
Bake rectangular biscuit cakes according to any recipe, choosing the flavoring and filling to your liking (it can be cinnamon, saffron, vanilla, nuts, citruses, candied fruits, etc.).

Align the cakes if they are not the same size and cut lengthwise into several layers (depending on the thickness of the cakes). If desired, the corners of the cakes can be slightly rounded.

Lightly soak the cakes in the syrup.

Prepare any cream for the layer of cakes. It is desirable that it be thick and viscous.

Assemble the cake by smearing the cakes with cream and stacking on top of each other. In addition to the cream, you can use finely chopped fruits or chopped nuts, but make sure that they do not crawl out of the sides and affect the shape of the cake.

After assembly, carefully coat the entire cake with a thick, smooth layer of white cream (without fillers), leveling the side surfaces.

Put the cake blank in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours so that the cream thickens well.

Roll out the green fondant into a large thin layer, matching it to the size of your cake.

Carefully transfer the fondant to the chilled cake, spread it so that it covers it completely. Cut off the excess, glue the joints with water.

Roll out the mastic white color and cut it into thin strips that will be needed to mark the field. To make the stripes even, mark the desired lines on the cake with a toothpick or a stack, and then stick the strips of white mastic.

Install finished gates. They can be pre-made from icing and dried, or from white chocolate(freeze individual parts, and then fasten with melted chocolate).

If desired, the cake can be decorated with balls from small pieces of biscuit also covered with mastic, player figures and other items related to football.

The inscriptions on the cake can be applied using a food felt-tip pen, or cut out letters and numbers from confectionery mastic.

Options for decorating cakes "Football field"

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It is not difficult to create a gate from mastic. Buying at confectionery cakes and cakes, you often pay attention to beautiful cakes, decorated with various flowers, insects or some kind of cartoon scene. Usually, such decorations are made from mastic or icing, since they can be eaten without harm to health, but today we will only talk about mastic and creating gates from it.

The first step is to prepare the mastic of the desired color. This is the most important thing in how to make mastic gates that look like real ones. For football goals - white, and for any other - the one that matches the color, or at your discretion. Let's start with football goals. Football goals can be created in one simple way.

Mash the mastic and divide it into several parts, then make three large sticks that will become the basis of our gate. Fasten them with the letter "P", and from the remaining mastic make thinner sticks that will be a grid. Now let's take a small box, suitable in size to the gate you need.

Wrap the box with paper, and then with cling film, then we begin to make the gate. First, we attach the base of our gate to the box, then we begin to make a grid from thin sticks. We wait until the mastic dries, and very carefully remove our gates and install them on the cake. Other gates can be made without using a box, using plasticine stacks. The main thing is that you have a clear idea of ​​​​the end result.

Cake fondants can be made from different materials, but the most common are sugar and marshmallow fondants. Of these, you can make football goals from mastic. About creation sugar mastic we'll talk in more detail. First, pour gelatin with water and wait 40 minutes until it swells. After that, heat it in a water bath, add margarine, glucose, mix well and leave to cool.

After the mass has cooled, we begin to stir it by adding powdered sugar until thick enough to mix with your hands. Sprinkle the cutting table with powdered sugar and make a slide out of it. We spread our gelatinous mass into this slide and stir until the mastic resembles plasticine. If you want to do colored mastic, then at the beginning of cooking, add the dye of the desired color to the gelatin.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in working with mastic. Just remember how you worked with plasticine as a child, and show a little imagination. With the help of mastic, you can create unique cakes that both adults and children will appreciate, the main thing is to improvise and try to come up with something new and unusual.

For the biscuit:
Eggs: 9 pieces
Flour: 2 cups
Sugar: 200 grams
Butter: 300 grams
Salt to taste
Jam - 100 grams

Butter 600 grams
Condensed milk - 1 can

1. Break the eggs and beat with a mixer with granulated sugar
2. Melt the butter, add to the eggs and mix
3. While stirring, add flour and salt to taste
4. Put the dough in a baking dish and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees until cooked.
5. Let the cake cool a little and cut lengthwise into 2 parts

6. Lubricate the cake with jam

7. Prepare the cream: beat the melted butter with condensed milk

8. Separate a third of the cream and put on the cake

9. Put the second cake on top

10. Take a knife and cut off the edges of the whole cake

11. Lubricate the entire cake and edges with the rest of the cream

12. Take the fondant and a large cutting board. Sprinkle the board with flour and roll out the mastic with a rolling pin. The mastic should be slightly larger than the cake

13. Carefully transfer the fondant to the cake

14. Press the mastic in the corners with your hands

15. Cut off excess mastic with a knife

16. Take the drawing of the football field and put it on the cake. Press with your hands. To better hold, you can wet the mastic a little. If there is no finished drawing, then you can draw with a confectionery syringe.

