelon is especially suitable when the diet contains a day of unloading.

Rules for choosing a watermelon

Choosing a watermelon is not an easy task, and everyone copes with it in their own way: they knock on the fruit, look at the tail, etc. There are some patterns, knowing which you will no longer doubt how to choose a delicious watermelon:

There is no certainty whether the watermelon will ripen, but if in doubt, buy a piece or ask him to pre-cut it. There is no absolutely accurate method for determining the maturity of watermelons. Some of the signs are that when knocking mature watermelon gives a clear, clear, not deafening sound, a yellow spot on the back, a shiny bark and the ability to peel easily upper layer bark when scratched.

Watermelon allows storage at room temperature for up to 1 week if not cut open. Otherwise, it should be immediately placed in the refrigerator and should be used no later than a day or two later. 100% helpful content and tips. 0% spam.

  1. Large size and weight are not indicators of ripeness (the correct option is the average size of the fruit).
  2. Juicy will be the watermelon, which has a slightly flattened shape, but not oval.
  3. A dry tail is a sign of ripeness.
  4. An uneven green crust with a grainy pattern and a yellow spot is an indicator of quality.
  5. A ringing sound, and not a dull one, when tapped and crackling of the peel when squeezed, indicate the ripeness of a watermelon.
  6. A watermelon kiosk must be specially equipped (the products are on racks under an awning and always above the ground).
  7. Choice delicious fruit it is best to produce on the basis of an integrated approach (the presence of most of the listed signs will indicate the purchase of a quality product).

A valuable gift from nature and a desired guest in every kitchen. It is true that zucchini is not one of the most attractive vegetables in terms of shape and color and can hardly be measured by colorful peppers or fresh carrots, but in terms of taste and nutritional qualities, it surpasses most of nature's gifts.

The cucumber is a vegetable, unlike the large gourds that belong to the fruit. It ripens in mid-summer and is a close relative of watermelon, cucumber, and many other vegetables. Vegetables that reach an enviable length, growing seven millimeters a day, without much care.

How to choose sweet watermelon

Understanding how you can choose a delicious watermelon, many begin to look at photos and video reviews on the Internet. A sweet fruit can be found if you pay attention to the structure of the stalk (a smooth tail signals a quality product, because all the antennae and hairs have fallen off on their own). Do not forget that the sweeter pulp will be easier to weigh, but it also has its own characteristics:

It is important to remember that it is harvested 2-7 days after flowering, try not to reach a length of more than 15 cm, as it changes its taste significantly. Zucchini, along with potatoes and corn, were brought from Central America to the Mediterranean countries.

Food composition of zucchini

Today, Bulgarians can successfully classify zucchini as a "national" vegetable. Zucchini - zucchini with an elongated body, a thin green or yellow rind, with a delicate white core. Patients are strange shaped zucchini and a growing number of fans lately and a comparatively different color, from white to orange and green.

  • Shiot is a pear-shaped zucchini that is very often a substitute for avocado.
  • Zucchini, which requires a longer heat treatment.
The content of substances in 100 g of the product.

  • cool rainy summers contribute to the formation of voids inside the berry;
  • hot dry period - high-quality products.

Video: how to choose the right watermelon

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Healthy benefits associated with consuming zucchini

Zucchini is a vegetable with a high content of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron, vitamins A, C, B 1 and B 2, as well as a relatively high content of organic acids. A wide range of useful substances, and in return - only 21 calories per 100 g, which indicates that their presence in the daily spring and summer menu is a must.

Healthy risks associated with consuming zucchini

Delicious vegetables are great for preventing conditions like atherosclerosis, stomach disease, obesity, and anemia. Soft fibers act to cleanse the body, causing a lot of accumulated toxins and at the same time helping to overcome constipation. The occurrence of an allergic reaction to zucchini is extremely rare. Rather, careful consumption of zucchini should be for people with kidney disease, which is associated with difficult removal of potassium from the body.

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How to choose a tasty and healthy watermelon

It is difficult to find a person who would be indifferent to watermelon. Juicy, sweet, refreshing pulp of this fruit beckons with its bright color. In, so you can eat it without fear for the figure. It is enough to look at the photo of the watermelon slices, as abundant salivation begins to be produced. And, having seen enough beautiful pictures, we skip to the market or to the store for the most delicious watermelon in the world. We buy the most beautiful and appetizing, but at home we are disappointed - the watermelon is unripe, overripe, not enough sugar, or what is called “cotton”. We're not talking about the wonders of watermelon poisoning yet! How to buy good watermelon in a store that will please the taste buds, and at the same time do no harm, on the contrary, give a lot of good? You just need to learn how to choose a quality watermelon. It's easy to say, but it's hard to buy the "right" watermelon!

How to choose and store zucchini?

Zucchini is the vegetable of choice for the firmest, regular, and smoothest shape. If her bark is soft, injured, shiny and colored, she has surely lost not only her taste, but also her nutritional qualities. The freshest and most important tasty zucchini is the one with the touch. Size is not of paramount importance, because very often large zucchini are full of seeds and have a bitter taste.

The maximum period during which we can store these vegetables does not exceed 4-5 days, in a dry and cool place or in the vegetable compartment in the refrigerator. Under no circumstances should they be stored in plastic bags. We can easily store them in the freezer, pre-cut into slices and blanch in salted water.

Why choosing the right watermelon is important

It is really important to learn how to choose the right watermelon, because this fruit accumulates nitrates well. In a small amount, these substances are everywhere, they are beneficial. But, when the dose of nitrates is exceeded, they turn into nitrites that are dangerous to the human body. Therefore, to be able to choose a quality watermelon is not primarily a question of the stomach, but of our health. Both adults and children adore watermelon, we eat it in kilograms, cases of severe watermelon poisoning are known.

