How is a cafe different from a restaurant? This question has become more and more relevant in recent years. With the development of the restaurant business, the boundary between these concepts has become almost invisible. In large cities of Russia, at every step there are enterprises opened under franchises of Western companies. And this brings even more confusion into the terminology of the Russian restaurant business. The thing is that in the USA, for example, any institution is called a restaurant. However, in Russian this word has a narrower meaning. So what is the difference between a cafe and a restaurant?


Before answering the question of how a cafe differs from a restaurant, it is worth understanding the origin of these words. Perhaps there was no difference between similar institutions for a hundred or two hundred years at all?

"Restaurant" is a word of French origin. In the Middle Ages in Europe there were taverns and taverns. As a rule, travelers stopped in such establishments. Having paid a small amount for a simple dish, they satisfied their hunger and again set off on the road. Restaurants (as establishments where guests can order one of the dishes offered on the menu) arose later - in the eighteenth century. And they appeared in Paris, because it was from the French language that this word migrated to German, English and, of course, Russian.

The origin of the word "cafe" is not easy to establish. According to one version, it, like "restaurant", comes from French. According to another, "cafe" came into the speech of Europeans from the Ethiopian region of Kaffa. But what does it mean? Most explanatory dictionaries say that a cafe is a place where you can have a bite to eat. That is, it is not customary to spend a lot of time in such an institution.

Understand the origin of the concepts. But how is a cafe different from a restaurant from a commercial point of view?


The restaurant menu has a wide selection of food and drinks. Moreover, the preparation of dishes here is difficult process. Several employees work in the kitchen of the restaurant. One is preparing cold appetizers and salads. The other is in charge of the "hot shop". They can replace each other only in exceptional situations.

In order to understand the difference between a restaurant and a cafe, you should take a look at the menu. In the first establishment, it may be a heavy leather-bound book. In a cafe, the assortment of dishes is often presented on several A4 pages.


A waiter is not just a person who takes an order. This is a specialist whose work requires the presence of certain skills and knowledge. The waiter must know well not only the range of dishes, but also be able to tell the guest about how they are prepared. it has not only a wide range of dishes, but also the number of employees. There are usually at least three waiters in the restaurant hall. In a cafe, they may not be at all. In such an institution, one employee often performs a waiter and even a cleaner.


If you ask a simple layman a question about what are the characteristic differences between a restaurant, a cafe and a snack bar or, for example, a pizzeria, he will most likely answer that in size. And he will be partly right.

A restaurant is an institution that can occupy an impressive area and be located in a two-story or even three-story building. A cafe is often a small hall with a bar counter. The diner may include two or three tables and a showcase. Such catering establishments are often found in shopping centers. They have little in common with a full-fledged restaurant.

If we talk about the appearance of the institution, then it is worth mentioning another feature that is often absent in a cafe. usually designed in some thematic style. In addition, the owner of such an institution ensures that employees fully comply with service standards.

What is the legal difference between a restaurant and a cafe? Both in the first and in the second case, we are talking about an organization that produces and sells culinary products. Restaurant, cafe, snack bar, pizzeria, bar - all these are catering establishments. The owner of such an organization should formalize its activities in the relevant authorities according to a certain scheme. The way he calls his enterprise - a restaurant, cafe or dumplings - will not affect the accounting in any way. That is, in legal terms, there is no difference between a restaurant and a cafe.

In conclusion, it should be said that the restaurant business in our country is quite young and does not have a steady upward trend. Therefore, there is no clear terminology yet.

/>People often go to various places to eat, talk, chat and just relax and unwind. Have you ever wondered what is the catering establishment that you visit. Restaurant, cafe, bar? Which establishment is better? Word restaurant is of French origin. Translated from French, the word restaurateur, means: restore, strengthen. Few people know the difference between a real restaurant and a cafe. The restaurant must have live music, at least sometimes, as well as a certain level of service, the requirements for which are generally the same all over the world. Absolutely any establishment that claims to be a restaurant must prepare complex dishes, including custom-made for an individual customer, and it should also be possible to order alcoholic drinks or confectionery. Of course, there must be a chef or a whole team, but food cannot be supplied from outside, and be fast food.