Making this cake requires a lot of time, effort and skill. But all of them will not be spent in vain - "Football Field" without stretch can be called a masterpiece of confectionery art! The basis of the cake is sour cream dough with cocoa powder. On the cut, the cake turns out to be striped - a chocolate-colored cake is surrounded by a snow-white layer of sour cream jelly.

But the most important thing in the cake is the composition placed on its surface. Its composition changes from case to case - each author can embody their design skills and build the football field of their dreams. You can limit yourself to a green carpet, a goal and a ball, or you can unfold a whole football battle here - everything is in your hands!

There are many recipes for mastic for decorating a cake. A good plastic mass is obtained from marshmallows - or, as it is also called, chewing marshmallows. It is easy to prepare and keeps its shape remarkably. Prepare it according to our recipe and please your family and friends with an original, beautiful and very delicious cake with figurines of football players!

Name: Cake "Football field"
Date added: 15.02.2017
Time for preparing: 3 o'clock
Servings per recipe: 16
Rating: (1 , cf. 4.00 out of 5)
Product Quantity
For the crust:
Flour 1 st.
Sour cream 15% 1 st.
Sugar 1 st.
Eggs 2 pcs.
cocoa powder 2 tbsp
Soda 0.5 tsp
For filling:
Sour cream 15% 350 ml
Instant gelatin 10 g
Sugar 1 st.
Water 10 tbsp
Vanillin 1 packer
For cream:
Sour cream 15% 1 st.
Sugar 0.5 st.
For mastic:
marshmallow 150 g
Butter 100 g
Powdered sugar 300 g
White chocolate 50 g
Water 1.5 tbsp
Food colorings of necessity

Football field cake recipe

Combine sugar, sour cream and vanilla in a container, mix. Soak gelatin in water and leave to swell (about 10 minutes). After that, put on fire and, without bringing to a boil and stirring, wait until the grains are completely dissolved. In small portions, add gelatin to a mixture of sugar and sour cream. Stir constantly during the process.

Cover the baking dish with cling film. Pour the mixture of sugar, sour cream and gelatin, smooth the surface. Place in the refrigerator to set for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight. Prepare the dough. Break the eggs into a bowl, add sugar, beat lightly with a fork. Add sour cream to the egg-sugar mass. Mix thoroughly.

Sift the flour, add to the dough together with soda, mix. Pour cocoa powder into the dough. Stir and make sure that there are no lumps left in the mass. Remove the filling from the refrigerator, remove it from the mold and return to the refrigerator. Grease the form with oil, pour the dough into it, smooth the surface. Place in an oven preheated to 170 degrees and bake until done (about 25-30 minutes).

Meanwhile, prepare the cream. Combine sour cream and sugar and grind until sugar dissolves. Prepare the mastic: chop marshmallows, put in a metal bowl, pour water. Melt the marshmallows in a water bath - keep the marshmallow slices on low heat until they are completely dissolved. Then remove from the water bath.

Add powdered sugar to the mass and knead until it stops sticking to your hands. Also check that the figures from your mastic do not spread and keep their shape. As soon as the mass gets this consistency, wrap it in cling film and leave for a while.
Use a rectangular baking sheet for baking and stuffing - the field will turn out realistic! Prepare chocolate for marking and making gates. To do this, break the tile into slices, put in a tight plastic bag. Heat up the water and drop the bag into it. Hold until the chocolate is completely melted. Take a sheet of paper. Draw on it the gate of the required size. Cover the paper with cling film.

Remove the bag of chocolate from the water, cut off the corner. Outline the outline drawn on paper. Bend the fragment with the “roof” of the gate. Place this entire structure in freezer and leave for at least 15 minutes. Leave some chocolate for marking.

Remove the cake from the oven, remove from the mold. Level the top - cut off the mound with a sharp knife. Set aside the cuts. Finished cake cut in half lengthwise. While the cake is still hot, grease both cakes on the cut side with cream. Set aside some cream. Leave the cakes to soak at room temperature or let cool and refrigerate.

