An electric household shredder for cabbage is an extremely necessary device for every modern housewife. After all, with its help you can quickly chop required amount any amount of cabbage to make borscht or soup. Also, the above device in the kit has several other nozzles for rubbing and cutting vegetables. In addition, some manufacturers offer their customers cabbage shredders with the function of chopping vegetables into mashed potatoes or slicing french fries. Read more about the above device.

Types of shredders

It is known that there is a manual and electric device for cutting cabbage. The manual shredder is intended primarily for use in the home kitchen, where small amounts of vegetables need to be shredded.

Things are completely different with an electric shredder. This device is used by housewives to cut cabbage in large quantities.

There are several types of electric shredder for cabbage. Each of them is designed for a specific type of work. So, there is an electric household and industrial shredder for cabbage. The latter, in turn, are divided into several types:

  • device for vegetable base;
  • shredder for processing vegetable enterprises;
  • device that is used in the agricultural sector.

Industrial shredders are distinguished by the following features:

  • have a relatively large weight (about 30 kg);
  • excellent power (up to approximately 1.1 kW / h);
  • vegetable cutting is carried out with a thickness of 0.5 mm to 5.5 mm;
  • have sharpened stainless steel blades.

In one day, with such a device, workers manage to cut about 500 kg of vegetables. This is a very advantageous device for enterprises with large scale production.

Electric cabbage shredder: a brief description of the device

This device has its own advantages:

  • mainly has a plastic body;
  • knives are made of stainless steel;
  • the set includes a container for grated vegetables;
  • the presence of a switch to control the speed of the device;
  • in addition to cabbage, it also cuts other vegetables perfectly;
  • has a function that allows you to grate beets or carrots;
  • the device is easy to use;
  • does not take up much space.

Features of the choice of the above device

Experts advise paying attention to the following characteristics of the device when buying it:

  • Functionality (types and number of nozzles - depending on the purpose for which you want to use it).
  • The power of the device.
  • It also matters what material it is made from. A high quality electric cutter necessarily has knives that are made of stainless steel, they are very sharp and do not dull during operation.
  • The presence of an automatic lock button.
  • Producing country.

A brief overview of the well-known brands of the above device

The modern market of household appliances is distinguished by a wide range of their choice. Well-known world brands advertise their electric shredders as the highest quality product. But what about the average consumer? How to choose the really necessary given thing among a set of devices? So, a brief overview of the above special device for cutting cabbage:

  1. Electroshredder "ETM-2M" from the company "Belvar" has the following features:
  • the device has different functions of cutting (large or small slices), shredding (medium, large or small), can rub vegetables;
  • there is a nozzle for cutting french fries;
  • has a double electrical insulation of the device;
  • disks are all metal;
  • 130 W - device power;
  • knives move in a vertical direction;
  • has an attachment-churn;
  • Belarus is a manufacturing country.

2. Electric cabbage shredder "Smile SM2711" has the following characteristics:

3. Cabbage shredder "Moulinex Fresh Express Cube S s Stick" has the following features:

  • 280 W - device power;
  • has 5 different nozzles for cutting, rubbing (small and large) and chopping vegetables, including french fries;
  • there is a compartment for nozzles;
  • France is a manufacturing country.

Shredder for cabbage: price in Russia and Ukraine

The cost of the above device depends on the number of nozzles and the functions that it has. Cabbage shredder in Ukraine is sold at the following prices:

  • Electric shredder "Belvar ETM-2M" costs about 1079 UAH, the same device, but with a grater - about 1829 UAH.
  • Electric cabbage shredder "Smile SM2711" is sold by stores for 2150 UAH.
  • Electric shredder "Moulinex Fresh Express Cube S s Stick" costs about 2442 UAH.

In Russia, the Smile SM2711 electric cabbage shredder costs 4614 rubles, and the Belvar ETM-2M electric shredder costs 3640 rubles, the same Moulinex Fresh Express Cube s Stick device costs approximately 7990 rubles.