The restaurants have a high level of service. As a rule, the furniture in restaurants is very comfortable and chic. Tables covered with the restaurant's signature linen tablecloth. Large assortment of cutlery. In many restaurants, even the design of the dishes has a beautiful style. Napkins in all restaurants as well as tablecloths are linen. This fact is the most obvious difference between a restaurant and a cafe. Menus in national restaurants are compiled in two languages. For example, in a Chinese restaurant, the menu should be in Chinese and Russian. Visitors are served by professional waiters and head waiters. A professional waiter should be able to memorize an order without writing it down. Know how to properly set the table. And most importantly - bring 6 dishes at the same time in your hands, without a tray. They are dressed in branded clothes with the emblem of the restaurant. The restaurant also provides temperature and humidity control. A good ventilation system has been installed.

visit good restaurant will give you a lot of pleasure. But the prices correspond to the pleasures you receive.

is a French word. In translation, the word Cafe means "a place where they drink coffee". To date Cafe- a catering establishment where you can not only drink coffee, but also have a snack. The cafe is intended for catering and recreation, it can also be called a small restaurant with differences in assortment and service. Being in a lower price category than a restaurant, the cafe attracts young people who come to eat, chat with friends, and work on the Internet. The cafe is also attractive for people who are not used to denying themselves good food during business hours. The cafe can offer both waiter service and self-service. In the case of self-service, the visitor collects the dishes he likes on a tray, pays for them and takes a free table. In terms of serving, the cafe does not pre-serve. On a table covered with an ordinary tablecloth, there are auxiliary (ordinary) dishes - napkins, an ashtray, a table menu, seasonings. The design of the cafe can carry a national color, classic style, any design fantasy. There are no such strict requirements for it as for the style of a restaurant, but in any case it should be thematic.

As for the cuisine, the cafe should have a single menu that can be offered to the visitor. The menu offers all categories of dishes and spirits, unless prohibited by the cafe format.

Where to go if you just want to talk heart to heart, in a cozy atmosphere, watch your favorite match with a group of friends? If you don't want to order a too late "dinner", but just drink the usual or, conversely, an exotic cocktail or a traditional glass of beer? That's when it's time to go to the bar - a place where you will not be required to spend a lot of money, and there will be plenty of sparkle and fun, the bar counter itself already suggests this in advance.

is a drinking establishment that sells alcoholic beverages for immediate consumption. There is no fundamental difference between such drinking establishments as bar, pub, saloon, pub, tavern, cantina or drink, because the purpose of all these enterprises is to extract commercial benefits through the sale of alcohol. It is also worth considering that the bar is a place of relaxation for those who want to sincerely chat with friends at a cozy table or, maybe, watch the skill of a bartender whimsically mixing drinks, or just get to know someone, choosing as an occasion an offer to treat cocktail.

In some bars food is served, and the bar can also be part of the restaurant. "Bars", which are part of the hotel are sometimes known under other names: "long bars" (long bars) or hotel lounges.

So, to sum up our comparison: all these establishments are good and necessary, but one should understand and be able to distinguish which one for which occasion. Thus, after our comparison, I think, each of you can easily characterize and predetermine your favorite institution to one form or another of social stay. I wish you a pleasant pastime!!!

Asya Zlobina

Restaurant, cafe, coffee shop, bar... What's the difference?

29.01.2009 - 13:23

What you need to know when opening a catering business

Many entrepreneurs, when they decide to open a cafe, bar, restaurant or coffee shop, have little idea how these establishments differ from each other. These types of public catering enterprises have their own characteristics of the range of dishes, methods and forms of service, service conditions and the level of staff qualifications.
Since the beginning of the year, a new state standard for the classification of public catering establishments, adopted to replace the outdated GOST 1995, has come into effect. The new document brings the situation in the catering business in line with European standards.