When the cakes are soaked, assemble the cake. Put the part of the biscuit that was on top down (soaked side up). Cover with stuffing (remove the film first). If a jelly layer protrudes beyond the cake, cut off the excess. Cover with the second half of the cake. Its bottom should be on top - a flat, flat surface.

Put the scraps in a blender and chop, combine with the reserved cream and mix. Apply the resulting mass on the top and side surfaces of the cake, smooth it. Soften butter at room temperature. Using a pastry brush, brush the top and sides with a thick layer of oil. Place the cake in the refrigerator and let the butter harden.
The most difficult thing is to sculpt neat figurines of football players for the cake! In the meantime, prepare the mastic. Divide the mass into several parts. A green field will be made from the largest. One part will be white - from it you will make the ball, heads, arms and legs of the players. Divide the rest into as many parts as the colors you will use to decorate the figures. Consider what dyes you will need.

Add the necessary dye to each piece of mastic. To do this, you can lightly press down the ball of mastic, pour the paint into the middle and knead, or you can use a toothpick to apply the color dotted into several fragments of the lump. Then the dye will be distributed more evenly. Prepare the field. Roll out the green mastic with a rolling pin. The mastic layer should be at least 2-3 mm thick and slightly larger than the size of the cake.

In order for the coating to lay flat, it must be thick. Using a rolling pin, transfer the prepared fondant to the cake and place it on top. Align the corners carefully. Do not be afraid to use a rolling pin for this: the mastic is very plastic, so you will not harm the coating. Cut off pieces of the coating protruding beyond the cake with a sharp knife.

Blind figurines of football players and roll the ball. Reheat the rest of the white chocolate if needed. Draw markings on the field: borders, middle line, circle inside. Remove the gate from the freezer. Carefully remove them from the film and place them on the field. Arrange the football players in their places. Put the ball in the circle in the middle of the field. Serve the cake to the table.

Bake a Football Pitch cake for a birthday for a boy, husband, boyfriend. You can reward the winners of the competition with such a sweet present, enough for the whole team. Creating this culinary masterpiece is quite simple. First, the dough base is baked. Then it is decorated with cream. The goal and field markings are made with white chocolate, while the football players and the ball are made of sweet mastic.

Butter biscuit ingredients

It is best to bake the Football Field cake based on a biscuit, make it buttery. The dessert will turn out to be quite high-calorie, but very tasty. If you want the Football Field cake to be big and enough for everyone, take the ingredients in the following quantities:

2 cups of flour;

1.5 cups of sugar;

300 g butter;

A pinch of salt.

How to make dough?

The oil must be room temperature. Therefore, if it is in the refrigerator, take it out first to warm up and become more plastic. Beat the softened butter, gradually adding half the sugar to it.

Separate the whites from the yolks and put them in the refrigerator for now. Pour the second part of the sugar into the yolks. Beat until the mass increases in volume. Now gradually add the yolk component to the oil, beat this dough base with a mixer. You should get a light fluffy mass.

Attach the dough attachment to the mixer. Pour 1.5 cups of flour into the yolk-butter mixture, mix until smooth with the help of nozzles.

Remove the whites from the refrigerator, add a pinch of salt to them, beat until a dense foam forms. Enter half of the proteins into the dough, mix gently. Add the rest of the flour, egg whites and again gently mix everything to air dough didn't fall off.

This is how easy it is to prepare the base to bake the Football Pitch cake. The master class continues with a story about the intricacies of baking.

Dough in the oven

Tear off the next piece of mastic, drop black dye on it, mix, roll out. Cut five small 6-angled shapes out of it. Glue them with water to the surface of the ball. Then you will succeed real cake"Football field" with the ball.

It is also easy to make players from mastic. First, sculpt their figures. By adding red, blue or other dye to different pieces of mastic, make clothes, facial features, shoes for football players. Finished figures, place the ball on the field, they should dry out within 15-24 hours. Then the mastic cake will be almost ready, the ball players will decorate the football field.


For the complete authenticity of the culinary picture, it remains to make the gate. Grid and base are made of white chocolate. Melt 2 tiles of 100 g each in a water bath, pour the mass into a pastry bag.

On cardboard, draw 4 blanks - the top, two side parts and the back of the gate. Put the cut out templates in a transparent file, smear its surface olive oil. From the thin opening of the syringe, apply to cardboard bases grid pattern. Let the chocolate set well, then separate the file from the header. Connect them together with melted white chocolate. Put the gate in its place - the football field cake is ready.