The advantages of the above device

Shredder for cabbage in other words) has a number of advantageous characteristics:

Cabbage shredder electric household: reviews

This electrical device is a device that has its own subtleties of purchase. Experts advise, before purchasing the above device, you need to accurately determine:

  • what is the required power of the unit;
  • what types of cuts are needed.

The buyer has the opportunity to buy an electric shredder with a special container where chopped vegetables are placed.

Delicious and useful product - sauerkraut. Practical housewives prepare it in the fall both in the countryside and in the city. The most time-consuming operation is to chop the heads of cabbage. For this, sharp long knives and special shredders are used. But no manual shredder can be compared in terms of convenience and performance with an electric one. You can do it yourself by taking some parts from an old washing machine.

The general arrangement of an electric shredder (Fig. 1) is simple: on a metal frame welded from steel corners (20x20 mm), an electric motor and a bearing assembly of a working disk with three knives are mounted. A belt drive transmits rotation from the engine to it. There are two openings in the shredder housing enclosing the working disk - an inlet with a loading funnel and an outlet. For the convenience of work, the frame is mounted on support legs welded from steel corners, so that the working disk deviates 30 ° from the horizontal. This makes it easier to load and feed the cabbage under the knife.

Rice. 1. Electric shredder device:
1 - loading funnel; 2 - cover; 3 - coupling bolt; 4 - working disk; 5 - frame; 6 - electric motor; 7 - drive pulley; 8 - belt; 9 - casing of the working disk; 10 - housing of the bearing assembly; 11 - shaft of the working disk; 12 - bearing No. 80202.

The most important part of the shredder is a working disk with three knives. It is cut out of a duralumin sheet 2 mm thick. To increase rigidity, the edge of the disc is beaded at a right angle by 10 mm. Having outlined the installation sites for the knives, three crescent-shaped windows are cut in the disk, and then the edges of the cut are squeezed out 6 mm above the disk plane, as shown in Fig. 2. Crescent-shaped knives are installed on the received sites on three rivets. It is best to make them from a cloth from a mechanical hacksaw or a scythe blade. A straight knife is easier to make, but a saber knife is more convenient to use.

Rice. 2. The working disk of the electric shredder:
1 - knife; 2 - disk; 3 - disc hub; 4 - corner; 5 - corner rivets; 6 - knife rivet.

Three duralumin corners riveted on the opposite side of the disk from the knives will help to remove the cabbage “noodles” from under the disk.

The body of the shredder consists of two parts: a casing of the working disc and a cover with a feed funnel (Fig. 3). Both parts can be made either from a steel sheet with a thickness of 0.75 mm, connecting the joints by gas welding, or from the material of the washing machine body with aluminum rivets, or from an aluminum sheet with a rolling connection.

Rice. 3. Working area shredding:
1 - working disk; 2 - loading funnel; 3 - adjusting base plate; 4 - knife.

The bearing assembly of the working disk is formed by: a housing, a shaft and two bearings No. 80202. An angle (20x20 mm) and a vertical steel plate 3 mm thick are horizontally welded to the housing. In the lower shelf of the corner there are two holes for attaching the unit to the frame, two holes in the vertical shelf and one in the top plate are used to connect the protective cover of the working disk.

The details of the V-belt reduction gear from the engine to the working disk are borrowed from the washing machine. The belt tension is regulated by the position of the engine: the grooves of its mounting bolts on the frame allow you to change the center distance within a small range.

The adjustment of the working body is reduced to setting a gap of 3-5 mm between the base plate of the feed funnel and the knives, and the thickness of the cut depends on the design of the working disk - the height of the knife blades relative to the disk.

The electric shredder copes with a head of cabbage in a matter of seconds, therefore, in order to avoid injuries, vegetables should be served to a rotating disk with a wooden pestle.

Every autumn it is time to harvest vegetables in the form of a variety of pickles and canned salads. It's nice to treat yourself to this yummy in the winter. No matter how much the hostesses prepare various snacks and marinade salads, sauerkraut still occupies a central place in this vegetable wealth. But its appearance is preceded by a rather tedious and not too beloved process of shredding heads of cabbage.