Factors that determine the type of enterprise
All public catering enterprises can be divided into the following types: restaurant, bar, cafe, canteen, snack bar, fast food restaurant, buffet, cafeteria, coffee shop, culinary shop.

As Elena Yakovleva, a leading consultant of the Department of Trade and Consumer Services under the Regional Government, said, when determining the type of catering establishment, several factors are taken into account:
- Firstly, the range of culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products, their diversity and complexity of production. Secondly, the technical equipment of the enterprise: the material base, engineering and technical equipment and equipment, the composition of the premises, architectural and planning solutions, and so on. Thirdly, methods and forms of service are taken into account. Fourth, customer service time: the time of waiting, providing and consuming the service. In addition, it is necessary to take into account professional training, the level of staff qualifications and the level of service: the comfort of the hall, furniture, staff ethics, design aesthetics, interior.

On January 1, the new national standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 50762-2007 “Catering services. Classification of public catering establishments. This document establishes the classification of catering establishments, general requirements for catering establishments of various types and classes, as well as the range of products sold.

The standard contains three new, compared to the previous GOST, types of enterprises: fast food establishments, coffee houses and cafeterias.

Fast food establishments
In such establishments, it is supposed to sell a narrow range of dishes, products, drinks not complex cooking, which are minimal in terms of time spent on serving visitors. Quick service establishments are located in places of heavy traffic and mass congestion of people: in shopping malls in food courts, cinemas, on central streets and squares, as well as in recreation areas.
They can be distinguished by the range of products sold - non-specialized (the range may be different) and specialized: hamburger, pizzerias, dumplings, pancakes, patties, donuts, barbecue and so on. According to the composition and purpose of the premises, fast food enterprises are divided into stationary and mobile, and according to the time of operation - into permanent and seasonal (summer).

As Elena Yakovleva said, disposable tableware and cutlery can be used at fast food establishments:
- Consumption of products is carried out in the hall or in the area of ​​the food court on the territory of shopping centers (complexes), the same for several public catering establishments.

As for this type of catering establishments, the cafeteria must be equipped with a buffet or bar counter. In it, visitors on site must consume hot drinks (coffee, tea, soft drinks). The cafeteria has a limited range of products. These are mainly sandwiches, flour bakery and confectionery products. As for hot dishes, products can be presented in the cafeteria easy cooking. There are no special amenities for visitors here: customers will have to eat while standing.

coffee house
In a coffee shop, unlike fast food establishments, cafeterias and culinary establishments, the implementation of alcoholic products. This catering company specializes in the production and sale of a wide range of hot drinks (coffee, cocoa and tea) with consumption on site. It also provides for the sale of flour dishes and confectionery, semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness in a limited range. In addition, the coffee shop requires additional staff - waiters who will serve customers at the tables.

As for the implementation in practice of the norm to restrict the sale of alcoholic products, those who were issued a license before the adoption of this norm will continue to trade. The term for the sale of alcohol in fast food establishments, in cafeterias and in culinary arts will be valid until the end of the license.

General classification
The rest of the GOST standards remained the same. There are the following types of catering establishments:

Restaurant - a public catering establishment, which presents a wide range of dishes of complex manufacture, including custom-made and branded products. As for drinks, both hot and cold drinks and alcoholic drinks should be presented here. In addition, tobacco products must be sold. The restaurant is distinguished by a high level of service and organization of entertainment and recreation for visitors. Restaurants can be specialized in the range of products offered: fish, beer, cheese, restaurant national cuisine. They can also differ according to the interests of customers: a club restaurant, a sports restaurant, a restaurant-night club, and so on.