Did you know that the Italians were the first to discover that zucchini tasted best before they were ripe? Because they are delicate vegetables, they require quick cooking and only a few minutes are enough to get them crispy. Very young zucchini are cooked without removing their bark because they contain all the vitamins and minerals.

Add some lemon juice, olive oil and chopped cumin, or finely chopped dill, basil or tarragon and a little garlic, and you get a dish that even the most demanding gourmet can not stand! And one more thing - have you tried the zucchini? If you don't, you must. It is true that they are not available on the Bulgarian market, and you will probably only be interested if you grow zucchini in the garden, but the young flowers are a real delicacy, served with pancakes or just mushrooms or potatoes, for example.

The first thing to understand is a categorical ban on the purchase of watermelon in early summer. They will be unripe and most dangerous to health. In order to quickly grow a red-looking watermelon, farmers plentifully fertilize with not very useful means, and use other methods for the early ripening of fruits. As a result, the dose of nitrates can be exceeded several times.

Zucchini and grapefruit salad

Required Products: 1 kg fresh zucchini, 1 large grapefruit, 3 yolks, 100 ml liquid cream, salt, pepper. Preparation: zucchini cut into sticks and grapefruit in very thin strips of bark or bear one tablespoon. The juice is drained and added to the yolks, salt and black pepper in a deep bowl.

The mixture is broken into water bath, doubling its volume, then add the broken liquid cream. Place the zucchini in a suitable bowl and complete the prepared sauce, sprinkle with grapefruit bark and serve warm. Required products: 6 young zucchini, 1 radish, 120 g almonds, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of oil walnut, 3 tablespoons grapefruit juice, salt, pepper.

Choose a ripe watermelon by tail

To choose sweet and ripe watermelon, you need to look at the tail. In a ripe fruit, the tail should be dry. Unripe watermelons are cut off by the still green tail, while ripe melons are broken off by the withered tail. When buying a watermelon, pay attention to whether the tail is cut off or torn off. In addition, the ponytail will help you choose a sweet ripe watermelon in the garden. The tail of the fruit is dry and yellow, which means that the watermelon is ready to eat.

watermelon size

To understand how to choose the best watermelon, you have to look at its size. There is a rule - the more the better. It is better not to buy a small watermelon - it is likely to choose an unripe one. It could ripen in an unnatural way, and was given the appearance of a red ripe watermelon by harmful methods. It may contain a lot of nitrates, which can lead to poisoning. A ripe sweet watermelon should weigh at least 6 kg.

Choosing watermelon by color

When we think of a watermelon, the first thing that comes to mind is the sweet, bright red flesh. However, the color of a watermelon does not always indicate its ripeness. Most ripe watermelons have pink flesh. Northern medium-sized varieties have a bright red color. We bought a large red watermelon - do not rush to rejoice, you probably chose a nitrate fruit. It is better to choose a medium-sized watermelon.

Spot on watermelon

Many have noticed that watermelons have a large spot on one of the sides. This is due to the fact that at the time of ripening, the watermelon is on the ground and, as it were, lays down its side. A tasty ripe watermelon should have a bright yellow or orange spot. Unripe watermelons have a light-colored speck.

How to choose a watermelon for sound

The most famous way to choose a good watermelon when buying is to listen to it. There are legends about the choice of watermelon by sound, this is the reason for a number of jokes. Meanwhile, a really sure way to determine the ripeness of a watermelon. You need to take a watermelon in the middle, bring it to your ear and squeeze it. If the watermelon is ripe, you will hear a characteristic crackle that is absent from unripe striped "berries". To choose a ripe watermelon by the sound, mostly men can. Women may not be able to press hard enough. But everyone can choose a ripe watermelon by knocking, regardless of age. It is enough to knock on a watermelon, if a dull sound is made - the fruit is ripe, ringing - for sure it has not ripened.

Is it possible to buy a cut watermelon

When buying a watermelon, you need to pay attention to integrity. Do not take a fruit that has a triangle cut on top to show ripeness. So a lot of microbes and harmful substances have already got into the fetus.

They can move into the pulp from the knife. In addition, a cut watermelon can serve as a source of a large dose of nitrates. Buy watermelons without microcracks and cuts through which dangerous microorganisms can get inside the fruit.

Where to buy watermelon

According to the above signs, you can choose a ripe watermelon in the market or in the store, but it is better to buy fruits from trusted sellers. The market is more likely to buy low-quality and dangerous watermelon. The watermelon seller must have a certificate for watermelons or a copy with a color seal. The certificate should indicate where the fruit was grown, what content of hazardous substances it contains, when the watermelons were harvested.

Sellers in the market often do not have such certificates at all, and even if they show you such pieces of paper, one cannot but doubt their authenticity. Better watermelons buy in large stores, or at special gourds. It will not be superfluous to inquire about the availability of certificates there. There are known cases of poisoning with watermelons bought in stores or special breakups. It does not matter where to buy a ripe watermelon - in the market or in the store, the main thing is to be guided by the rules for choosing these minke whales, common sense and appearance point of sale. You should not buy watermelons in polluted places.

We determine the watermelon for nitrates

Here, you bought a beautiful ripe and even delicious watermelon. It's time to check it for nitrate. This can be done without even having special nitrate testers. 

Cut off a piece of watermelon and drop it into a glass of water. If the water turns pink, you probably bought a watermelon with an excess dosage of nitrates. If the water is not colored, but cloudy, you can enjoy the watermelon, its nitrate is normal.

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