Many years ago, I remember, they said "chopping cabbage." This is because a special chopping knife, or chopper, was used for such a case, and not a cabbage shredder. Cabbage was cut into slices in a rounded wooden trough, linden or oak, and salted and stored until the next harvest.

And although now few people sour cabbage with whole barrels, they try to facilitate the cutting process with the help of various devices. However, even for small volumes, a special knife was invented with several sharp steel blades located at an angle. Such a cabbage shredder (manual, as it is called) is absolutely safe and allows you to significantly speed up the cutting and improve its quality. It turns out an even thin straw, which only a professional chef can cut with an ordinary knife. True, some skill is needed, but any housewife will quickly master this device, there is little wisdom.

For a small amount, a plastic cabbage shredder is suitable. This simple device resembles an ordinary grater and is a mold of durable plastic with removable blades. Some products have a container for

A more productive and reliable wooden cabbage shredder is also a very simple device that many housewives prefer to use. You can buy it in the store or make it yourself. A wooden shredder is a board on which lamellar steel knives are fixed. The thickness of the cut pieces depends on the size of the gaps between the knives and the board. Usually wooden cabbage shredders are made in large sizes and installed directly above the pickling container. For safety, some shredders are equipped with a moving hopper in the form of a cube with a clamping lid. The head of cabbage is placed in the bunker, covered with a lid, and then moves forward onto the knives. This cabbage shredder is safe to use and has good performance.

All of the above devices make shredding only half as easy, because the hands get tired of holding the head anyway. But technical progress, as you know, does not stand still, and now some housewives trust shredding to modern electric meat grinders that have special nozzles, including for cabbage. The food processor is an even more advanced and modernized shredder; it cracks down on pieces of cabbage in a matter of minutes. And finally, the slicer is an electric vegetable cutter.

However, cabbage after shredding in this miracle technique is not as beautiful as we would like, so many housewives prefer to shred cabbage with simpler devices. Or the old fashioned way, with your own hands.

Slicing cabbage is a laborious and long process. And therefore, it will be a great relief for every housekeeper to have an electric cabbage shredder on the farm. She, without a doubt, will become a faithful and indispensable assistant in the kitchen.
For home use, not an industrial version is suitable, but a household shredder. Quickly, beautifully, easily and freely, she will cut cabbage into equal slices. And not only. An electric cabbage shredder can easily “cope” with all vegetables and fruits that have a spherical shape and a rigid structure (beets, apples, radishes, etc.).

Until recently, all the "power" belonged to the wooden cabbage shredder. Its body, as a rule, is made of solid wood. The main characteristics are the dimensions of the product, the quantity and quality of knives for shredding cabbage, the thickness of cutting vegetables, equipment, etc. The cabbage shredder can be with or without a slicer thickness regulator. The regulator gives the chance of cutting pieces of the different sizes.

A wooden shredder for cabbage is still a necessary device on the farm.

The "progenitor" of modern devices for cutting vegetables is a mechanical shredder for cabbage. It has undergone many changes since its inception. Simple Options gradually improved and improved. Currently, mechanical shredders are made of high-quality steel, with various cutting surfaces, comfortable handles, attachments and boxes for storing them, a box for chopped vegetables, etc.

The easiest option is a manual shredder. Several knives are attached to the handle. Simple, convenient and economical. And she shreds quite well.

To date, the question of where to buy the necessary device does not cause difficulties. You can buy a cabbage shredder in a store, from a catalog or, without leaving your home, on the Internet.

And if you like tinkering, you can make a shredder with your own hands. Here is one of the production options. Board required. It is leveled with a planer and cut into two identical parts at an angle of 60º. On one of the halves on the beveled end, a chamfer is removed at an angle of 30º and a platform for the knife is selected on the upper edge of the board (along the beveled end) - this side will be referred to as the knife side.