Bar - a catering establishment equipped with a bar counter and selling alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks, hot and soft drinks, as well as cold and hot snacks. According to the range of products, a bar can be: wine, dairy, dessert, cocktail bar, grill bar, sushi bar. According to the specifics of service and leisure activities, bars can be divided into a video bar, a variety bar, a disco bar, a cinema bar, a dance bar (Dance Hall), a lobby bar, a “night club” bar.

Restaurants and bars are divided into three classes:
- “luxury” (a wide range of services, a high level of comfort and convenience, a wide range of original specialties, a wide selection of cocktails, exquisite table setting, corporate identity, exclusivity and luxury of the interior);
- "highest" (a wide range of services, comfort and convenience of the hall, an original assortment of original gourmet specialties, a wide selection of drinks and cocktails, corporate identity, original interior);
- "first" (a certain choice of services, a diverse range of signature dishes and drinks of complex preparation, harmony and comfort of the interior).

Cafe - a public catering enterprise that provides a limited range of dishes compared to a restaurant, as well as serving alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Depending on who the services are provided to, cafes can be divided into youth, children's, student, office, Internet cafes, art cafes, and so on.

Canteen - a public catering establishment, public or serving a certain contingent, producing dishes in accordance with the menu, which differs by day of the week.

diner - a public catering establishment with a limited range of dishes of simple preparation, designed to quickly serve consumers. You can sell alcohol at the diner.

Buffet - public catering establishments located in residential and public buildings. The range of products is limited to semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness: cold dishes, snacks, sweet dishes, bakery and confectionery products.

Cooking shop - a public catering enterprise with its own culinary production, with the sale of culinary products, semi-finished products, flour confectionery. The organization of a cafeteria is allowed in the trading floor.

All standards apply to public catering establishments of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

Today in our country there are a huge number of catering establishments that provide citizens with a huge selection of tasty and fast food: from simple dumplings to sushi and frog legs, which are so popular today.

How did this happen, because even ten years ago in our country, except for dumplings and pancakes, nothing could surprise the layman. The tradition of eating on the go, most likely, was borrowed by our compatriots from such an alluring American life.

Buxom Americans (who, according to statistics, occupy the honorable first place in the number of people suffering from overweight and obesity) simply cannot live without having a snack during lunch break three or four hamburgers or cheeseburgers or a couple of bags of french fries combined with classic Coca-Cola.

It is America that is famous all over the world for the fact that you can eat there everywhere and always: anywhere and anytime. It was America that gave us the now world-famous McDonald's, which today has become a real attraction, and many European tourists who have visited the "land of great opportunities" visit this institution first of all.

However, to believe that we borrowed most of the catering establishments only from America (as it was customary to say in the old Soviet times) is a mistake!

Today in our country, in almost every more or less large city there are Chinese, Italian or French restaurants, German pubs, Arab eateries and other "foreign" establishments that delight visitors not only with exotic and unusual interiors, traditions of different countries, but also with cuisines all over the world.

Thus, the suppliers of ideas for catering establishments in Belarus today are completely different countries such as Japan, Thailand, China; countries of the so-called Old World: England, France, Germany, Italy, Spain; America; Baltic countries: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia; Scandinavian countries: Finland, Denmark. Holland, Sweden, Scandinavia.

With the development of the catering system, such concepts as a bar, restaurant, cafe, bistro, snack bar, pizzeria, etc. have firmly entered our lives. However, an ordinary Russian person who receives, frankly, a small salary and decides to visit one of these establishments for centuries, just wondering how to behave where and how not to lose face in an expensive restaurant.

And an entrepreneur who decides to open his own business often does not know what form of organization to choose. Will it be a snack bar, or a cafe, and what is the fundamental difference in the name?

The most interesting thing is when an institution is called, for example, a cafe, and the service and service are like in a bistro.

Most likely, this is due to insufficient awareness of the culture of the organization of the above institutions. Such problems arise to a greater extent because in schools such subjects as ethics and a culture of behavior have, unfortunately, sunk into oblivion a long time ago.

So, let's start in order. The most harmless, simple and most common establishments of the public catering system are cafes and eateries that are painfully familiar to the average layman.

In principle, such establishments have existed in our country for a long time, therefore, as a rule, there are no problems with the behavior of visitors in such establishments. However, as we have already said, the catering industry is currently developing at a rapid pace, so the understanding of the cafe that our grandparents had in the stagnant Soviet times has changed somewhat today.

So, what are the characteristic features of service and service organization that you should pay attention to when opening a cafe?

First of all, it should be noted that in ordinary average cafes and eateries, the organization of the work of a waiter is not to clean up after visitors and change ashtrays if you decide that smoking will be allowed in your cafe, but also to acquaint you with the menu, carefully serve dishes, serve the table at the highest level and constantly run up to the people sitting at the table, asking “do you want anything else?”, this is not part of his duties.

Coming to the cafe, the visitor must receive a menu, then choose what he would like to “snack”, and go to the counter on his own to purchase what was chosen.

As a rule, visitors to such establishments can only rely on the fact that they will have to be content with light meals, which do not require particularly diligent preparation, since such establishments as a cafe or a snack bar, as a rule, do not have their own kitchen equipped with all requirements.

Another institution that is close enough to a diner is the bistros that are so fashionable today, which came to us from European countries. In principle, bistros are not particularly different from cafes, you can even call them twin brothers, since the principle of service in such establishments is the same as in cafes or eateries.

The very word "bistro" immediately speaks of the type of institution that is hidden behind this sign. In such a public catering establishment, food is served quickly enough, so that the visitor has the opportunity to have a good meal even during a relatively short lunch break.

However, when choosing the profile of your establishment, keep in mind that the only difference between a bistro and a cafe is that in a bistro you are unlikely to be able to offer visitors alcoholic drinks and watch people who sit there for several hours.

Bistros are fast food, so the menu in such establishments is usually limited to sandwiches, canapes, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, light salads, tea. coffee, that is, products that do not require long preparation. In the catering system, the bistro is on the same level as cafes and eateries.

Another type of cafe is the pizzeria, which is so fashionable today. This is an institution that came to us from Italy, the main dish of which is pizza. The principle of operation of such a catering establishment is the same as that of a cafe, but the menu varies significantly.

If you decide to open a pizzeria, you should assume that the pizzeria's menu should include a huge number of different types of pizza, as well as additions to this dish: sauces, seasonings, drinks, snacks. In addition, you will have to calculate the cost of arranging your own, specially equipped kitchen.

This means that you will have to rent a suitable room, which will cost much more than a diner room. In addition, refrigeration equipment will be required so that your pizzeria always has a supply of fresh vegetables.

The next option for catering establishments is a bar.

In general, the word "bar" is a German word, since bars originated in Germany, and at first they were just establishments where they drink beer and relax with friends. In principle, in Belarus there was also the same institution, only it was called less poetically and beautifully - a wine glass, that is, a place where they mainly drink alcoholic beverages.

As a rule, the service in such establishments is somewhat different from a cafe or a snack bar, since the bar is a step higher than establishments of this kind.

As a rule, a bar is a place where people do not eat, but drink and eat. The menu should be composed mainly of alcoholic drinks (from non-alcoholic and low-alcohol to fairly strong) and snacks for them. In addition, it is in the bar that you need to offer an amazing variety of different kinds of cocktails (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic), which will be effectively and skillfully prepared by a qualified bartender right in front of the visitor.

Since the bar is one step above cafes, eateries and bistros, it should have its own signature dish - this is some kind of signature cocktail that can only be found in your establishment and nowhere else. In addition, you should take into account that the composition and method of preparation of the branded drink must be kept in the strictest confidence.