Then the side strips (30x60x600 mm) are cut out. The two halves of the board are attached with beveled ends to each other (there should be a small gap of 5 to 8 mm between them) and are connected to each other with the help of side planks. Moreover, the knife board should be 2-3 mm higher.

Then, in the slats, rectangular cutouts are made above the junction of the beveled ends. Their depth should reach the plane of the knife board.

Next, prepare the inserts for the cutouts. Knives are made of hacksaw blade, they are sharpened on one side. Their ends are pressed against the knife board with inserts and screws with nuts. Further, folds are formed in the side strips and inserts with a zenzubel. To do this, you need to install the inserts and remove the knife. The depth of the fold should be such that its underside does not reach the surface of the knife board by 2-3 mm. A square carriage is installed on the ledges in the side rails. Everything, homemade shredder is ready!

Is it possible to make an electric shredder? Below is a guide explaining how to make an electric shredder with your own hands.

For its manufacture, you will need an old washing machine, or rather, some of its parts.

The device of the electric shredder is not complicated. An electric motor and a bearing assembly of a working disk with three knives are mounted on a metal frame. With the help of a belt drive, rotation from the engine is transmitted to it. There are two openings in the shredder body: with a loading funnel - inlet and outlet. It is recommended to install the frame on steel legs, welded so that the working disk deviates by 30º from the horizontal surface - this simplifies the loading and feeding of cabbage under the knife.

Rice. 1. Electric shredder device:

1 - loading funnel; 2 - cover; 3 - coupling bolt; 4 - working disk; 5 - frame; 6 - electric motor; 7 - drive pulley; 8 - belt; 9 - casing of the working disk; 10 - housing of the bearing assembly; 11 - shaft of the working disk; 12 - bearing No. 80202.

Particular attention should be paid to the working disk with three knives. For its manufacture is duralumin 2 mm thick. The edge of the disc is beaded by 10 mm at a right angle to increase rigidity. Then, places for installing knives are outlined, and three sickle-shaped holes are cut. The edges of the cut are squeezed out 6 mm above the plane of the disk. Sickle-shaped knives are installed on the obtained platforms with the help of three rivets.

Cabbage slices are removed from under the disk with the help of three duralumin corners riveted on the opposite side of the disk from the knives.

The shredder body is made up of two parts. The first is the casing of the working disk. The second is a lid with a loading funnel (Fig. 3). Both parts are made from 0.75 mm thick steel sheet, gas-welded butt welded, or from aluminum sheet with rolled joints. A washing machine may also come in handy. Its body with aluminum rivets can also become the material for a working disk.

Rice. 2. The working disk of the electric shredder:

1 - knife; 2 - disk; 3 - disk hub; 4 - corner; 5 - corner rivets; 6 - knife rivet.

The bearing assembly of the working disk is a housing, a shaft and two bearings No. 80202. A corner (20 × 20 mm) and a vertical steel plate (thickness 3 mm) are horizontally welded to the housing. The lower shelf of the angle has 2 holes for attaching the unit to the frame, 2 holes in the vertical shelf and one in the top plate serves to connect the protective cover of the working disk.

Parts of the V-belt reduction gear from the engine to the working disk are also taken from the washing machine. The belt tension is controlled by the position of the motor.
A gap of 3-5 mm between the base plate of the feed funnel and the knives serves to adjust the working body. The design of the working disk - the height of the knife blades relative to the disk affects the thickness of the cut.

Rice. 3. Working area shredding:

1 - working disk; 2 - loading funnel; 3 - adjusting base plate; 4 - knife.

This equipment copes with a head of cabbage in a matter of seconds. Therefore, in order to avoid injuries, vegetables should be fed to a rotating disk with a wooden pestle.

The most modern device for shredding cabbage is a food processor. It's pretty easy to use. Cabbage is loaded into the device and in a few seconds neatly and beautifully chopped cabbage slices are ready. The kit includes a machine for sharpening knives. A combine is the best solution for a modern housewife.