If a cafe, snack bar or bistro is a place where you can have breakfast, lunch, dinner or just a bite to eat during the working day, then a bar is a place where you spend the evening (it’s not for nothing that these establishments start their work from about noon until late at night).

The bar menu does not include serious dishes, as a rule, bars do not have their own kitchen, so all the food here comes down to light snacks accompanying alcoholic drinks. Service in such establishments also differs from cafes and similar establishments. It should be noted that in a pizzeria, the duties of the waiter include familiarization with the menu, customer service, as they say, on the spot, changing ashtrays, as well as calculating the client, and at the end of the evening, when the client begins to go home, he receives a total bill from the waiter .

The client needs to be careful, as in such establishments money is taken for service (as a rule, no more than 10% of the total amount of the order), so the bill will be slightly more than the amount for what visitors drank and ate. Today there are a huge number of varieties of bars, the most common of which is a beer bar, that is, a bar where the main course is different types beer and snacks to it.

Also recently, the so-called tasting rooms have gained particular popularity, which allow their visitors to taste many varieties of wine - from the simplest to the elite.

At the highest level of the public catering system is, of course, a restaurant.

A restaurant is a place of elite recreation and gourmet food, therefore, this type of catering establishments has much more features and in our classification the restaurant rightfully deserves special attention. First of all, the restaurant differs of course service.

There is a separate waiter for each table. Good service is distinguished by the fact that a visitor who decides to order an assortment selected from the menu does not have to wait until his turn comes, he will be immediately served at the highest level, quickly and immediately.

The duties of a waiter in such establishments include delivering dishes, collecting dirty dishes and replacing them with clean ones, changing ashtrays (if smoking is allowed) and other little things that are more common in establishments. low level visitors have to do it themselves. However, the fee for the services provided by the waiter here is much higher than, for example, in a bar. But the amount of the service fee does not exceed 30% of the total amount of the order.

The second difference between the restaurant and other catering establishments is the variety of the menu. This should be taken care of especially if you decide to open a restaurant. As a rule, every self-respecting restaurant has its own cuisine and its own chef, who, by the way, is selected on the basis of the most severe competition, so the visitor must be fully insured against low-quality and tasteless food.

In addition, if the client did not like this or that dish or he is dissatisfied with the quality of products or service, he can safely call the manager (an authorized representative of the restaurant administration, designed to keep order in the hall) and express his dissatisfaction, after which everything that did not suit , must be removed immediately.

The menu in a restaurant should consist of several items: cold appetizers, hot appetizers, salads, first courses, second courses, exotic dishes, specialties (which each restaurant has, depending on its specifics, which we will talk about a little later, are different) and dessert .

Of course, it is absurd to expect diners to order every dish. However, it is possible to offer such a service as the fact that everything that he would like to eat at the moment is discussed with the client in advance by phone. It is also obligatory for the restaurant to provide its visitors with such services as table reservation. And this means the client's confidence that when he comes, the reserved seat will be free. The rules of conduct in a restaurant are also somewhat different from other catering establishments.

Today, a restaurant is a very diverse concept. We have already said that completely different countries are original suppliers of ideas for catering establishments, therefore such phenomena as a Chinese or Italian restaurant in Belarus are not uncommon today.

The principle of operation of such establishments is the same as that of an ordinary restaurant, but the specifics are different. A specialized restaurant is primarily distinguished, of course, by its cuisine. The menu of such an institution offers a huge number of exotic dishes, snacks and drinks. The interior is also very different.

The fact is that catering establishments of this type suggest a rather luxurious interior: expensive furniture, unusual lighting, expensive dishes and other nuances that are simply absent in lower level establishments.

The interior of specialized restaurants should be designed in the style of the country from which it is open. For example, the interior of a Chinese restaurant will not be considered Chinese-style if it is not filled with incomprehensible hieroglyphs, fans, and other attributes.

So, we told you about the classification of catering establishments. However, the constantly developing and replenishing food industry makes this classification simply meager, there are constantly a lot of similar establishments that you can talk about endlessly.

Recently, disputes have not subsided around restaurants and cafes. The reason is the blurring of lines between these institutions. Restaurants have contributed significantly to the confusion fast food, who came to us from the USA and Europe, which, given the standards and GOSTs, cannot be called restaurants. It's just that in America, for example, any catering establishment is called a restaurant, which is why there have been some changes in the minds of our citizens. To eliminate further confusion, we propose to consider the differences between classic cafes and restaurants.


If you look into explanatory dictionaries, then in Ozhegov's dictionary, for example, this French word is interpreted as "a small restaurant." In other sources there is a postscript "where you can have a bite." That is Cafe not designed for a long stay, but rather a place where you can quickly satisfy your hunger, or have a cup of tea or coffee. The cafe offers visitors simple snacks or semi-finished products.

Restaurants It is customary to call a public catering establishment in which a visitor is offered a wide range of dishes and drinks, including exotic or difficult-to-cook dishes. That is why cooking in a restaurant takes a long time. In terms of size, restaurants, as a rule, are quite large premises with several halls, for example, a banquet or VIP hall, a dance floor.

Service principles

The presence of waiters is one of the basic principles of any restaurant. The duties of the restaurant waiters include: setting the table, advising restaurant customers and helping to prepare the menu, taking orders, serving dishes and drinks according to etiquette, resolving emerging issues, providing an invoice and receiving payment. At the same time, a percentage of the service fee will also be included in the bill.

In a cafe you can not see the waiter at all. If it is available, it performs the following functions: maintaining cleanliness and order at the tables, changing the ashtray, cleaning dirty dishes. Most often, in a cafe, a visitor takes the menu himself at the bar, and leaves an order there. In some cafes, the waiter can help with the choice of dishes, as well as calculate the client.

Furnishings and interior

As a rule, the interior of the cafe is quite modest. It can even be plastic tables and chairs. In institutions with a higher level, the design can be decorated in a certain style. The absence of tablecloths is allowed in the cafe, and linen napkins can be replaced with paper ones. While the visitor has not made an order, his table will remain empty, all cutlery, and often spices, will be brought along with the order.

The tables are already set in the restaurant. At the same time, the presence of tablecloths and linen napkins is a must. Also, tables in restaurants are often decorated with fresh flowers. A good level of the restaurant is the presence of live music. The interior in restaurants can be very diverse. As a rule, this is high-quality and comfortable furniture, which speaks of a certain style and direction of the restaurant. For the comfort of visitors, climate control systems are installed in restaurants, which are responsible for maintaining the temperature in the room. The restaurant can be divided into an area for smokers and non-smokers.

Findings site

  1. A cafe is a relatively small establishment that does not imply the presence of several halls. The restaurant is a spacious establishment, it can have a separate banqueting hall and areas for smokers and non-smokers.
  2. People come to the cafe for a bite to eat, and the restaurant is designed for a good rest.
  3. The cafe has a simple menu, which can include dishes from semi-finished products, while the restaurant menus offer complex dishes with a variety of ingredients, including exotic ones.
  4. There may not be waiters in a cafe, while in a restaurant their presence is mandatory.
  5. If there is a waiter in the cafe, then he has very limited functions: cleaning dishes and maintaining the cafe in proper condition, taking orders and monitoring the calculation. In a restaurant, the waiter sets the table, offers and advises dishes to visitors, and also serves them according to etiquette.
  6. The interior of a cafe can be quite modest, while the interior of a restaurant suggests fresh flowers and expensive furniture.
  7. Music is one of the main attributes of the restaurant, especially live music. There may or may not be music in a cafe.
  8. In a cafe, the absence of tablecloths is allowed, and paper napkins are used instead of linen napkins. In the restaurant, tablecloths are required, and only linen napkins.
  9. Climate control systems are installed in modern restaurants; their availability is too expensive for cafes.